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Everything posted by Karlton

  1. I wanted a longweight a chap said he'd get me one, I waited ages but he never came back
  2. I mashed at work in a billycan, they'r usually white ain't seen one for ages.
  3. got mistook fer Quozzi modo once that really gave me the hump
  4. if I remember as a kid we would rub on a dock leaf for a nettle sting. in me trade I worked with hot bitumen as a roofer and many adult would say I bet thats hot mate, and i'd reply oh yes it cures toothache, does it really? they'd say. Oh yes dip yer finger in you'll forget all about yer toothache. I wouldn't recomend it though.
  5. I was lucky enough as a passed cleaner at colwick loco to be given a job to assist a driver as a fireman at the young age of 17 i can't remember the type of engine, we entered mapperley tunnel from Colwick end and I believe had a gradient from that end. The driver was a little chap and stood on some sort of box to work the horizontal regulator, we began to skid a little, must have had a full load on. the regulator shot back and hit the driver in the nose which bled. we managed somehow to carry on. what an experience. something that will stay with me forever.
  6. man walking round playing the accordian tatman goldfish fer' old rags as kids we often went in the phone box and listened to the speaking clock- 'at the next stroke it will be 7 28 and 5 seconds precisely or something like that does it still go to-day? iwonder
  7. dint the statue of liberty av a set? not as big as yours compo
  8. it must have been about 1950ish and i'm almost certain the football post was pink.
  9. own up then paper boys how many of yer had one left over at the end of the round and stuffed it in somebody's hedge? the got a rollicking the next night because someone didn't recieve it. oops I did.
  10. gee it sum elbow grease is same as gee it sum welly heard em both many a time.
  11. rain before seven fine for eleven sometimes works if the cap fits wear it
  12. feeling left out here guys I was twenty four. hard work's the key if you can get it. good luck to yer' youngens.'
  13. Well done gal and good luck for the future its 3 yes'es from me
  14. I was led to believe County road was a postman's nightmare
  15. meant it as a joke Firbeck but apologies for my ignorence. never been to an identity parade. I apologise.Karlton.
  16. describe the thief Officer-What colour hair? Man-pink one side green the other Officer-any other thing? Man-yes he had a tattoo of an anchor on each cheek Officer- what about his face? Man-unshaven Officer-how tall was he? Man- I couldn't tell he had one leg longer than the other Officer-if you see this man again would you recognise him?
  17. When the lock up prisons are full don't forget weve still got the open prisons you know the ones 'walk in walk out come back when you like system. come on Cameron do us a favour.
  18. i believe they carried a six volt battery in them days hence the starting handle it was wise to have a parking light rigged up, i was knocked up early one morning by a copper it had gone out.
  19. Thanks for the pic. cliff ton. it looks to be the same one I remember. I think it had a spare wheel fixed to the door at the rear. nice one can't fool you guys. ford v 8 pilot any good? or triumph razor edge I believe had the globe for its motiff. anyone remember horace rogers alfreton road I brought my scooter there round about 1958 ish. a capri 49 cc 2 stroke I shoud imagine 120 130 miles to the gallon. happy days.
  20. sorry, to busy watching zippy.
  21. I drove and owned a ford consul I think it was a mark 2 big black beauty good bit a' chrome on her, bench seat three gears colomn change it was like sitting on a setee with a motor. the only fault I found was the gear linkage used to knot up sometimes. I seem to remember many many years ago my mate owned a ford squire but i'm not sure about wether there was such a car as the squire. I stand to be corrected on this.
  22. he might be put into one of these walk in walk out come back when you like prisons
  23. I sympathise with you carni. To hear this kind of abuse happening at anytime is horrifying, but to happen close to home must be devasting. you can never forget anything like this, its so sad. rolf Harris and the like should be put away for a very long time. I watch Songs Of Praise every Sunday and find it comforting to know that there is some decent people left in this world.