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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Those 3 huts on the left as you went in were our class rooms Col............the bottom one i remember so was my ist had a Coke fired heater in the middle with a long thin chimney up thru the roof............ Our Teacher was Mrs Taylor a quite old lady who was lovely......but she insisted on kissing us every day on leaving...... The Huts were there for many years even when HP was may also recall also on the left when going in...our open roofed toilets which were up a long alley...
  2. Made a mess of this.......should have been on Bestwood Estate thread ..........wanted to say this photo above or below i'm confused... was taken at the ''Huts'' school about 1951 on the site that was to become ''High Pavement school''..............
  3. My first memory of any school was the 'Huts'' which i started at in 1950...on the site of what was to be HP....Was there until 52 or 53....before going to 'Whipple'' across the road........ Back in those days before HP the whole site right down to Arnold road was our ''Little Paradise'' for football and was known as ''Back Wall''.........After HP was built we still used it and refused to believe it wasn't
  4. Living on Kersall drive and walking thru a council estate to HP Grammar school sounds like Bestwood to me....i'll find it in his book again....You probably right Col...i did say he didnt mention it by name...i just assumed.....
  5. Dance Duck ?.........Goo on then''......... showing off down ''Bulwell Bogs''............
  6. Yes you told me that before Phil...........i'm only ex Padstow school....and went there with lots of relations........
  7. Nearly Phil.......apart from several of my relations............
  8. Sad to hear of Peter's demise............long history in some great TV series.......been watching lately in 'Talking Pictures'' played a good part in Rumpole of the Bailey............ Went to High Pavement GS on Bestwood estate..although i believe born in London........lived on Kersal drive..Highbury vale estate during his school years....RIP Mr Bowles............
  9. Remember when we sang this ?
  10. Forest deserve to get back to the Premier league if only for its large following in our fair City............ Yesterday they attracted over 27,000 against QPR........Next highest in the Championship was only 17,000.........
  11. Another great song Ian.........could listen to him all night..........
  12. Welcome home Lizzie........did you sing this when leaving ? Wonderful voice of Mr Belafonte..........
  13. Nice video received this morning from my son in the Ukraine....he loves animals...and is sat with a lovely cat on his knee.....purring as he strokes it..........he wishes he could collect all the abandoned dogs and bring them to England......... Had messages yesterday from other sons in Poland..Thailand..and Andorra.....busy lot arent they......
  14. No Katyjay.....but bet his Mam bought ''Tub Butter in Marsdens Bulwell..........
  15. Pleasant Row was full of nice people in the 50s........including my Cousin Doris and her husband Blonde...... My beautiful Dog 'Floss' also enjoyed her holidays with them.......when we went away.........
  16. Also had girlfriends called Doreen and Plus a couple of similarities with Alan Silitoe........ Same birthday.. Born in a Red Brick council house in Nottingham..... Went to Sec. Modern school.......
  17. Have a look at this.......absolutely no likes in 2020...
  18. Best ever Forest team Ann..............
  19. . Whisky-Mac for me..... Babycham with two cherries for me girlfriend.. Snowball fa Mam..... Pint a Bitter fa Grandma....... thats 7/6 sir....... And tell ya Granny 'No fighting tonight''
  20. Must try a ''Pina Colada''..........often been caught in the rain''' Love another blind date.....with the Mrs.........At the 'Bodega''
  21. The field was Billy Bacons...between the railway lines and Lincoln street.........and the Pub was ''The Shoulder of Mutton........happy times 50s and 60s..........
  22. Feeling good this morning....been for Doc's check up ...slight high BP........Other than that all ok........but what pleased me most was my weight......after going down to nine and a half stone after my major up to nearly 13 stone which was always my dancing in this ''Old Dog'' yet........