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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Flowed where ever they wanted this winter
  2. why would you want to get to LONDON OR MANCHESTER 20 mins faster just relax and enjoy the ride,but no they gonna spend billions disrupting the countryside and peoples lives. How does it help business?please can someone tell me.
  3. Sat navs take away people using their inititive,like you basfordred bought up on maps and dont want owt to do with em,anyway i could sit and study a good atlas all night,
  4. an old mate of mine used to keep a shop on sneinton dale,it was called PAPER BOY,in the 80s.the shop sold grocerys as well. I was in there one day and a chap came in and asked my mate,GOT ANY WAFERS, ? what do want wafers for/? I BOUGHT A BIG TUB OF ICE CREAM FROM ASDA,my mate sold big tubs of ice cream) and replied,WELL P..S OF BACK TO ASDA AND GET YA WAFERS. :laugh: a great sneinton character.
  5. I let the mrs deal with them sort of things
  6. off out now ,enjoyed the banter bilbraborn,going to get new tyres for car,taking Denshaw with me
  7. Just heard the news COOP GROUP lost 2 billion pound last trading year,serves em right ,bring back the floorwalkers
  8. Daughter took her cat to Vet yesterday,it had been in a fight, £250,
  9. Yes very sad basfordred,but they left with some brilliant comedic memories
  10. Sad to see Ken Jones passed away,orrible ives in Porridge.
  11. yes great one liners,Peter Sallis (cleggie)on being accused of messing with Marina (dillying) , I NEVER DILLIED I NEVER EVEN DALLIED :laugh:
  12. i think it got better,bert kwouk from the magical east HULL, ,we all see things differently dont we,poohbear,
  13. at marsdens we sold em both,what did folk do with em?
  14. it certainly was Katyjay, electrozones were made at Gerrards iam sure,
  16. All my favourite tv comedy is from times past,last of summer wine,fools and horses,porridge,dads army,are you being served,likely lads,etc, i just dont get present day humour. am i just a miserable old git,or dont they make funny any more,is it me or am i really too old, how do you feel/? are over 60s catered for?
  17. #33 Even though i was fined £60 i thought it was funny,the coppers reminded me of the two in LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE, one of my favourite progs.
  18. A few years ago i jumped a red light under the m1 at Tinsley viaduct ,i was talking to my passenger and just not paying attention,the police pulled me straight away,they had me bang to rights,while sat in the police car i said,yes guilty i was just telling my mate ive worked up here in Sheffield alot and the people are really nice,AYE SAID THE COPPER,BUT WE: ARE FROM ROTHERHAM
  19. humour makes the world go round,i am sure if people saw the funny side of life more often it would be a better place,shame its not taught in school. ive found humourous people all over the country. even in yorkshire