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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Must have just missed you Margie..........didnt go in Wetherspoons...(dont use it anymore) but was in Bulwell couple of Hospital appointment tomorrow so wont be at meet -up either........hope you all have nice gossip........
  2. Wishing you a happy birthday Carnie............and obviously all the best in Hospital.......x
  3. Loved this remember it well from all those 60 years ago........ We been Jiving all night long.......come outside....... What For? Cos there wont be any time left for Romancing......... Oh all right then....... Proper 'Locarno' night.......there's a lovely moon up there ........
  4. 60s..70s..And 80s........they say ''practice Makes Perfect''.....
  5. Took a girl from Mansfield down the Green'' and into the 'Smiths Arms'' in the mid 60s...........she saw the 'Pickled eggs'' in in big jar on the Bar.....and asked me what they were...said she'd never seen or heard of em afore...must have thought they were a Nottingham delicacy........ Twas the same night she told me a chap had just squeezed her 'Ass' at the Bar........told her ''Tek no notice..they all do that round here'''..........
  6. Both..Cliff ton...........never saw him in a 'Collar and Tie''......tut........
  7. Since my 'Big Op'' in 2018 ive not been as fit as i was once have been paying a Gardener to 'Mow' my lawns.........the big one is roughly the size of a football Penalty box'' perhaps even slightly larger..... Have felt for some time he wasn't doing a very good job...never cut deep enough and was very he wasn't exactly the nicest chap i know.......... So when he decided to ''UP'' his price...i told him ''Thanks but no thanks'' and bought a nice new large ''Lawn Mower''..last week...........Its been good for my 'Fitness' and my L
  8. Tried a 'Turkish Barber'' this morning........all i have is a number ' one..........and eyebrows trimmed......... Conversation at the door went......... How much for an old Man who just wants a number One ? Whatever you want to Pay me...!! Very pleasant conversation...had the number One plus 'Eyebrows''' also 'Razored'' me 'Sideburns'' Gave him a POUND.....and told him to keep the change'''' His face was a Turkish Picture''' Then paid him Properly....was very least he had a sense
  9. Enjoyed a few 'Tremeloes' records back in the day...... Once caught a ''Shoplifter'' named Brian Poole.......swore he wasn't ever a 'Tremeloe''.............
  10. Not quite Kingston......but Bulwell Town was looking good in the lovely Sunshine this morning......full of people of all 'Hue;s'' Market busy selling Fruit..Veg...Bakery products...Eggs...Watches. and 'Charity shops selling ..clothes and much more.......
  11. Love the Poem Margie...........i often use that phrase'' I recall our RE Teacher always used it..........
  12. Me too Carnie.......get in get it done and get we can duet again....
  13. Up to being 73 i reckon i was pretty fit.....despite having a big Heart attack when i was 58.......... Played a little football....could go for a run......still working at something i loved (meeting and greeting people)...liked a smoke and a drink......then a major illness that took my voice forever..but also affected my life in very many ways.... Now at 77 feel blessed to still be around......i miss having a run or short kick-about.....also miss a Drink or two...with a disability takes up some time every day attending to it.......i enjoy a short cycle on days t
  14. EY-UP Duck yo or rate ? EY-UP am ok Duck........ Normal Duck ? No Ta Duck....just a black coffee....... How much is this Cat Duck ? £3 Duck... Goo on then...i'll ey it............ EY-UP Jean...ya still love me Duck? No...never did....yo know that...... Any chance moving in we ya when Mrs chucks me out ? AY YA got any money? NO No chance then....... Nice ta see ya Ben And you mi Duck...... Buy ya Coffee next time Duck That'll be nice......Ben....ta ra Duck......
  15. Yes.......and he did meet Wetherspoons.........blimey she's aged a bit...
  16. Told John how good ''Grab a Granny Nights'' were in he was there yesterday...''East Dereham'' wonder if he danced with 'Sally'' ?..........oh no she was in Samsons'' Wednesday nights in he goes there
  17. Cant recall any 'International stores'' in Nottingham.....where were they BK ? We at Marsdens'' always thought ''SPD'' stood for ''Soap Powder Delivery's''....took all these years to find out not.............
  18. This is the company that bought out Farrands- Marsdens about 1970...........they were based in the North-east...........
  19. Another VG store...........shown by Cliff ton previously...Taggs..Woodborough road.........
  20. Have added VG stores to the Marsdens etc thread..........worked all over the country dealing with VG stores........there were quite a few in Nottinghamshire.........they were all privately owned and at one time there were over 3;000 nationwide.......anyone recall any where they lived ?........... ABGibsons of Daybrook supplied the Notts..South Yorkshire..Lincs..East Anglia.and West Midlands ones...with depots also operating out of Peterborough and Moxley......
  21. Had to give my hotel room up for them in Cleethorpes....... and all the time they were in Moscow.....tut........... Wonder if they went to 'Grab a Rusky'' Granny there?.......
  22. Hard to say Margie......the others seem to have more black on their wings......and seem a bit weary' of him....... Leery'' sounds