The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Following the discovery that my G. Uncle George Harvey was killed in WW1 have been to visit CWGC website and discovered this information on him. I can actually pinpoint his grave on Google Earth. What would be nice to know is what he was actually doing to get killed - apart from walking in the opposite direction to a bullet that is. It would be nice to know what 'action' he was in or what battle, if any. Is there any way of finding out? I have posted them all here as the might be of interest to people on this forum
  2. Its a bit like watching paint dry!
  3. Nice picture of Manchester United going through Arkwright St. Station
  4. #226, all I get on the Nottstalgia page is a link. Click on it and I get the picture.
  5. One thing I do like about Postimage in favour of Flickr is that you can click on the picture and get the larger picture on Postimage and that is all you get, unlike Flickr that then lets you into every other picture in the owners account.
  6. Here we all are in front of the Palace of Versailles on the same rally. the first image is posted with Tinypic and the second, same photo with Postimage see how this turns out - the link is a lot shorter with Tinypic
  7. Here are two similar pictures (without the story) that I have just placed here using Tinypic. Can everyone see these?
  8. It cannot be anyones computer. the pictures are hosted by Postimage, they are not on this forum. the problem must be with Postimage
  9. Hmmm! Had a couple of them for tea yesterday!
  10. OK. I am happy with Postimage - I will keep using it.
  11. Well I keep reading about Postimage and doing nothing about it because I am happy to continue using Tinypic. Tinypic is owned by Photobucket so I have signed up with Postimage just in case they do the dirty with that as well. Here is a first attempt using Postimage. Wollaton Park Autokarna 2009. If anyone is interested the car is a 1937 Rover 16 Sports Saloon. Then owned by Bernard Gee of Derby. In 1989 Bernard and myself in this (his) car together with other members of the Rover Sports Register, did a 10 day tour of France ending at Le Mans. Bernard asked me to go wit
  12. Exactly. But in my case I believed that Hyson Green was the stretch from Gregory Boulevard to Wilkinson Street
  13. Better explain why I stated the obvious that the link was Gregory Boulevard. My grandmother was born on Belton Street (c.1900) which is off Radford Road opposite, in the vicinity of the Police Station. I only ever knew her on Minver Crescent, Aspley but even in the late sixties and early seventies she still used to go back to Radford Road to do her shopping. She always used to say 'I've been on The Green'. She was not actually referring to Hyson Green the area, but to specifically to Radford Road. Its rubbed off on me and even now I consider Hyson Green to be Radford Road.
  14. The second link is Gregory Boulevard. I have just tried to pan along and turn left on to Radford Road and it just gives a horrible jump back again as though Radford road is a no go area.
  15. There is smoke coming out of the chimney in that picture.
  16. He's probably dead now anyway - its an old picture
  17. I believe it is time the licence fee was stopped and the BBC made to fend for itself. It might look after the money a little better
  18. But you are paying TV Licence
  19. The only thing I possess at the moment that is Bluetooth is my phone. I have set that so that it can be 'found' but my laptop is unable to find it.
  20. Seems that I haven't got Bluetooth built in although it is mentioned in settings/devices but that will be to do with Windoze 10 rather than the laptop itself
  21. That OK thanks. I have powered speakers. Just easier to ask here than fiddle around the back of my old desktop to find where they are plugged in. I hadn't thought about Bluetooth though. I will look into finding out if my laptop that when I have had me dinner
  22. If I wish to use external speakers on my laptop would I just plug them into the headphone socket? You must be able to do it but I can't see any other way.
  23. I would think that Mill cafe has got more going for it than McDonalds!