Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. You'll get crowned eventually. My grandfather used to say that to me when I was a child: "You'll get crowned!"
  2. Would the mother of Malcolm and Catherine Nix have been the Mrs Nix who kept the hardware shop at the bottom of Bobbers Mill Road? It's an unusual name. She had a poodle dog and often came to our house wanting to use the telephone...in fact, she became a nuisance! She always brought the poodle with her, so I didn't mind! I never knew where she lived.
  3. This is an image of my paternal great grandmother, Eva Burns Hudson, nee Avery, born 1864, and her son, Gilbert Nathaniel. It is on glass with an integral metal frame and very fragile.
  4. There were lots of Berridge children in that area, CT. One who has just sprung to mind was Ian Munro. In my form at school. Bright lad. Letsavagoo may recall the family. Dad was Scottish. Ian, I think, went to High Pavement.
  5. If you'd lived on Grimston Road, CT, you would have been on the photos! If you were a naughty boy, Miss Smith would have wrapped your head in the roller towel and tanned your backside, just like the other bad lads. It created a diversion from long division!
  6. When he retired, he went to live in Spain!
  7. I used to work with a chap who wore the patches, chewed the gum AND smoked the cigarettes, all at the same time! That's what I call addiction!
  8. I'm really pleased it is your sister. So nice to find a relative on a school photo. Found one from 1930 on a Beeston website a few years ago. My dad's face jumped off the screen, aged 5. I had never seen it before. He had only just passed on so it was a lovely find to share with the family. I will ask my sister if she remembers the name. Her memory isn't...and never has been... good but if I give her a name she sometimes remembers whereas she wouldn't recall faces.
  9. You haven't met our Ben. He's a legend!
  10. My sister was born in July 1950. They could have been in the same class. Sorry to hear your sister has passed on.
  11. Caption refers to Mrs Williams. Year unknown.
  12. Year unknown. Caption refers to Mr Gibby as the teacher. Juniors, certainly.
  13. Supposedly Berridge and it looks right except for the glazed tiles which I don't recall but this was long before my time. War years, possibly.
  14. Even if they cut his head off, it wouldn't stop him chasing the ladies!
  15. Catfan assures me there are no moggies missing from the cafe!! Glad you enjoyed your day, Sue!
  16. I eat loads of garlic...but we all know what a misanthrope I am!
  17. Friends Reunited again. Around 1955. A smiling Miss Smith on the right. A rare sight. She was a hard number. Didn't often smile.
  18. Again, from Friends United. Date unknown but looks like 1950s. This was taken outside the infant building and, in the background, at extreme left is the door in the wall I first entered when I began school, aged 4, just inside the Brushfield Street gate.
  19. Berridge Infants circa 1955/6. Small group. Sis on the left, looking like butter wouldn't melt!
  20. This was lifted from the now defunct Friends United website and is, unfortunately, blurred. Mr Alan Parr and final year juniors in 1968. Mrs Letsavagoo is on here.
  21. Taken outside the infant building and showing both Miss Smith the headmistress, on the right, and Miss Smith, teacher of top infants, on the left. The Stephen's Ink thermometer was still there when I arrived in 1962. This photo which has unfortunately suffered some damage, is circa 1957, the year I was born. Sis is on here. Full front row, 3rd from the right.
  22. Found the old flash drive this afternoon with a number of Berridge photos on it. Will post later.