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Everything posted by Mess

  1. As a Notts County fan I genuinely wish Forest the best of luck against Liverpool in the cup. Liverpool will be their sternest test to date but at home Forest are certainly formidable opposition as Arsenal and Leicester found out so it could happen. Is there history between Forest and Liverpool because I don't understand the need to badmouth them in the manner you've chosen?
  2. My mum always put sugar and orange juice on our pancakes too. My wife and her mum used to always comment how strange it was and insisted it had to be lemon juice leading on to arguments about the properties of citrus fruits, limonene, citric acid etc. BTW I was a professional food/flavour chemist before I retired so I do have a pretty good insight. I bet they're nice with lime juice too but I've yet to try it.
  3. Is it me or are ITV just determined to ensure that Ant and bleddy Dec are on TV every Saturday night of the year? Yes I know I can turn them off or leave the room and often do but their domination of ITV annoys the hell out of me. They're touted as the modern equivalent of Morecambe and Wise and win TV awards every year but sorry to say I don't get it. I expected at least one of them to turn up as a performer in the Masked Singer. The audiences on ITV's Saturday Night Shows all seem to to be on something. I wish I could get as excited as them watching such dross. Probabl
  4. Back in the late 50s as a 9 year old my friend and I used to attend Lifeboys at The Albert Hall. It was an early evening midweek meet up and we used the bus to and from Beechdale. When we came out the fog had descended and the buses had stopped running so we walked up Derby Rd and down Ilkeston Rd but not before we lost our 4d in a phone box by pressing button B too soon! It was quite an adventure for us youngsters which only got better when we bought some chips to share from a chippy on Ilkeston Rd with the last of our money. Shortly afterwards the visibility improved and my pal's dad came al
  5. They're not detachable you know Jill, well mines not, besides I think the neighbours would complain.
  6. Only with button up flies Beekay. Zip flies can be disastrous when you've no kecks on. Every man deserves a well aired scrotum.
  7. Oh Woody that is so so true. Politicians being a prime example. Russell Brand also springs to mind. I wouldn’t say he's posh but he tries to sound eloquent and educated when he's simply a knob.
  8. I hope Boris has sent a thank you card to Jeremy Corbyn whilst he fights for survival. If JC hadn't screwed up the Labour Party with his brainless left wing cronies they might have been able to mount a decent opposition. As it is this government will be able to do what it wants for years to come with or without Boris. I'm not a socialist but think Boris has made a mess of things. Perhaps his successor will get things back under control but I have my doubts such is the weakness of the opposition.
  9. I loved Papworths aka The Music Inn. My band mate and I used to spend hours in there in the mid 60s drooling over the guitars and other great stuff they stocked. Problem was that as 15 year olds we had very little money so could only dream. There was one young assistant who was happy for us to try stuff out but the manager would quickly intervene and tell us to stop touching if we weren’t going to buy. I think the scientific shop you refer to was Nottingham Scientific Exchange (NSE) on Peveril St. They had some nice electronic bits. My dad bought me a lovely Sanyo reel to reel tape recorder
  10. I remember Stephen Green from when I worked at Roland Green as Lab Assistant 1966-68. I always felt quite sorry for him but never knew his disfigurement was the result of an accident. I always assumed it was congenital. I wonder if it could now be repaired using modern surgical techniques.
  11. Oz, Yep it looks like Steve Cooper has got the players on side and they're performing to their potentialat at last. I think Chris Hughton was happy to take the payoff at the end. Hard to work out why it went wrong for him. His track record was quite good but it soon went downhill for him. Nigel Clough's good start has quickly fallen apart. Again his track record is good but he can't seem to make it happen with the Stags currently. I fear his public criticism of some of his players hasn't worked. Bit too early to talk about relegation but if they're still stuck at the bottom by Christ
  12. Mess

    Frido balls

    Thanks for that DavidW. I'd forgotten about the yellow sticker over the valve. I always thought it was there to keep dust and mud out. IIRC the Fridomaster was a much heavier ball hence there use by professional players in training.
  13. For my birthday one summer in the late 1950s my mum and dad bought me a shiny white Frido football. Frido balls were very popular back then and were also available in red. IIRC they cost about five bob and came with a brass valve and adapter to inflate them. The kids these day call them floaters because they were made of vinyl and quite light. On a windy day they would get blown all over the park. Anyway, these footballs were great for youngsters because you could head them without knocking yourself senseless lol. I was delighted with my white one and ran into the garden to have a kick aroun
  14. Senior moment in my original post. Pennant not pendant doh. Now it's been mentioned I remember the tests being conducted after school in the playground.
  15. Who remembers the dark green triangular felt flag pendants that you were awarded when you passed the Nottingham Cycling Proficiency exam? I didn't have one personally but I remember many of my school pals having one on their handlebars back in the late 1950s. IIRC the pendants featured the city coat of arms in yellow along with some other wording. I wonder if anyone still has theirs. I imagine they wouldn't be allowed these days as they could inflict a nasty injury if you fell on one.
  16. Tommy Cooper was Welsh so you never know. Let's hope Steve is a magician too.
  17. Oz, In common with many others on here I'm finding it very difficult to post images and even links on this site nowadays. The characters I referred to can be seen if you do an image search on Google for Nottingham Football Post. It should bring up a picture of said newspaper for May 1959 when Forest won the FA Cup. I do wonder when the FP stopped using the characters across the top of the paper.
  18. Yes Oz, football's a funny old game. I didn't expect Forest to win yesterday especially away from home. I did think Derby might spring a surprise though. Should have had a flutter. Talking of local clubs I'm sure you remember the Thomas Henry characters across the top of the front page of The Football Post which included all the teams you mention with the exception of Doncaster. I have some old Post Football Guides from the 1920s and 30s and the Sheffield clubs get included as well. My pride and joy is a PFG from 1915 which is an absolutely fascinating read.
  19. I feel really sorry for the Derby supporters. Put into administration by a wealthy owner who is only trying to cover his backside and doesn't really care about the club. There's no way they won't be relegated now. And what about Forest? Can a new manager save them from relegation? It's possible but I fear their owner is just using the club for his own ends. Mansfield have imploded recently but surely Nigel Clough is a good enough manager to bring them success eventually? And then there's dear old Notts County. They seem to have come through some very turbulent times and although
  20. The next ad is rumoured to employ a three legged dog.
  21. It must be a nightmare to be all inclusive when ad agencies are working on a campaign. To try and present a cross section of the British Population in 30 seconds is one hell of an undertaking
  22. Since when did the soaps mirror real life?
  23. I can't see things improving at Forest until the club is sold.