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Everything posted by Bilbraborn

  1. Yes but you are a very nice female Jack Dee
  2. Quite a lot of the above. But mine are completely numbskulled motorists. Like the ones who sit in the outside lane at traffic lights then indicate to turn right when the lights change. The ones who indicate after they have started turning. Those who don't even bother to indicate. Those who bust a gut to overtake everybody then turn right a couple of hundred yards along the road and hold everybody up who they have just overtaken because there is a lot of traffic coming the other way. TAILGATERS!!! As part of my work I have to sometimes serve customers. I think it is tot
  3. Sorry are you getting a bit flushed? OK we'll put the lid down on the subject. Hey. I remember a few years ago going to the 700th Goose Fair. How many is this one?
  4. Don't take yer car within 3 miles of the event or the parking police will pounce.
  5. Compo is it a reflection of something?
  6. Good for them Beefsteak. All the same, there are some schools where learning comes second to disrupting. And my eldest three grandkids go to one of them. The willing ones (including my 3) tend to stick together, but they tell me it is very hard for them.
  7. It is Comic Sans, but if it is causing difficulties, I will change back to Times New Roman. Sorry. I always was an ockerd owd git. IS THAT BETTER? LOL
  8. Don't ferget to get some extra loo roll in then Pixie.
  9. I took down the phone number of that place. I'm a bit Boracic Lint at present but I'm not always.
  10. Compo, you'll really be inspired by seeing my mum sitting on the prom at Skegness eating sandwiches, and sitting on the prom at Rhyl eating sandwiches, and sitting on the prom at Penzance eating sandwiches, and sitting on the prom at Llandudno eating sandwiches........... I have one very interesting one. My granddad, being a Labour party Alderman on the Nottm City Council for many years was Sherriff of Nottingham in 1959. I have a short cine scene of him taking the scout salute outside the council house at the St. Georges Day Parade. You can see all the stranded trolley buses w
  11. Ol' Pither must have left just after I did. Miss Louden left during the time I was there. Definitely not a very inspiring teacher. I think my last Maths teacher was Miss Conway.
  12. Albert Einstein did not have up to the minute computers and lap tops, neither did Michael Faraday, nor Professor Hawkings when they were at school. I am not grudging all this expensive kit. We had what was then termed modern equipment at Bilborough Grammar School. But will it actually be of any use to some of the brats my poor grand kids have to share a classroom with? A sad fact of life is that many modern schools are filled with youngsters that have no intention of learning.
  13. There is a lot in that. When I think of all the jobs I have had, only one involved sitting down. All the others have been physically active. Bus Conductor (they were the days), Milkman, railway. I am still walking about 5 miles a day around the kitchens I work in. My diet isn't all it should be but I must burn it all off pretty quickly. My wife and I are both in our 60s but we are very active. But to be fair, I think some conditions can be genetic which is probably one of the reasons why people have heart trouble and other such things at an early age.
  14. It used ti finish Saturday night but I think it goes through to sunday now with an early finish. Maybe some rides even go on Saturday.
  15. What about the 10 O'clock horses will get you if your are not in bed early. And itchy hands. If it is your right you are going to part with money and if it was your left you are to receive it. (or was it the other way round?)
  16. You're right Andrea. On a trip to Amsterdam with my family a few years ago I had never seen so many bicycles.
  17. Stephen. They will never be punished. Just one of many examples of legalized robbery. I bet you know a few more.
  18. Alison, I think at one time it was unheard of not to take a huge picnic with us on days out. We all had to share the burden of carrying it all. If it was sunny we had to fight off the wasps and at Skeggy keep the seagulls away. I have reels of cine film of my family on holidays in the fifties and sixties that my dad shot. On all the family shots we seem to be all munching sandwiches. I wish I could afford to have the films converted to DVDs. At home, my mum used look after all the food & money management. If there were special offers she played dirty. I remember t
  19. There's an on line second hand junk shop. It's called Ebay.
  20. My carbon footprint is so big it takes all day to cross. am I bovvered? Is my face bovvered?
  21. So the world is to be run by a trio of elderly con merchants?