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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. We have been constantly watching tv. There was a great deal of concern for the Queen in the previous days so i presume everyone was expecting the worse. Have been watching also this morning. It has been very emotional.
  2. My nephew ex military posted this yesterday
  3. I have been amazed at the response of Italians in respect of the loss of our sovereign. I didn’t expect such sadness and love for her but some of the tributes were heartfelt comments. A friend of my husband put a tribute to the effect that she was crowned 2 days before he was born and had “lived” with her throughout his life and now she has passed the UK and the commonwealth will also pass.
  4. Thought the above post needed to be on its own. I remember waving my little flag when she passed in front of my house. I thought i was about 10 but i was only 7.
  5. Mentioning fruit and likewise, when i took the dogs a walk this morning I noticed that the orchard just a little way from us had shed its fruit and its rotting on the ground. I dont know who it belongs to but i never see anyone there. There's a vineyard behind it and the vines are cared for but I suppose its like everything else " it brings more money in" I feel so sad that fruit is left like that especially when I could make something of them. I have slowly stopped preserving things as its very time consuming and damned hard work in the quantity that I used to do. Yesterday I used two large s
  6. Immigration or not we have the same problems. My daughter gave a job to a Ukrainian girl , her husband managed to escape and found his way here. He’s found a job in Belgium or Holland ???. and she is following him naturally. My daughters helper in the kitchen found a job that she applied for more than a year ago ( Ferrero ) All you could wish for in a job. She was very sorry to leave but eventually she was accepted and started working there. Now my daughter has no staff and has been looking all summer. Plenty of interviewees but almost all of them already have dole money coming in and don
  7. A bit late Barrie but congratulations. It is a long time but looking on the bright side you made it and you can tell the story. Thats important.
  8. All this talk about fish n chips, would love some now. Frozen chips are awful ( even Mcains) Fresh fish is always available and we have cod in freezer, but id love some in newspaper and plenty of malt vinegar. Thats an idea for tomorrow. My daughter did a special evening doing fish n chips and steak pies. We wondered how successful it would be as British food isn't high on the list of preferences. It was a sellout with requests for seconds at a later date.
  9. Just one of them throughout the year. The other day we had the” fiera delle nocciole.”Hazelnut fair. Then there will be “ Sagre dei Peperoni “ Pepper fair. Tartufi ( truffles) follow. A short break and it’s Christmas. Every year is a celebration for those who have a birthday with 0 at the end of their age. From the age of 18 teenagers celebrate every 5 years. I had my celebration a while ago because I’m 80 this year. Alex will have his next year. If we got involved in everything we’d have a very busy year.
  10. It's still going strong. Ive missed it when i dont go down to visit. Thats if i can find a parking place.
  11. Our bank holiday is August 15 and everywhere is getting ready for the festivities. Concerts in the square with food stalls surrounding the stage. Many famous and non famous groups arrive for 10 days of chaos oh and including a funfair for children as well as adults
  12. Our Bank Holiday is August 15. The village is getting ready for the festivities. Concerts with famous names, food stalls, street entertainment and a fun fair for the kids as well as adults. It’s an annual event and midweek there’s a firework display. In the past we have had Zucchero to sing which is probably the only one that is known in UK . Every year it’s a new famous singer or group and the village is filled to capacity. The stage is set right in the centre of the main square below the balcony’s of residents that live in the apartments. The hum and noise goes on til midnight so little chan
  13. Thats the way of life here, its much different.Home deliveries like that are more common in the south when people on the top floor of apartments lower down a basket on the end of a rope to collect their food. Quaint. Italians are very passionate about their food and you'll hear even a group of men talking about it and even argue about how it should be cooked.
  14. I’m joining the ranks of pains today. Woke up with a very creaky neck. I do have problems like that but after a while it passes but not today. I’ve already had 2 doses of paracetamol. Think it might be the weather ,after all the hot humid weather it is now raining, very very slowly. Why doesn’t it get a kick up the backside and really do what it should do.
  15. Prefer one of these a million times
  16. Last evening with I TIMBALES wish I had taken a video. They were fantasticly brilliant. They went round the whole of the activities in the village and stopped outside my daughters restaurant while we were eating.
  17. Waiting to join in local festivities in centre of the village but the electrician is here changing the motor on the gates. Theyve been playing up lately and today found one of the dogs down the road because they hadnt closed properly. What a fright.
  18. My bil had a similar situation. He was phoning a new conquest and somehow his present gf heard the conversation. Hes married now with two boys but not to either girls.
  19. Nothing to do with NHS because in my experience they were always ok in the years we were still in UK. Here in the last few days / months we’ve heard of quite a few cases of people ending in A&E , being sent home because nothing is found then a few days later they in in the operating theatre. Either the drs are in too much of a hurry or the “drs” are still studying. This happened to a friend of ours who was on holiday around Venice. Ended up in pronto soccorso and sent away couldn’t find anything. Pain continued so he decided to go home called his own dr and was sent straight to the operati
  20. We used to go regularly when our children were little. One sunday after a meal we ordered the usual liquores and we let our son have a sip. The waitress caused such an uproar insisting that children should not drink. My husband argued that the liquore was for him he hadnt ordered for my son. We have always let our children have a taste of beer, wine, liquores and even tried cigarettes. They have never smoked, appreciate good wines and liquores and will have a beer or two with friends . They have grown up in this envirenment and they know they can do the same with their children. My two grand
  21. Bit like us tonight , full of Italians eating Japanese. Authentic not chinese posing as Japanese.
  22. My day was going fine and peaceful until 5 -10 minutes ago. We were sunbathing and almost asleep when I heard this noise and I thought there’s goes resting.A lorry or tractor disturbing our peace. All of a sudden it became so loud as a jet passed so low right over our heads. It frightened us to death. Just about getting over it when another one came over this time not so low. They often fly over but this time they were so noisy and low. We said they were either seeing if we were using the hose pipe to fill the pool or saying hello to his mum as if she’d gone deaf. Anyway all peace and qui