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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. About three years ago cCastle Rock did a 6% stout called "Raptor" wonderful stuff I made one big mistake and had four pints of the stuff....................... Sleeping draft
  2. Too much like Elsie Mo/Screech Owl My favourite Castle Rock regular is Screech Owl but I have to limit myself to two or three as it's a tad too powerful to risk any more.
  3. That's what I heard too but a nice "mistake" though?
  4. Well it wasn't me..........................Honest But it takes me about three quarters of an hour to walk there from where I live. At the road junction in the distance the road to the right will take you to Quorn & Woodhouse station (G.C.R.)
  5. Castle rock as a one off in selected pubs Harvest Pale "Grand Cru" 5.1% very nice almost like "Screech Owl"
  6. I was going to post this via another forum. I often walk past this spot and never spotted anything unusual.
  7. One note on the previous post. The cord junction at Loughborough linking the G.C.R with the Midland was constructed using the embankment of the G.C.R. between the canal bridge and the crossing point at the Midland removing the bridge at the same time.
  8. Quite right Mick ....................But a lot of it is available @ the city library, That is also why I collect stuff.
  9. And a lot of information is available in second hand books. Transactions of the Thoroton Society first published in 1897 & still published today. contains lots of stuff on Nottingham & shire. Nottingham Civic Society does a newsletter three times a year. again lots of local information. Also good for information are directories published by.... Drake's Wright's Kelly's Blair's
  10. Are they going to go with a BIG BANG ?
  11. There is a book about Stafford & Co http://www.nottinghambooks.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=1462
  12. Stafford & Co Ltd were still going in 1972 Tel no 248214 Blair Publications Ltd Directory for that year
  13. My mother always refered that section of Parliament Street between Clinton Street East & West as "The Bridge" After all that is what it was and still is as it was never filled in.
  14. Stafford & Company Limited Forester Street Netherfield Kelly's Directory (1941)
  15. The Keans Head is quite small It only has one room
  16. Picture taken 1973 seems pretty big to me http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM005003&pos=4&action=zoom&id=56452
  17. Is this the place? I don't think it is likely to be the smallest in Nottingham!
  18. The "smallest" public house in Nottingham was reputed to be The Duke of St Albans North Sherwood Street. Opened in 1927 & closed in 1963 when it became a private dwelling. http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM003985&pos=2&action=zoom&id=55433
  19. I used to donate money to a sick horses charity it was called "William Hills"
  20. Was his real name Lester Piggot?(he was good at riding horses )