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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. Don't know about the lovely Cliff R, but I can still dance - only yesterday I was doing Agadoo and the Birdie song at the local toddler group. We know how to have fun out here in the Fens.
  2. Carni, I'd nearly forgotten that song - thanks for reminding me about it. Looking at it on youtube with subtitles!!! it does have strange words but when I used to dance to it, I don't think I thought about the words much. I think with me it was mostly about the music even when I sang along with the 'boom she boom she boom ram a lam a ding dong......'
  3. Stan, thanks for that link to the fifties songs. I really enjoyed looking through them. To everyone who reads this......This thread seems to have moved a long way from Tribal Neighbourhoods. Does it matter?
  4. Thanks for that ....NOT. Those old songs were going round and round in my head till after midnight! What were those things that were 'coming through' the window anyway - does anyone know? I agree there were some very strange songs in the early fifties. But I quite like rap - not the words but the sound of it generally. Does that make sense?
  5. I was 12 or 13 when I bought my first Elvis record. I don't think I really understood what he was singing about but liked the sound!
  6. What were her answers? You must have been living in a different world to everyone else! Rock n Roll was a huge part of my life and that of all my friends, but at that age I suppose I thought that was true of everyone..
  7. Heartbreak Hotel reminds me of sitting in my bedroom playing the record over and over again - it was the first one I bought. Singing the blues sung by Tommy Steele (not Guy Mitchell) reminds me of walking home from school singing it in my head. Raining in my heart, all the other Buddy Holly songs and the Everley Brother's songs just take me back to my wonderful teenage years in general. Where did all the years go......
  8. Strange how teenage memories seem to be the clearest, especially the music. I can still remember all the words of the late fifties/very early sixties songs - and I still like most of them. Each song reminds me of a different person or a particular group of people or a certain holiday
  9. Were you from Mapperley? Yes I remember Cathy's Clown being played on the orange Dansette player .....
  10. Posted 13 December 2012 - 04:56 PM Arnold and Sherwood lads didn't get on to say the least.An organised 'Rumble' was arranged on Woodthorpe Park in the fifties...unfortunately for Arnold ...Sherwood had many more allies than Arnold lads could come up with, which would have meant a right thrashing for any that turned up. .................. This reminded me of my teenage years when I used to go just about every Summer evening to Woodthorpe Park. (After I'd done my homework!!). I was a Woodthorpe girl and lived very near to the park. It would be around1958 and 1959 and my friend had a porta
  11. We called an ice lolly a sucker when I was young - is that still the same? When I moved to Leicester I went in a shop and asked for a sucker and the shopkeeper had no idea what I was talking about. Amazing how words varied so much between neighbouring towns. I thought at the time that the words 'ice lolly' sounded a bit posh
  12. I never gave out bottles of beer - I was mainly on the children's and older female wards, but I heard that that did happen . Maybe on the male wards- or is that just me being sexist!
  13. Stan, I don't THINK I knew her, but it was a long time ago! I worked there from 1960 until 1962 when I left to go to Leicester Royal Infirmary. When I worked there Ward 1 was a boy's ward, ward 2 was for girls and ward 3 was for little children, ward 4 was the private ward, 5,6 and 7 were approached from under a tunnel and I seem to remember their being for older people. Wards 8 and 9 were for men. denshaw, Glenda Birch was one of my best friends at the time but we're no longer in contact.
  14. When I worked at Harlow Wood Hospital, we nurses always knew this as the Betsy (not Bessie) Sheppard stone.
  15. I worked with a nurse Birch at Harlow Wood but thought she had left by 1969. Was she attractive with dark hair? First name might have been Glenda
  16. I was nursing there but had just left by 1963. I remember Sister Williams - she was lovely
  17. It was the place to be,........................especialy if you wanted 'vibrating walls' .........hey Marg That was just a passing comment!! I went there for the dancing....
  18. I think I can remember even further back than most of you. In the 1940s!!! We had a milkman called Mr Moore and he used to come with his horse drawn milk cart. We had to take a jug to get the milk . This was on Woodthorpe Drive. I remember the horse was a big white one
  19. In the late fifties/early sixties I used to go to the Vic (although it was now the Locarno) There was a special way of jiving which meant that you could easily dance with anyone. I went to the Palais a few times on the revolving dance floor but they jived differently there. We used to laugh at them! I remember two of us girls jiving with one boy at the Vic , also the music being so loud that you could feel the vibrations if you were leaning against a wall