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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Don't think you can call these pets but this is what I found coming home from shopping. My daughter and I had just ordered a load of wool
  2. DJ medics do differ I agree but as ever you take the advice of whoever is treating you. I for one am glad I took advice. Ive always been terrified of hospitals and hate to go to the Dr but almost 20 yrs ago that changed my life for the better.
  3. Jill one year we won so much wine and sausages that everyone thought it was fixed.
  4. Bingo reminds me of what we have around Christmes in the church hall. We each have a very worn card and a handfull of dried beans , peas or corn to cover the numbers that are called out. 5 in a line also wins but the winnings isnt money. The locals donate prizes. Butchers donate sausages and salami, wine producers donate wine all local. Peanuts are poured onto tables,for,us to chew on to concentrate and bottles,of local wine flows, a bottle every 3/4 persons. Cards cost very little and theres usually a full capacity.and its a lot of fun.
  5. Been feeling agitated all morning, but many thanks for the good wishes. Nothing showed up on the P.E.T. but they picked a shadow on my liver ( hence the extra exam) But every time I have some sort of scan it shows up and the onc and drs think its the scar from thermoblation I had twice. My results have been seen by a group of specialist drs in oncology and they said although they were stopping all future tests they thought it wise to have an MRI. So now I have to wait another fee weeks or months and they will ring me along with a visit with onc afterwards. Fed up of waiting around really
  6. Dj its normal at least here to have an ecocardiagram before any operation. I have all my records plus all my discs from TACS, ecographs and PETS. My files are getting bigger. Tomorrow PET results and oncology visit. You'll be fine its just a formality. All the same good luck with it.
  7. My day , left home 7am Asti Hospital for 8 and Alessandria by ambulance for 9. Had my P.E.T. was told I was ready to go home as the ambulance had come back for me then, sorry we'll have to do another one . Apparently they couldnt see my liver properly as sometimes happens. So another wait and this time I got really cold and after getting home 3hrs ago I'm just starting to thaw out. I've eaten a hot bowl of pastina in chicken broth which I thought would get me warm but it didnt.. Going to lie down now with a hot water bottle. Results in a couple of weeks, These things take longe
  8. Negative now. All systems go for being radio active tomorrow.
  9. Thanks Margie, only a faint line this morning but obviously still positive. I really feel that if we hadnt had our 3rd dose we would have been worse. You are right about only lasting a few days, I dont think I had it that long , at the moment I feel like I didnt even know about it.
  10. Tuesday I joined the ranks of the majority. I'm fine , started with a slight sore throat and feeling very tired. Went to bed early and slept almost 12 hours ( very unusual for me ) woke up with a headache which was probably due to sleeping too much. During the day I was fine but we both decided to test for covid. I haven't been out for a long while but we both tested positive. Husband had a slight cough on Monday. Anyway we are both fine no symptoms but Dr said no need to inform authorities as we had had our 3 rd dose. Just stay in and if you have to go out distant ourselves and wear ffp2 mas
  11. Carni so sorry to hear your problems, poor you they keep coming back to ruin your days. Hope you get sorted out very soon as you have to wait it can be very worrying. But keep your chin up and youll soon be joining in again with this bunch.
  12. Love fresh crabs, practically grew up with them. My grandfather used to go to Walney to catch them. He put them all in a sack and took them home where Nana had already a big pot boiling on the stove. Grandfather tipped them all out on the kitchen floor and we all scrambled to collect them and put them into the boiling pot. Along with prawns they were my favoutite and still are in any form, cooked, raw, in curry or spicy sauce. Having Scottish roots I love the bagpipes too, my cousin and his daughter both play. They live in Australia and most years travel up to play in the Edinburgh Tatto
  13. David forgot to add if they deliver your calendar your son may have to pay more because that’s only the delivery charge he will probably have to pay customs charge too.
