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Everything posted by Caz

  1. That song is very nostalgic for me Den,& A whiter shade of pale by Procol Harem. Can anyone jolt my memory about the Zager & Evans song which was popular,it's title escapes me
  2. Thats expensive Olive Oil ,we pay about 11 dollars for one litre,and you are nearer Italy & Greece than we are !!
  3. Anyone remember Grannys cookies? they were yummy too.
  4. Don't be detty Den
  5. Sorry Alison,i'm a little naive when it comes to the other persuasions,perhaps you might explain so we are able to understand ? Did you take part Alison, if you did a photo would be good?
  6. We have to be politically correct on here Baz,so we will call them people of other genders. I would love to go to the Mardi Gras,I can just see myself in black plastic pants & boots
  7. Caz

    hi everyone

    !hand! hi from me too
  8. Caz

    Pancake Day

    LOL LOl Did somebody say something................................ flyswat
  9. Am I correct in saying Pancake Day was earlier than usual tihs year, I always thought it was in March?
  10. I have just been to have my back tweaked & it occurred to me that the work was harder the hours were longer but never do I remember anyone saying they had been to a chiropractor or a masseuse when I was a little girl? How the hell did they manage without the wonders of the modern world? must have been a very painful experience
  11. Does anyone remember those little packets of potato puffs we used to buy from the tuck shop when we were at school they were full of air & very yummy & obviously made from potato? also those really cheesy biscuits with holes in them & salty? ooo my mouth is watering! they were around the same time as the very large wagon wheels?
  12. Ditto Den looking forward to hearing your recollections B)
  13. For anyone who is interested or may remember a post relating to this band, they have just returned from US after recording a video to coincide with the release of their CD which should be released sometime in May. Google "The Orangelights" & you will find the bands songs & video there,& at least one of the band members are from Nottingham!! !bravo! They are also doing a radio station promo around the country soon B)
  14. At last!! we agree on something Den,can't bloody stand any of that,makes me shudder
  15. I went to the Brewhouse Museum Den,what a fantastic place to reminisce.Mind you I had to pass the trip................
  16. I was in Nottm last November & honestly the fireworks were exploding around us for at least 2 weeks before & one week after it was like bloody Beirut. Christ knows where they get the money from those kids ,probably mugging ...............LOL Hope not I was just joking! It was really smoky too,didn't see any organised displays,mind you we spent most of the time in the pub or in a restaurant so we wouldn't would we?
  17. Caz

    wash day

    Hey Alison You must have had the same B****y swimming teacher ,exactly the same thing happened to me, made to jump straight in,the water took my breath & I've had a fear of water ever since,I can swim a bit but I am definately not a water baby. I sometimes wonder what sort of evil sadistic gits those teachers were,if anyone had tried that with my kids I would have given them what for
  18. Nah go for it ,you won't know yersen me duck !laughing!
  19. I also remember the 1st single I was given as a present along with my portable record player,it was Last Train To Clarkesville by The Monkees. It must have been a b/day present as I was also given Engelbert Humperdinck & Nancy Sinatra. Nice to have my own record player though, as for years we had been using quite a large one & from where it came I have no idea, but I do know the singles which were with it, came from a pub my Aunt & Uncle used to own/run called The poets Corner on Kirkewhite St. Would there have been Jukebox's in the pubs in those days ,the early 60's?? I suppose
  20. Thanks Lads Yes Windows XP pro. Had considered doing a system restore but before I did that I thought one of you PC enthusiasts would know how to get it back. It wasn't on my desktop,so the 3rd option was Robin's suggestion & weyhey it's back ta lovey Caz I just realised I had a problem with my desktop icons last week, it must have gone back to default settings
  21. Me too Zachariah. My partner who went to TBS along with me in the 60's & early 70's carved his name on a brick at the twitchell side of the school,wish I had that as a keep sake
  22. I know this sounds stupid but I can't find "My Computer" on my PC,not anywhere. I've done a search looked in my files & other folders it's nowhere to be seen, is it deleteable? & if it is how do I get it back? HELP
  23. Sorry Mark never heard of it. Maybe Rob or Bamber might have an answer??
  24. Yeah buy a really cheap DVD player no more than $60 bucks that'll play it,don't ask me why but the same thing has happened to me,the cheap machine will play anything, the expensive machine is very selective. If not it must be something to do with the way it was copied onto the disk,in a different form to the one your DVD player recognises.