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Everything posted by DaveN

  1. Have a look at the old photos of the fair over the years at the link below http://nottinghamhiddenhistoryteam.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/nottingham-goose-fair-in-pictures-pictorial-of-over-100-years/
  2. The past 10 mins or so there's been some rain - typical Goose Fair! (Yes SueB it is - i got it published in the Post last year)
  3. GOOSE FAIR It was a dark autumnal Saturday night But in the distance the sky was bright Feint music carried in the still night air As we walked along to Nottingham’s Goose Fair The pavements soon overflowed with the crowd As the noise of the fair grew ever loud Then an awe inspiring blanket of light Welcomed us to the fairground site And as the music blared loud and strong We were swallowed up by the throng From hot food stalls there did exude Mouth-watering aromas of cooking food Hot dogs with onions and of course Pots of mushy peas with mint sauce Dotted around the fair we cam
  4. The secondhand bookshop on Mansfield Road is Jermy & Westerman
  5. The thing is also is that the cost of these ridiculous adverts , especially with the "celebrities", is that it's the general public who end up paying for the goods/services in the price they pay.
  6. Most adverts annoy me and more often than not I turn the sound off. I do think those which have 'celebrities' in them should only do so if the 'celebrity' uses the particular product or service they are advertising especially if it's a financial one.
  7. Limey you mentioned Alton Towers from years ago. If I recall didn't they have a model railway exhibition inside the house?
  8. I went to Whitemoor school as well and am sure there was a Peter Sheffield in my class
  9. The garage was Breffits and sold Vespa scooters.
  10. Dinnerladies If you're a fan of this programme then tonight (Saturday 20th Sept) there are 3 episodes back to back on the Yesterday channel from 7pm including the first episode.
  11. I think sometimes that series go on for too long and the writers have difficulty in keeping the audience's interest. One that springs to mind is a comedy series that I loved watching but after continuous series I think it lost the comedy that was found originally. I'm talking about "Only Fools & Horses" which I thought was great but eventually I lost interest.
  12. I noticed today that the "Goose" is already on the roundabout at the junction of Gregory Blvd and Mansfield Road.
  13. Not all that old but one comedy programme I'd like to see back is 2 Pints of Lager & A Packet of Crisps
  14. Have a look at the old paintings for sale at the link below http://www.nottinghampost.com/History-mystery-sale/story-22926197-detail/story.html
  15. I look at quite a few of the old quiz shows on Challenge Channel and it's strange how those that I liked back when they were first broadcast seem rubbish these days. One that I could never get my head round was 3-2-1 and still can't. I think when some of these have been brought back they are even worse. One of the few I think has stood the test of time and in my opinion is "Family Fourtunes". Looking at some old episoeds with Max Bygraves as the question master was really bad with rubbish jokes.
  16. Are you watching the repeats of Ever Decreasing Circles on the Drama channel then?
  17. Definately agree with Dinner Ladies - one of the best comedies. The trouble is that very often bringing old ones back don't always work. I used to love "Open All Hours" but that episode they brought (back earlier this year? ) I didn't rate at all but of course it wouldn't be the same without Ronnie Barker.
  18. With "Sunday Night At The Palladium" being resurrected tonight I wondered if there's a tv show from the past that you would like to see grace our screens again?
  19. I thought I'd look at the members' list and on looking at the first few pages I was amazed to see how many had either never posted or made less than 5 posts even though they had been a member for several years. Anyone any idea why this is?
  20. A large fire broke out this evening at the Jubilee Campus of Nottingham University http://www.nottinghampost.com/breaks-University-Nottingham-s-Jubilee-Campus/story-22917564-detail/story.html
  21. Interesting article in today's Post http://www.nottinghampost.com/Streets-historic-legacy-cocks-ndash-kings/story-22896380-detail/story.html
  22. Here's a little ditty I've written tonight. If with the Queen of the Midlands you have links Then you should join Nottstalgia methinks Where your fond memories with others you can share And get answers you probably won’t find elsewhere From schooldays, teen years to more recent times History, games, workplaces and pastimes There’s something on the site for everyone So why not join – you’ll have some fun
  23. # 44 I presume you use window envelopes which are a godsend to most businesses
  24. A book that might be interesting for a visit to Nottingham is one I bought recently from the Tourist & Information Office under the Council House. It's called "Walks by Public Transport In Nottingham" by Paul Madely £9.99. It lists 20 walks around the city (few just outside) and gives details including buses to catch, eating & drinking places, full description of travelling round each 'walk' and of course what to see. There's no publisher mentioned so I can only assume it's either been published by the writer himself or the tourist office. If you want more details about the walks le
  25. Here's a site you might find interesting. http://www.closedpubs.co.uk/nottinghamshire/nottingham.html