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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. What a great number by the one and only 'Chuck Berry'' A very relaxed performer...... Must get back to 'Memphis'Tennessee' and visit my Marie............. Edit.........full screen is good............
  2. Basford Gas works.......brings back some crazy memories Me and a couple of mates would set off from Bestwood estate on our bikes.........think we'd be about 12 years old and we would go to Basford gas works....with something like 4/- for a sack of Coke...which we balanced on our cross-bars for the 2 mile trip back home.....always remember the tram lines were still down....and i got my front wheel jammed in them...with a trolley bus approaching......luckily it stopped before squashing me.... only did it about 3 or 4 times...but it was something that could'nt happen nowadays....
  3. Locarno and Palais now pulling '' places ever...........might stop at home and just dream.........
  4. NEVER DANCED in a long 'Mac''...........or did i in my 'Paca-Mac''''?........19/6...from a shop on Andover road about 1960.......
  5. IF there is a sensible price was £9...........which is about the going rate today.......for a number ONE...PLUS Eyebrows Ears and a first for me something stuck up both Nostrils....bleddy painful.. To be fair taking into consideration the Espresso.. £9 werent bad..... Edit........nearly forgot to mention.......told Ali what a good job he'd done and i'd probably go into Town tonight on the pull'''.......
  6. Hair cut this morning in Bulwell...........tried another Barber.....Kurdish/ Iraqi........very pleasant with warm welcome and believe it or not..a brilliant Espresso during the 'Cut'.......last time i had a Coffee in the Barbers'' was in the Muslim quarter of ''Cartagena'' Southern Spain.....even gave me a 'Fag' Must admit i do ask alot of questions of people not from these parts........told me he (Ali) lived in Derby.....told him i have relatives in Derby.....he then added he moved there from Glasgow....told him ive worked a lot up there........then thin
  7. Ilkeston accent sounds funny.......... AH happy days when London was a pleasure............
  8. What a boring match tried watching but kept .........switching over...... Back Passing....Square Passing....Players ive never heard of......Serbs didnt know what a foul throw was.......supporters jumping up and down and hugging each other.........commentators going on as if it was the World cup.........its only the European cup ya know..!!! Sooner watch somethig more meaningful like......Basford town..V...Parliament street
  9. Happy chap this morning............lots of 'Fathers day'' greetings from around the World........Iraq..Rwanda...Australia......Oh yes not forgetting....... ........Bulwell....Bestwood....and Hucknall..........
  10. Another top year......Disco music in full swing.......hit 30s but still felt 19..........met my beloved in 76.... Promise not to chat me up..if i sit next to you..! I promise...was her reply......turned out to be a Fibber''...
  11. Miners were def well paid............when i Managed shops for Marsdens as a Teenager in the 60s i was earning something like a 'Tenner' a week and my old schoolmates down the ;Pit' were on nearly double that............but i wouldnt never have swopped with them......always felt sorry for them down the 'Pits'.....
  12. Its hard enough to attract trade into Towns nowadays..........without making Parking difficult......and even expensive.........If Towns want to attract people in to spend their money i believe they should make Parking free and easy to find close to the shops........ Used to enjoy Mansfield or going into Nottingham and Derby.......but today its a struggle to find convienient Parking or even free Parking........Bulwell is still fairly busy and Parking is all free and close to the shops.....surely other places must realise this........
  13. Should have handed ya Fags round..BK............
  14. LOL...........Never heard them down Locarno........difficult to dance to...........
  15. Love it OZ...........Locarno...Palais...Bodega..Whistle Stop....Boat Clubs......what memories we all Have..........brought back by Music like that..........
  16. Good pair GO.......John and that Piano............
  17. When soaps were good to
  18. Anyone remember these?..........ABGibson Based in Daybrook Sherebrooke road.....were the suppliers of the VG stores throughout the Midlands South Yorks..Lincs Cambs and Norfolk.........VG is no longer a trading its height i believe it had something like 3,000 stores........Gibsons had two other depots apart from Daybrook...they were in Peterborough and Moxley west Midlands.........I worked for them all thru the 70s at all3 depots.....good days some great people........
  19. Start the day........with a cherry pink...or even An Apple Blossom'' white..........
  20. Horse and Jockey gone Phil.........i used to work in the old Oxford.1967. 4/- per hour.......can you remember the small room they called the 'Blood Room?
  21. 1907...........SAME TODAY thanks to Paul Turton for photos...
  22. Who needs Skeg.....where else in NOTTINGHAM compares to this..........