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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. A very Happy New Year to you all. Beautiful day to wake up to. After more than a week of freezing temperatures and fog, this morning was brilliant dark blue sky, no wind and not exactly warm but I left my padded winter coat at home and put my new poncho on. Didnt feel cold at all, hope its a thing to look forward to. Doubt it but its nice to dream.
  2. Can't believe how "loose" the above comments are concerning vaccinations. To have to search through 3 cards or letters to find the correct ones is daft. I was under the impression that UK were to have a similar thing to our green card. Its so useful , everything in one place. Date of all vaccinations, what vaccine was used and third one the booster added to the rest. It also includes contact tracing all in an app on mine and others phones. What do you do if you're asked to provide proof of vaccinations. Can you go where you want and are there any restrictions.?
  3. Mrs B Welcome to NS. You'll hear all sorts of banter here old and new. Enjoy it. BTW I'm from Barrow in Furness just across the water. Mum and Dad both worked in the ship yard. A few years ago my husband and I passed through Barrow. Me wanting to drink some sass and my husband wanting to see where I was born. No longer sass made, so sad.
  4. DJ yes these no vaxers that have died denying covid including the Italian one ( and there will be many more) sorry but they deserve it. Its been 2 years that covid has been with us and enough publicity has been seen to encourage people to get vaccinated. But no they prefer to get a tampon up their nose at a price which has been increased in the last few days. For those whove not had a tampon shoved up their nose , its the worst feeling and after taste that you can imagine. ( we had to do it because my daughter had been in close contact with a vet treating her dog. He was on oxygen so we were w
  5. Mary , I worked on Noel St new Basford and I remember a salon called Audreys. There was a girl called Pat who worked there and she won a hairdressing comp but cant for the life of me which comp it was. This Salon was in Hyson Green. Did it belong to all the other Audrey salons? Just thought maybe the comp was the Apprentice Cup.
  6. Just heard we are expecting a sudden rise in temperature. Up to 21 c. Lately its been -0 c
  7. Mr & Mrs Finn, Many congratulations on your 50 th wedding anniversary. A bit late but hope you celebrated well.
  8. Hope you all had a good time.Just returned from our christmas lunch. Daughter in law cooked for 15 . It was superb. Everything went down a treat. Sitting now to watch tv but as many have said before no decent programmes even here. Oh well an early night. Enjoy the rest of christmas.
  9. SG glad you decided to change your vet. There are some that profit by recommending brands of dog food. We have a partnership of 2 vets in the village. They are ok for basic visits, one is especially kind but the other one only likes to see cats. In fact she was treating our dog a few years ago and I had an inkling what was wrong with him. She said no way and went ahead treating him for something or other. When we got outside he crouched down to poo and it was mostly blood. I shouted for her to come out to see and the reply was” oh it’s ok” We told her exactly what we thought of her and her dia
  10. The years come and go so quickly that it takes a while to sort the years out Our New Years Eve was always joining our customers at our restaurant ( whichever one we had at the time). We always joined in the fun and got to know our customers in a social situation. Although we don’t have the restaurants now our son and daughter carry on the same tradition. I must say though in a way I miss it.
  11. I love this one, photo was taken in the historic part of the village. An abandoned house but made special in the simplicity of the creche. The top one is my sons rendition made with wine bottles and glasses. The middle one is outside the local chemist. Our village has a walk around and see the Christmas Creche. ( presepe). Because its a village associated with wines the villagers have been very inventive.
  12. Oh dear sorry for his loss but oh dear that poor fish having to drag a rod with him.
  13. My day? Just had my 3rd dose.
  14. Sorry to hear about your fall, it can be very worrying at our ages as my husband found out the other day and landed up in hospital fortunately everything ok. But hes left with a huge bump and grazing on his head and hips hurting him.
  15. Have a good meetup. Keep safe everyone and enjoy yourselves. DJ hope your op goes well without any hiccups.
  16. Sorry RR youve got the wrong person. I don't have FB. Many of these " news" are here and not in UK . Sorry but youve got such a flippant attitude towards covid. No one wants it rammed into them but it exists and I think a bit more attention to its progress should be taken a bit more seriously. No one really wants to hear about levels and deaths but its reality. Fortunately I live in a country that is doing what is required to curb the infection even though our numbers have increased, but I have noticed that other countries including UK are following our examples. These increases in c
  17. Feeling very relieved tonight after hearing about the tornadoes in Kentucky. I have a dear friend who lives in Owingsville. Fortunately the tornadoes missed there but they had severe storms. Anyway had an email from her that she’s ok so imyvery relieved.
  18. Latest stupidity. No vax covid sufferer refused to be intubato and consequently died. He was setting an "example to other no vax" Another one infected with covid went into a supermarket with mask at half mast infecting at leisure. Apparently proud of her act and published it on facebook. No doubt she will be fined and all the rest....if she lives.
  19. SG. Good warm home grant . Lucky you, I think we get £10 allowance sent once a year. Nice but not much use. I'm dreading our electric bill coming in as this year my daughter and I have made over 70 gingerbread houses. We've said " no more" 3 times but today people are asking for more so lets see how we feel. My daughter apart from her restaurant is producing hampers with all sorts of things , fancy biscuits, jars of savoury and sweet contents ( salted caramel) mmmmm and decorated chocolate bark. I think she'll be glad when its all over. I know I will, i havent even thought about us for Christm
  20. 80% no vax here in Italy are in intensive care and 4 elderly ladies have been taken out of their ward to make room for some of these inconsiderate persons. The hospitals are getting so concerned by the amount of new cases that urgent cancer patients and others are not able to get their treatments. I know some people wont have the vax because of health reasons but those that have been vaccinated are giving the no vax the sense of freedom to walk around spreading the virus to the general public. Today they said that a greater percentage of no vax cases now regret not getting vaccinated. Sor
  21. SG dogs can be a comfort. Yesterday my husband had a nasty fall and ended up in pronto soccorso ( A&E ) . He had just come back at 6.45 from taking our dog out. He got a nasty bump on his head and was worried about his latest hip replacement. TC scan revealed everything was ok and so was the hip after xray. The hospital Dr said at his age he was extremely lucky. Two of his sisters fell only a couple of days ago. Back to dogs, when my husband fell the dog got so close to him and licked him everywhere and wouldn't leave him. She follows him everywhere.
  22. nonnaB


    Sorry Mary, can't get a flight in time. I love craft fairs and am always looking for a new hobby which I have just started. Felting and of course my good old ginger bread houses. So far done about 70 and they are all ready for the removal van to take them to their new homes.