  14. Yes it’s customs duty David. I was caught out a while ago I had to pay € 18.00 I ordered something from Amazon last week and didn’t realize that it was coming from Royal Mail until it was too late to cancel . Probably another €18.00 Im expecting another pack from UK but it’s a replacement item so I’m not going to accept it. So an item costing 66 £ plus € 18 is quite enough but then if I have to send it back myself it will be even more. So from now on no more items from UK. And look closely before ordering, I have prime so wasn’t expecting to pay above the price of the item. Very annoyin
  15. I should have had a blood test on Thursday . I usually have it done locally with occasional visits to Asti hospital. It’s always been on a Thursday but they’ve changed the day to Mondays. Fortunately my husband also had a blood test today and he took my appointment with him. When he returned I was told to go straight up as the hospital realised they had made a mistake. So I had to go out in the freezing cold and wasn’t very happy about it but as soon as I got to the end of the road I saw the whole range of mountains ( the Alps) bright pink. It was so beautiful and wanted to take a photo but t
  16. A few anxious moments this morning. My husband has had a cough the last few days and yesterday it was a bit worrying. This morning we both tested negative ...what a relief.
  17. Should have met a friend yesterday but had dental appointment, i rang her earlier to say I'll meet her next week.Both she and her husband have covid. They Had all 3 vaccinations. Husband goes 3 times a week for dialisis and his dr thinks he got it from the hospital. I have an appointment in Alessandria ( not my usual hospital) and I feel I want to cancel or at least ask for a spring appointment. We have a great deal of positives in the village so dont want to go too far. It seems everyone is coming down with it.
  18. Our grand children started back to school yesterday. They have to go into isolation. One child in each class positive. You tell me was it necessary to reopen schools.
  19. We also have a BP monitor its a Beurer and at the moment is used fairly frequently. My husband has high BP and high glicemic count. Both now under control. I had a frightening experience once when I went to have chemo. I had rushed for the appointment then couldnt find a parking space at the hospital. Consequently arriving in oncology I was a bit anxious. They told me to sit for a while and then took my BP still high so they gave me a tablet and had to sit for a while. Took it again and still high and at the finish I couldn't do the chemo so was sent home. Had to go back the following wee
  20. My husband dedicated this song to me on the radio for our anniversary.
  21. These days we have to be very careful of those sort of emails. A while ago I ordered some articles from UK supposedly delivered in 2-3 weeks. They didnt arrive so contacted the vendor, wait they said until I was fed up with waiting and said I wanted a refund but they offered me that or a replacement. I opted for the replacement. It finally arrived ( the original) but had to pay customs duty on it. ( thanks Brexit) The items were expensive to start with plus € 18 duty. The replacement parcel has yet to arrive but I will not accept it so will RTS. I had been receiving at least 4 emails a
  22. Colly hope you will feel better soon. It seems we are hearing more and more of people that have Covid. Today my daughters waitress has it but she should be out of isolation wednesday so will be able to work all being well after a couple of tests before my daughter opens again after the christmas and new years break. News tonight , over 50's vaccine is obligatory. Theyve been thinking about it for long enough.
  23. Sorry Phil I don't know. Ive done a quick research but it doesnt mention Millom but it does mention a Waterford Mill. It does mention thoughj the surrounding area.
  24. Hi MrsB. Dad was from Millom and visiting his family in Ulveston as children we would always look out for the blue works and the Hoad ( Hode?) on top of the hill.. Very fond memories spent with my maternal grand parents winkling and treading for eels over Walney.
  25. Sorry Margie, but thats the story of my life. Welcome to the club. Joking but I know I've overindulged over Christmas before and since so today my new years resolution is "don't be greedy". I was 59 kg when I came out of hospital a couple of years ago and felt fantastic. We had a long weekend in Sicily and I bought quite a lot of new clothes. Gradually my weight increased but very slowly, I gained a kg then lost it and that was how it went for a long while but then it went from bad to worse.Non of the clothes I bought fit me. This morning I weigh almost 64 kg. Not too much but before the