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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. #9 Michael We used to spend most of our summer holidays in Wales in the 70's and usually ended up on magical mystery tours as most of the signposts had been removed by the Welsh Nationalists. I remember once we went to look for a mountain and never found it! Great trips out though. Usually ended up at one beach or another eating the sandwiches looking at rough seas as the rain came down.
  2. Had to rescue one about that size today from the ladies loos......swept him up into a dustpan and sent him packing into the rose bushes, to join the big fat garden spider I put in there yesterday after cobwebbing outside the loo block
  3. Morrisons were doing an offer on tins of Roses and Quality St at £8 for 2....big straight tins (1.5kg)
  4. Took our awning down today, ready for going up to Kendal. After 6 months there were one or two extra guests nestling amongst the canvas. They went for flying lessons courtesy of the sweeping brush
  5. Hope all goes well Bilbraborn. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  6. Home made spider catcher - glass or plastic beaker and coaster, glass over the spider, slide coaster under, empty out of window
  7. As long as it was cleaned out properly before you stuck it together Compo should be ok, but if swelling doesn't go down might be an idea to get it checked out. A friend fell off his bike and hurt his ankle but didn't bother getting it checked, he ended up losing his leg because of the damage he had done. My daughter has been glued together a few times Dgbrit, the price you pay for playing with horses. The first time it happened I was fascinated, though they did say "Don't try this at home"
  8. Conditions have been ideal this year for them. The big ones that you find in the house usually come in at this time of the year looking for mates. When I lived in the old farmhouse we had some humongous spiders that you could hear pattering across the carpet! I have noticed loads of the harvestmen (daddy long legs) spiders around this year too, I seem to be forever clearing up their cobwebs.
  9. All the best Andy with the radiotherapy, Catfan glad to see you are thriving, keep up the good work. Thinking positively goes a long way to self healing, and others thoughts will also help you along the path to well being.
  10. Well Autumn is truly upon us now as the Autmnal Equinox was yesterday. as from now the days will be shorter than the nights.
  11. My sunflowers are still putting on a brave display. Looking forward to getting up to Kendal next weekend. Six weeks of the trees turning all colours. can't wait.
  12. Oh so it wasn't just a case of catching them at a bad moment then. At least I dun me best for me client in the cake department, as long as it survived the staff!
  13. Thank you Carni. Yes it's great to know you have created something to make people smile. It is also a great relief when it is safely delivered and you are satisfied with it, as you are always your own greatest critic I think. Sometimes I have to walk away from a cake and go back later to see the effect, especially if it has a painted picture on it.
  14. Thank you Michael and Catfan. If I ever make it to a meet up I'll bring some samples
  15. This is my last wedding cake, Michael as the job I do now makes it too difficult to give them the time and attention that they deserve. Fortunately I could arrange things as we are working so close to home and our days off fell right, but I can't expect that all the time. As The caravan Club are also paying me I have to give them my full attention during the season, which is now 8-10 months for us. so after 30 years I have decided it is time to hang up my wooden spoon (well in the kitchen anyway ) I will still do cakes for family and friends of course if I possibly can. Here's a photo If
  16. Today I delivered the last wedding cake that I shall be making in my professional capacity. A lot of time has gone into the cake and I was quietly confident about it, despite having to travel four tiers over 35 miles and then complete decoration and set the cake up at the venue. Last week I had contacted the events co-ordinator to check on when I could deliver the cake (from 8 am onwards) and to confirm that I would be requiring use of their cake stand. I confirmed that I would be arriving at around 8.am. My first impression of the hotel, which I shall not name but is situated in a retail pa
  17. On Golden Pond with Jane and Henry Fonda
  18. Aw lovely. Show the dangers of leaving rubbish lying around too.
  19. Sometimes when I "like" a post I get a pop up saying that my like cannot be registered (or something like that), though on the post it comes up that I have liked it. I often wonder which bit hasn't been registered....if you know what I mean
  20. We solved this problem by downloading google chrome. They have a download available which stops these adverts invading your screen.
  21. Or advertise the horse as a "share". It stays at the same stables and they will share the costs and work in return for riding whenever they want. That way you keep control but have someone to keep the horse going. I must admit we let my daughters horse go when she went to uni, it was in livery and I could not look after it as well as if it had been on our own yard. It was kinder to the horse in the long run. Advertising in ad mag or on one of the horse related sites online is best. You can vet the people, and even ask for references.
  22. Adam Adamant.....corrrrr that Gerald Harper! The Liver Birds Hugh and I The Gnomes of Dulwich Terry and June Sykes Poldark The Onedin Line
  23. Hi Carol, I shall add my welcome to Nottstalgia. I remember very well Griffin and Spalding, and though as a young child I dreaded going in as it meant a visit to the haberdashery department and endless hours (so it seemed) of boredom while Mum chose patterns and material, at the same time I much preferred the old shop to the now Debenhams, mainly because there isn't the haberdashery department, perversely! Have to say I do not remember the decimal dollies, but I was only 13 in 1971.
  24. Perhaps we like to be a little mysterious......I am a lady of a certain age
  25. #13 Yes I believe they do. We looked at a lovely bungalow just recently and it was "non standard construction" (ie wood) which meant it was going to be difficult to get a mortgage even never mind insurance.