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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. When I was a lad the Ice cream man sold fags dad would send me for a pack of ten & I got a sucker. Ten Park Drive were 1/8d hapenny I think the "sucker" was 3d so dad got a halfpenny change out of two bob.
  2. Each little square is a "dwelling" & is about ten feet square and would consist of three floors the top floor being a workshop containing a "stocking Frame" there were about 8,000 such dwellings in Nottingham in the mid Victorian period.
  3. This was owned by my Uncle Doug(Fearn) still in the family but I can't remember who is running the business now. Uncle Doug passed away 29th December last year aged 86 Road up the side is Celia Drive my Grandfather (father's side) lived at No1
  4. Problem with your statement.........the Colliery that produces 8,000,000 tons of coal is open cast so is in fact NOT a colliery but a quarry.
  5. I think I did the bell bit(once or twice) in the fifth year when you were not in school for some reason Wasn't it in the headmasters office? P.S. you should have used your thumb.
  6. I saw Mallard at Colwick sheds once 1960 or 1961 on an open day I have a photo of 60029 Woodcock on Colwick shed for repair after a failure at Grantham. A3s could have visited Colwick(as 38A) in the early to mid 50s when some of the class were allocated at Leicester Central(38C) for working trains over the G.C. main line. Flying Scotsman did visit Colwick as 4472 once or twice in the late 1960s(on a "rail tour")
  7. The Jaybirds played a gig at Gedling School(school dance) in 1964? DavidW will correct me if I am wrong. Alvin Lee at his fastest?
  8. So banjo you were at school the year before I was. Gedling Colliery was murdered in 1992 & the spoil is now good for wild life(featured on East Midlands Today Last week) DavidW & I were in different forms until our last year at school(first ever 5th year) I can remember the "BELL" was it not rung twice? once about 3 minuets before the lesson end and a double ring at lessons end.
  9. Suggest Post Office Square.. My Grandparents had a grocers shop which I think was numbered 618 Main Street Carlton But at some time the road east of P.O. Square became Burton Road(early 1950s ? ) Carlton Road runs from Bath street(Sneinton)to somewhere near to Standhill Road whence it becomes Carlton Hill. City boundary is half way up the hill between Porchester Road and Standhill Road.
  10. Live sports on T.V. No thanks there are enough pubs doing this already. Juke box = loud music No thanks ditto above. Beer at tables = fizzy bland keg beer (if you can call it that) ditto above How about a beer only pub where you can talk to friends without loud music, people talking(shouting) down mobile phones & decent home made food.
  11. I have Broad Band, Telephone & Television in one package from "Virgin" & costs about £45 a month which I think is good value. So I don't use the phone that much & the line rental is more than the calls but I still think I'm getting a good deal.
  12. My mother's mother was one of thirteen mother's father one of six My mother is the youngest of Six(born 1929) I don't know much about my father's side though.
  13. Must have been a summertime photo as the girls are wearing sandals.
  14. That's me second row up second from left (Andrew Smith) Laughing as usual
  15. There was a " Cawthawn" family on Welbeck Avenue (Number 15 I think) when I lived there (1953-1967)
  16. Yes that name rings a bell there was a also a George(?) Wilson had a brother Sidney who was a signalman on the railway(Colwick East Junction)
  17. Street directories I have a number going back to 1860 Quite a few only listed business or "tradesmens" addresses & only a limited number of private residencies The later directories are better for private address ( Blairs 1967 & 72 are good) I have a "Drakes" dated 1860 & a Wrights dated 1868 which are pre borough expansion and mainly feature business's. I also have five Kelly's directories.
  18. Live in a street of council houses(Welbeck Avenue built 1953) They had metal framed windows & in winter it was known to have a quarter of an inch of ice on the inside of my bedroom window. I did learn how to get dressed quickly in the mornings.
  19. David "W" were you head boy for your last year at Gedling School? I got a "thick ear" or two looking out of the windows at the buckets tipping waste on the colliery slag heap.
  20. Are you sure? it looks like the Drury Hill sign has had a "lick" of paint.
  21. Both street signs "Broad Marsh" & "Drury Hill" are still in place if you care to look.
  22. Certainly a place to avoid they will only serve holy water there now
  23. I think the main problem with building a bridge for the Lincoln line over the "East Coast Main Line" is the river Trent & canal lock. And I don't think the volume of traffic on the Lincoln route would justify the building of a bridge.