The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Its an Oki c5600. There are windows 10 drivers for it but they don't work properly. It is an old printer. I also have Nero 7 Ultra on my old Vista desktop which I had found wouldn't work with Windows 10. I just had another go at installing it this morning and it is working perfectly. Looks like I shall be shopping for a Windows 10 desktop.
  2. I started the thread and having had a look at everything I have got I am beginning to ask myself the same question. Just a laser printer that wont run on Win 10
  3. Thanks. Didn't know Truman Aviation went that far back.
  4. Trumans moved directly from Mansfield Road to Huntingdon Street. Nowhere else in between. They eventually absorbed from there to TrumanMitchell on the corner of Triumph Road (Triumph Corner). It seems to me that at the same time Trumans became TrumanMitchell they moved into Field Aircraft Services place at Tollerton. Must have went into aeroplanes instead of cars.
  5. That's about the same as me. I have 10 on my laptop but I am happy with it.
  6. Really wasn't really feeling too clever. I have had a very chesty cold(?) and have at times felt like my chest was about to explode. Somewhat better now than it has been tho'
  7. Just wondering if anyone here is still running Windoze 7 and didn't take the upgrade to 10. Before anyone jumps in and says how wonderful 10 is I am asking because I have some software that I use and a colour laser printer that won't run with Windoze 10. I currently have a desktop with vista on it that does (did) the job but it is now so ssssssssslllllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww that you can go make a cup of tea between each page downloading. There are plenty of cheap towers available that are quite powerful machines that have 7 on them.
  8. My mother and her mother used the term 'sucky' to be someone not very bright, thick or walking around with their mouth open! At that probably Aspley, Hyson Green or Radford terminology.
  9. It was called British Leyland, plus nationalisation, and out of control trade unions.
  10. Early Mk2's must have just had a vacuum tank same as the 100E at that. My father had a Mk 2 Zephyr which was a 1961, 965 KTV. that did have a vacuum pump on it so the wipers didn't slow down. I learnt to drive in that car - never a problem with the column change tho'. No overdrive on a Zephyr though, but having learnt to drive with a big soft 6 cylinder engine has meant that I really never wanted anything less. Probably has something to do with my interest in old Rovers now. Still a big daft 6 cylinder engine!
  11. Not so much the faster you went. The more you put your foot down the slower the wipers went - mainly to get it uphill. My old 1959 100E Anglia below:
  12. This is the bit that makes the least sense to me. You drive your car to catch a tram? Thought the idea was to get cars off the road. This is the reason I no longer use the tram. I have to drive 6 miles from home to catch a tram at Cinderhill. No point. I can WALK 50 yards from home and catch a bus straight to Victoria Bus Station. I could of course catch the bus to Cinderhill and then catch a tram from there, but what is the point?? The bus services are more than adequate and they can go anywhere there is a road!
  13. Does anyone here use this facility or know any more about it?
  14. I walk quite a lot. I didn't think it would be much different. Rode up Mansfield Road (Eastwood) this morning and got more than half way up. Well pleased I was. I stopped, got off, started to walk and my legs vanished and I ended up in a heap on top of the bike. Got a puncture on the way back home so I have just ordered a pair of Slime Tubes!
  15. You seem very low down. Second go at a ride to Wilko in the morning. Currently getting aches of the upper leg muscles and I am not very good at getting up hills (yet). Not ridden a bike for over 40 years so what should I expect really! Unfortunately I have a good hill to negotiate in both directions. Only downside to travelling on a bike around these parts.
  16. Thanks. I have just looked briefly on YouTube and there are a few videos explaining how to set them up. Will have a look later - its cowd ahtside! It also seems that this bike might be a bit better than I had bargained for. it is a Scott Atacama Trail. (Hybrid). It seems they are quite well thought of in some circles. It certainly wasn't cheap when new.
  17. Everything you are telling me is helping thanks. Its 40 odd years since I last rode a bike. I have collected this one now and everything is good so far. I have only ridden it briefly in the dark but its a nice ride. Its got no lights yet. The only thing wrong was the cable to the rear dérailleur was out of one of its clips on the frame and I had to disconnect the cable from the rear dérailleur to get it back in to its clip. I haven't adjusted the cable correctly yet as I can't get the lowest gear (biggest sprocket on rear wheel). I shall have a look in daylight tomorrow. It's 21 speed Shimano
  18. Is 70 psi the normal pressure for bike tyres?
  19. Is there any particular brand of tyre that is better than anyone else's and is this 'Slime' to stop punctures any good?
  20. He reckons its only been ridden four times. It wants few bits doing to it that i can already see from the photos. There are no lights on it and I don't like the pedals. No doubt that it wants oiling everywhere as it has not been used for some years.
  21. I don't have a problem with Mansfield. There are one or two areas tho'
  22. Decided to take pot luck. Just bought this on Ebay. £64. Got to collect it from Mansfield as soon as possible.