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Everything posted by DAVIDW

  1. Hey don't diss Fiats ! I've had my little 08 Panda for 13 years now (tempting fate !) and it's been a brilliant little car , done everything asked of it , including a few trips from Cornwall to Northern Holland and numerous trips to the Midlands. Now on 111,000 miles and went through its MOT last week with just an advisory for rust on the exhaust. Must have been worse than they thought , as the very next day of it passing its test , the back exhaust box sheared off from the pipe. £100 for a new back box fitted . The only electrical gremlin so far has been whe
  2. "What determines the “frozen pension” list of countries where British expats won’t ever see an increase in their benefits? The government’s policy is seemingly illogical and random. For example, UK pensioners living in Trinidad have frozen pensions, while those residing in Barbados enjoy annual indexed increases."
  3. Thanks Stuart C. For the explanation I think I grasp some of it .
  4. Unfortunately I believe your pensions will be frozen at whatever rate it is currently . It apparently affects half a million expats in countries such as Australia, Canada . If I'm reading it right those expats in Europe and a few other select countries get the increase. More here : https://frozenbritishpensions.org/the-problem/
  5. Just signed the petition for increasing the old state pension to the same rate as those on the "new" pension rate. I still don't understand why there are two rates. No one has ever explained the reason to me. In April those of us born before April 1951 will get £169 per week , whereas those born after April 51 get £221 per week, a massive difference and if they apply a blanket percentage each year the difference in money terms will increase even more. My wife missed out on the new rate by being born just 22 days too early , just so unfair. Article
  6. I keep saying to my wife "I don't know how old people are supposed to do all this" , when logging onto certain online sites (forgetting I'm in that category myself). As well as your email and password, a number of sites won't let you in until you have inserted a six figure code that they send separately to your mobile phone or email address. I can cope at the moment but one day maybe it will all be too complicated !
  7. @DJ360 Thanks for asking for me , really appreciate it. Since posting my previous message , I joined a FB page for Newton Heath and got a fair bit of info on him . It confirms that we had the right parents for him but unfortunately still no closer to finding any living relatives . Also confirms what I suspected in that he worked with Jimmy Savile and his sidekick Ray Teret ! Indeed with information from that FB page found an article and photo of him in a Manchester paper from 1965 where along with Savile , they were organising outings for crippled handicapped children
  8. @DJ360 Similar story to Beekay's above and I know its not Liverpool but I'm on a genealogy board, trying to help a Danish chap find any relations to a recently deceased, 1960s Manchester club DJ called Dave Booth (born 1942). He billed himself as "Englands top soul DJ". After working in Manchester he lived and DJ'd in Denmark from 1970 until his death , leaving no partner or children. I put an appeal on a couple of Manchester nostalgic FB pages including one for 60s/70s Manchester clubs but had no luck. People remember the clubs he worked (one called Ray's Place) but not him.
  9. Mayflower curry sauce mix is my go to ingredient to add to my gravy and only about a pound from Home Bargains or Iceland. As theres only two of us, usually make it in a mug, add one teaspoon of the curry mix to three teaspoons of any gravy granules , (sometimes add a dash of Worcester Sauce). Add the boiling water and its always tasty !
  10. Using the name given by CT have found an article that answers my own query. The building despite its ornate tower and many upper floors just seems to have been small shops ! From an article in the E.P. dated 18th Sept 1928 , it details the reason for demolition of the old corner shops and from the text, the photograph may have been dated to between 1926 and 1928 as the upper floor of the Three Crowns had been removed at the earlier date because it was structurally unsafe. "A STREET IMPROVEMENT. £15,000 CORNER SCHEME IN NOTTINGHAM. SIX SHOPS AND PUBLIC-H
  11. Surprised that the map shows a truncated Talbot Yard as originally believe it ran right through to the Talbot pub in the Square. The "Palace of Varieties" later became the Scala as shown on this later map , previously posted by CT , showing the bank in place of the turreted building. It gives the bank as 31 and 33 Market Street. https://imgur.com/9CCAhVp?r
  12. Thanks CT , not sure why that link doesnt work maybe something to do with that pages settings ? I had seen that Barnett name elsewhere, will check further . Still seems an ornate building for ordinary shops. This is a page on Martin's Bank with pics that replaced that corner. https://www.martinsbank.co.uk/11-52-60 Nottingham Market Street.htm
  13. Been intrigued by the narrow turreted building shown in a photo recently posted on Nottm Way Back When (link below). Unfortunately it must have been demolished before 1931 as that was when the classical style Martin's Bank (later Barclays) opened at the corner of Market St and Parliament St. giving the address of 33 Market St. Today its a restaurant. The alleyway between the turreted building and the Three Crowns pub was called Talbot Yard and that apparently ran from Parliament Street down to Long Row. I can't find much about this old building only t
  14. Ha ! Unfortunately those stories didn't get published !
  15. Yes that vicars name kept coming up in the newspaper searches, couldn't find anything about other Pearsons from Lambley.
  16. Returning to this subject as it came up today on a FB page. I did another old newspaper search and found an article in the S.Notts Echo of September 1922 that said Lambley Jack was the youngest son of a butcher from Lambley called Pearson. The article basically said that young Jack Pearson was a bit of a daredevil youth who did such japes as taming charging bulls and "walking" across the Trent by a method of strapping his boots to the inside bottom of wooden buckets and striding across , at the site of where Gunthorpe Bridge is now. It was also claimed he was one o
  17. Walsall Conduits in the old news archives were listed as 232 Wilford Road . First mentions of them at that address appear to be 1968.
  18. Nottingham Memories https://m.facebook.com/groups/1711625782435087/info/
  19. Thanks very much Cliff Ton , that helps understand the layout. If fact your arrow I think touches what was Marsh Farm in Kirk's Yard (L shape building) as it backed on to a house and provisions shop owned by a Mr. Dale in Narrowmarsh (according to a sale advert from 1893).
  20. This picture cropped up again on a Facebook page of the 15th/16th Century half timbered property called Marsh Farm , in Kirk's Yard off Byrons Yard that was to the rear of Narrowmarsh. I read that Kirk's Yard was hidden behind a heavy wooden door. Is there a map showing these yards Cliff Ton ? Reading old newspaper articles, its last use was as storage place for an Italian man call Theo Garribaldi who stored his street barrel organs there. Apparently they were rented out to various street vendors who roamed the city streets.
  21. Mr Millers seemed to have opened Dec 1972 at 45 Bridlesmith Gate and the theme seemed to be (not unsurprisingly) big band music including Glen Miller , though no doubt that changed in time ? Can't see any other mention or adverts after 1978. It appears to have been run by Tony Etridge who also had other venues in town .
  22. Chris Dawson who owns The Range stores bought out the Wilkos brand name and has started to open shops under that name , one opening in Plymouth , another in Exeter and one in Luton with more to follow. More here https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2023/12/wilko-open-40-stores/
  23. Made a slight faux pas whilst cooking our turkey crown yesterday . Thought we would be lazy and get one of those foil disposable turkey tins to cook it in ,to save some cleaning. The cooking instruction said 2 hours 40 mins at 190°, so after that time pulled out the part brown bird and prodded it with one of those digital meat thermometers . One of the readings pushed in the side was ok but another part was under the correct temp , so my wife said push it in deeper to see what the reading is there, which I duly did but temperature was still not right so put it back in the oven
  24. I think the first single I bought was an instrumental . African Waltz by the Johnny Dankworth Orchestra . Strange choice for a 12 year old!