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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. Ayup all. Something that's come to mind whilst we are on about steam, I remember the staion master at Ruddington sweeping all the rubbish (leaves and litter) from the platform and piling it at the bridge end of the platform, standing back and checking his pocket watch, he would then stand in the doorway to one of the buildings and wave to the driver of the Master Cutler as it sped through the station heading towards Nottingham, the draft (vacuum) created by the speed of the train and it's proximity to the bridge caused the pile of litter to be dragged at great speed through the bridge and cle
  2. Ayup all. Does it not strike you funny that we have not had a reply from any of the nottstalgia girls, seeing has how the soaps are generally aimed at the fairer sex. or do us men just absorb information more readily? just a thought (sits back and waits for it to hit the fan) Rog
  3. Cracking bit of info there Bamber, I don't think the local post mistress can add to that but I will keep my ears open just in case there's a bit of juicy gossip Rog
  4. Ayup Bazzer, interesting about the opening times for these Market area's, do these rules/statutes or what evers date back to very early dates? John, Top house at Clifton could have been The Grey Mare and bottom house would have been The Winning post, I also know of top, middle and bottom houses in Ruddington but not sure what the pubs are called, soon will though when someone reads this Rog
  5. Ayup Scriv, Quite possible given the clientele, hawkers and street traders from the fruit and veg market, did you know the pub was allowed to open at about 6 am daily to allow the market traders to get a drink? Rog
  6. Come aht the bleddy road, it's like woking wi a man wi no arms Rog
  7. Ayup Ashley, There was something to do with swimming pools and small people that resulted in his demise from the soap (allegedly) Rog Minnie Cauldwell, Martha Longhurst and Ena Sharples all drank Milk stout, I think Bobby just drank milk
  8. Ayup Scriv, Pretty windows got it's name from the spotless white lace/net curtains that were always up at the windows, sommat other pubs dint seem to do Rog
  9. Forgot Mick, Minnie Couldwells cat was called Bobby Rog
  10. Ayup Mick, Remember there being an unexploded bomb under the house of Harry Hewitt, I think Len Fairclough tried to save him but the thing went off killing poor old Harry leaving his Irish wife Concepter (sp) and their lovely daughter Lucille to their own devices but I think Annie and Jack Walker from the Rovers helped out a bit. If you look carefully you can still see where their house stood, think there is a small bench seat there now, probably build 3 or 4 houses on that plot today Rog
  11. Ayup Bazzer, For some strange reason I can remember there being a pump house where the town arms pub (don't know what it's called now) is near to Trent bridge, sort of stone building with a tall stone chimney, now unless I'm well over 100 years old how can this be? Rog
  12. Ayup Katyjay, Don't remember any being used for housing and like everyone else I can remember the prefab/bungalow type dwellings, there are still some examples of these in the Bilborough area, one thing springs to mind though, all these prefabs had Anderson shelters in the garden that had been converted to garden sheds, just a thought Rog
  13. And the chance of someone putting Jamie Olivers head in a pan of boiling water and letting it simmer for five minutes before covering it with red wine Rog
  14. Quite agree with you there firbeck, why is it that the press or whoever build these people up only to disect their private lives and ridicule them and eventually ruin them, in the name of openness and freedom of the press? Rog
  15. Ayup all, A mate of mine uses the term "Marra" all the time, the same way as I use the term "Meduck" and he's only form Loughborough Rog
  16. Ayup all, 1969, 11d per half pint of bitter from the Grey Mare, Clifton estate, 3 Woodbines with 2 matches was 8 1/2d from Clifton village shop Rog
  17. Ayup firbeck, I take it you're not a fan then? Rog
  18. Ayup firbeck, I seem to remember he had some sort of motor accident, I can remember him coming on the show with his hand/arm in bandages Rog
  19. Ayup Beefsteak, The golf club is about 1/4 mile from the manor with a lane between the two, however I said I will go back in a few weeks when the leaves have fell off the trees and sneak a photo through there, should be a snip, after all the pics I've had from some of the military establishments in the area, if you know what I mean? Thanks for putting the pics on Cheers Rog
  20. Ayup Avocet, The post mistress is sure it's the Barnby manor we saw today,(part of her area) as I said earlier it looks like I'm going to get the story in installments but when It gets to the juicy bits I will post on here Rog
  21. I can remember there being a fun fair in the car park but can't remember if it was before or after the goose fair Rog
  22. Ayup all, Just got back from Barnby Manor after meeting Avocet and Bamber, took a couple of pics so I hope Beefsteak can put them on the site for us, really good to meet two very friendly and as expected genuine Notts folk cheers Rog
  23. OK , Will be there on me bike and with me camera Rog
  24. Ayup Avocet, Name a time between 09.00 and 11.00 plus anyone else in the area would be nice Rog