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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. My wife had an uncle in Wells and her father was born there. The uncle lived in a cottage in Lion Yard, just of Staithe St., which comes out on the waterfront. There used to be an excellent restaurant on the waterfront who’s name escapes me. I used to enjoy the trips down to Wells but like all the picturesque Norfolk towns it’s become yuppified with an easy commute from London.
  2. Sounds like the place Ben. The owner liver in the bungalow next door and had lots of vintage tractors in the garden.
  3. I’ve just read the recent reviews on this place and it seems to have gone down the pan. Think I’ll give a miss then!
  4. We used to call at a farm shop/cafe on the A47 near to Wisbech. Good home cooked, enormous meals. You queued at the till, ordered and paid, sat at your table and very soon a buxom lass would appear with the food, shouting out your table number. The place was a bit of an institution and very popular. We don’t go that way now as all our Norfolk relatives are dead but I often fancy a trip down to Wells to see if the cafe’s still there - perhaps when normality returns.
  5. Wisbech Striperama. Know it well!
  6. Not much else to do in Kings Lynn to be honest!
  7. I remember it. When I was learning to drive, BSM who were based on Mansfield Rd., used to park their driving school cars In Trinity Square, on the right hand side looking up from Milton St.
  8. Yes, I’ve downloaded it but as I never go anywhere and all my stuff is delivered by Amazon and Morrison’s it won’t make a lot of difference!
  9. ‘Be sensible’. The problem is that a huge swathe of the population are not sensible and never will be, so there has to be rules to protect them from their own ignorance. Sadly the good have to suffer with the bad.
  10. This is the problem with so called ‘green’ energy. The materials have to be looked at over the whole life cycle from gaining the materials to the eventual disposal and reclamation. These processes are not CO2 free and make the product substantially less green.
  11. In all the old familiar places?
  12. Yes, it was a complete massacre.
  13. None of those threats BK. I have contacts in high places.
  14. Let's hope he doesn't get framed.
  15. I don't think we're gobbling up the land for industry. Most of that has gone to China. As for commerce it's now been shown that much of that can be done from home. We are however building houses for our expanding population as it seems half the world want to come and live here.
  16. What’s life all about if we can’t enjoy the beautiful English countryside? I’ve spent many years working in a factory. I don’t want to live in one as well.
  17. They’re ok when they’re not generally visible but they are ugly to look at. I could fill our meadow with them but it’s not a sight I’d want to view from my bedroom window as I look across the valley to the wooded Trent Hills.There is a planning application locally for a large site of them at Halloughton, opposite Brackenhurst College, but the road beyond Hallougton is just a farm track so they won’t be seen other than from the air.
  18. Solar panels in fields and wind turbines are a blight on the countryside. I suppose, like pylons, we will have to accept them eventually. Offshore turbines are better but still look horrendous as when looking out to sea at Chapel St. Leonard’s. Almost as horrendous as looking inland at the caravans!
  19. At the end of the day Margie it's all about profit.
  20. All the people round here who had them fitted were oldies and they died before they could recoup the cost! The only person I know who makes any money out of them has a house in Southwell fitted with panels but lives most of the time in Spain! I certainly wouldn’t want them fixed on the roof where they look ugly and are expensive to put right when things go wrong. I have thought about putting an array in the meadow but at 77 I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to show a profit!
  21. Pupillary distance can be stated when buying on line. I've bought quite a few online for wife and self with absolutely no problems at all.