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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. Now there's the thing, if I did that the council would pick it up double quick and like you say save me the £37.00 problem is the countryside is at the end of the close where I live so I would be dumping it on my own doorstep, plus with the curtain twitchers in the close I don't think I would get ot out of the gate before someone asks "where you going with that Rog?" end of the day though £37.00 is not the end of world (mind suppose it is if you only got "£36.99p Rog
  2. Councils don't want to do anything these days for the customer, what they don't seem to be able to grasp is WE pay their wages so really WE are their employers, bring back the old days when the bin men would fetch the bin from your garden and take it back again I say Rog
  3. Well I hope when Mrs P's eyes are back to how they should be she will be able to see what a catch I am Rog
  4. Anyone heard from peveril peril (Terry) and radford red (Nick) lately? Rog
  5. I certainly will pass on everyones wishes and thankyou all, very thoughtful and kind of you Rog
  6. Now you two have got me worried, I think while she's in Lincoln tomorrow I'll have to sort a lot of stuff out and hide it away in the sheds, plus the new walking shoes and cycling shoes, hopefully the postman will arrive early tomorrow with my new chainwheel, oh heck I can see me not getting much sleep tonight now Rog
  7. Mrs P's cataracts sorted yesterday at Louth hospital, not a very good night for her but much easier today after I put the drops in her eye, that seem to ease a lot of the discomfort, things still a bit blurred she said but getting better, four weeks of eye drops four times a day then an appointment at the opticians in four weeks time followed by a check up back at Louth hospital. really pleased she got the cataracts sorted, the only downside if that's what you could call it is she can now see how many cycles I've got in my sheds (joking) Made a phone call today to the NK council to come
  8. stuff like this would finish a layout off perfectly, railways or trams and motor cars and lorries,buses and cycles (never thought of those) could be something to lookout for in the future, I don't do much modelling in spring summer autumn but winter in the shed with the gas fire on and music playing through the dvd/cd and telly what more can you ask for Rog
  9. The question should be "Can any high street shop survive" with high business rates, cost of parking, car parks well away from the centres, plus the ease of on line shopping and the councils don't seem to be interested in attracting people to the towns, sign of the times I suppose but such a shame, I feel sorry for the people who will lose their jobs Rog
  10. That's the one Barrie, the one I saw the centre or the road was covered with paper and painted the same as the road that allowed the magnetism to connect to the cars little magnet, I forgot all about the magnets, yes it's a great system and the one I saw working worked very well, thanks for the picture it was a great memory jog for me Rog
  11. You're probably right there Phil, free parking at the asda, get everything you want from the store why would you want to go to the market area when there is only mobile phone repair shops, mobile phone shops, nail bars (six of them), cafe's and charity shops, you just want to get the weekly shop and go home Rog
  12. There was plan to open some small retail stores and upto 1 private dwelling at the Newark M&S but now I've read the building is to be demolished Rog
  13. My N gauge non motorised rubber tyred push along Dinky A4 loco and coaches from the 1950's Rog
  14. Is that the system that runs around a series of toothed cogs to drive the track through a channel in the base board Rog
  15. I have seen the system Magnorail on a modelling site, it runs through a track system with cars slotted into the track at various distances from each other, looks to be a good system and some of the radii look quite tight, is it just for the Dinky/Corgi size cars or does it come in smaller sizes
  16. I do not have a political opinion for the same reason I don't have a religious one, if it gives someone comfort then so be it but don't push the agenda onto me, I have my beliefs on why we should use our own resources and you have yours as to why we should use another country's without any political rantings from one or two members on here, however I respect you opinion as I'm sure you respect mine Rog
  17. I don't do politics I leave that to the ones who have superior knowledge on the subject (or think they do) what I am saying is why don't we use our own raw materials instead of other countries, end of the day we are all on the same planet taking from it what we hope will benefit us it's just if we use our own raw materials the transport cost would be far lower than using our own therefore using less fuels/energy to transport it around the world, but then again what do I know Rog
  18. But it's alright for men (and women in some cases) in foreign lands to dig the stuff out of the ground for us, I see, what about unmanned machinery getting the black gold out of the ground, seems to work in some countries, maybe the reason this country is no longer the world leader it used to be is because we would sooner pay some other poor sod to access the coal/gas/oil who's country has nowhere near the H&S rules and regs and access to modern technology that we do but if the tree hugging nimby's are happy with that then so be it Rog
  19. Now there's an idea Phil, a suspended door in the roof of the shed and lowered on ropes or wires when it's to be used/worked on, good idea, got me thinking now mate Rog
  20. There are a few ideas in the pipeline regards a OO gauge railway but at the moment the area in the shed set aside for a small "fiddle yard" have been put on hold because the clock hobby has took up the shelf for the time being, I do have some track, points and curves to put down plus a few loco's and a transformer just a bit short on space Have you considered a "N Gauge" or even "Z gauge" layout, I have seen N set up in a small suit case and a scenic Z gauge set on a tea tray Rog
  21. Same everywhere Ben, people go out of town to retail parks where you can park your car close to the stores for free like at Lincoln but to park your car in a car park and go to the shop in the city will add at least another five or six quid to the bill Rog
  22. Coal in the UK start off in the west very shallow and gets deeper as you go further east, I'll dare bet if you asked any of the old mine workers if they would go and work underground most would say yes, trouble with the UK is there are a load of "nimby tree huggers" who would sooner pay through the nose for fuel/energy for someone else to dig it out of the ground than have our own self sufficient fuel/energy, well not everyone can afford the stupid prices for imported energy and fuel or doesn't that bother the so called rich in this greedy world we live in Rog
  23. Not forgetting of course all the old pit slag heaps turned into reserves and industrial estates, mining and open castings only have a short lifespan but the benefits are huge, where do people think all the sand and gravels come from to build houses, factories etc and with modern technology forever progressing the way it does I see no reason why all the nasties from using fossil fuels can't be cleaned up, just look at how much cleaner petrol burning motor cars are compared to thirty years ago Rog
  24. Wilkos in Newark have had gaps in their shelves where good should have been for ages now, Boyds seem to have too their business in Newark, trouble with companies like that they seem to rest on their laurels and think customers will stick with them but in reality customers only want bargains these days, shame to lose them though all the same, Rog