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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. It’ll be like Aberdeen on a flag day!
  2. At least Macron says he wants to 'piss off' the unvaccinated. Can't imagine the Queen saying that, although it does sound much milder in French!
  3. I doubt we'll be able to abolish them in the near future so we've just got to treat them as an irrelevance. They do provide a great deal of intrigue and amusement to brighten our lives at very little cost per capita. The alternative would be an elected president and looking around the world at those, no-one outstanding comes to mind.
  4. The Government are relaxing the rules on the follow up PCR tests so it will be easy to submit a fake lateral flow test. Crack open the Coca Cola!
  5. It's easy to fake a lateral flow test. I wonder how many kids will do it to avoid school? The information is readily available.
  6. Lucky bugger! I've had to forgo the usual Sunday 'full works' breakfast as we have family joining us for lunch. Back on for tomorrow though!
  7. You do appear to have the sort of credentials BK that those of us on this forum, who have already been honoured, are looking for. If you will send me your bank details I can pull some strings for you. My old ex director’s cousin married Lady Di’s cousin so I do have entree to the Royal Family. They did tell me that Sandringham smelt of dog pee though.
  8. Just publish your list of achievements that you've done to benefit mankind. Have you invaded Iraq, can you ride a bicycle fast, can you swim, can you dive off the top board, have you starred in a spy film, have you donated to the Conservative party? All these things will help with your next year's application. If you haven't done any of these things, get off your backside and make a start!
  9. You need a few sycophants to put your name forward. Have you got any other than on this forum?
  10. Millom. Is that where the Henry Cook paper mill was Nonna?
  11. Another couple got knighthoods for riding a bike!
  12. A trustworthy car salesman. That's a first!
  13. We had a goose for Christmas once. It took a week to rid the smell of goose fat from the house. Never again!
  14. I find the jelly to be just a tasteless addition. I'm sure it serves a purpose in keeping the pie in prime condition but should you really eat the wrapping? I don't eat the fat on meat either. The jelly is jellied pork stock. Ugh!
  15. I like a decent pork pie but I must confess I scrape off the jelly!
  16. Trains stop more frequently at Fiskerton as it's on a bus route to Southwell. There is also car parking. Bleasby Station doesn't have parking nor passing buses.
  17. There’s some info on the web about it. It seems to be a Victorian invention. It probably runs in families. Some do, some don’t. We always have done it and most people I know follow the tradition. It’s about the only time I eat pork pie these days as good ones are a rarity now.
  18. I thought it was a long established tradition to have a pork pie Christmas breakfast here in Notts. I can remember having it way back into the distant past. There always used to be a long ‘pork pie queue’ outside Pork Farms shops on Christmas Eve morning in the days before supermarkets. We always have the pie with champagne now of course!
  19. You could try making one yourself. We organised a completion at the pub a few years ago and had some very good entries. I put one in from Pork Farms and won second prize. I had to confess!
  20. I considered that Jack Bailey’s at Upper Broughton made the very best pork pies but sadly the shop has now closed.
  21. It’s probably because car parking in the city is so extortionate for a whole day that it’s cheaper to park in the suburbs and take the bus. I see people parking in Lowdham and taking the the train into Nottingham. In our village there are no buses and although there is a regular train service from Lincoln to Nottingham, very few trains stop at our station.
  22. Apparently there is a £60 fine in Wales if you’re caught going into the office if you can work from home. The police state Is here!