The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Its certainly an MG. Not in to MG's so no idea what type
  2. It does. When anybody mentions Vernon Road to me I instantly think of Catchems - Cropley Institute of Boozing!
  3. Hadn't thought about that. One does meet the other. I was just trying to work out how Basford became attached to Hyson Green.
  4. Possibly. I was doing PH with various private coach companies.
  5. Actually it was the other way around for me. Service bus really wound me up, which is why I left it - that and rubbish pay at that time. Give me private hire any day!
  6. Thats a Humber Sceptre. Different roof line to a Singer Vogue.
  7. I took my P4 across to Trim, Co. Meath a few years back. Not for a day trip mind, I went for the week!
  8. Here's is the video of the 'recovery' operation. What actually happened to cause the crash is that a car driver doing something he shouldn't clipped the front wheel of the bus and ripped the steering wheel out of the drivers hand.
  9. When I did my PSV it was Class 1 and Class 1a. A for automatic. As you say people with a 1a licence couldn't drive manuals.
  10. Well just driven the road from Risley through to Stanton-by-Dale and noticed a roller shutter barn door half way up and parked in the barn was a nice blue and cream Midland General Bristol FLF with another bus parked at the side of it. Anyone know anything about them? Maybe they will be on Wollaton Park on Sunday.
  11. I may do that. I object to paying for parking. It pay out enough to drive I don't see why I should pay to park it as well! I would rather catch a bus - at least then you get something for your money!
  12. Is there anywhere to safely park a bike and lock it up anywhere in the grounds at Wollaton Hall? Planning on coming to Autokarna on Sunday and coming so far in my van and cycling the rest. Just need somewhere to leave it.
  13. I'm with iD - which is Carphone Warehouse. It uses the 3 network. £7 per month. 500 mins talk, 5000 texts, 5Gb of data which rolls over. 3 isn't the best coverage for 4G but I can live with it.
  14. General Cemetery as well, only there's no caves. Guess they lift a few lids at night!
  15. I am hoping to be there weather permitting. Won't be exhibiting tho'.
  16. On my holidays in the 60's and 70's at Portsmouth and Sunny Southsea the only buses I remember seeing of Portsmouth City Council were Leyland PD2's. Even the two open top ones that ran the sea front service were Leylands. They were pre-war reg RV **** one of which is preserved.
  17. No, never drove one. they were obsolete before I had a licence.
  18. R100 was Barnes Wallis and was successful. R101 was a flop and yes, it crashed. My father would have been a three year old in 1931 but that may well be what he told me about.
  19. I vaguely remember my Father speaking of that. He would be 90 now. It was either R100 or R101. We need someone who knows more about airships to come along.
  20. Giant is available here too. I have seen them in in a cycle shop in Long Eaton. Virtually all bikes now are made in Taiwan.
  21. Yes. Looking again, it was before July/August '66. Trolleybus wires are still up.
  22. Bus will be about 1954/5 registered. Photo is later than that. It'll be winter at about 11.25!