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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Before anyone corrects me. Wimbledon is tennis and Wembley is football. Seeing Kath's post put wimbledon in mind when i was talking about Wembley. If you follow me.
  2. CF yes I wondered why they were hosting it in London. Maybe thinking the weather might be cooler
  3. BK officially we dont know about my bil wanting to go to Scotland . He apparently told his elder sister who passed it on. No doubt he didn't say anything to my husband for fear of dissuading him.
  4. Good news about Wimbledon but just now on tv its says that 11,000 Italians are already at Wimbledon and my husband heard that Italians weren't being allowed in. A bit confusing but lets hope everything goes well.
  5. Pigeons, years ago when we bought this house, it was still in the outbacks almost. Only one next door neighbour and two ex stable blocks, ours and next door. The birds were quite happy to fly in and out of the haylofts and rest on anything they found comfortable. Then my husband bought a shotgun. We fixed a dartboard up against the stable wall and we both " practiced shooting.Finally after a few weeks of this the pigeons flew away and now we only see them occasionally, but at the moment we have swallows that rest on the telephone wires above our front door. Gradually the stable and haylo
  6. Can you imagine if it was postponed or cancelled. You'd have half the population going into withdrawal symptons. Things have to be done and at the " right" time. By the way I'm not a football fan but happy for those who are. It'll bring a lot of pleasure to them.
  7. CF sorry forgot to say why. My brother in laws family live in Scotland. They live in France and wanted to visit their daughter. They thought it simple to travel from France to Scotland but there was some complication so then they thought fly to Nottingham hire a car and drive up. Personally I think its a bit risky because his wife had an operation a few years ago to remove a tumor from her brain, she is very unstable in lots of ways and risking going to UK with still high results for covid may be too unhealthy for her. A long journey by car is worrying as she doesn't travel well either. I thin
  8. Just a query, what are if any the restrictions on entering UK and Scotland. Also I believe a passport is required.
  9. Brew as soon as I posted I knew it would fall on deaf ears because no one takes the least bit notice of advice given. They would sooner go without masks and social distancing to prove they wont get anything. Then wondering why and how they have got covid. Do they think its manly or intelligent not to obey the rules. Not only men but women and younger people too who dont seem to care. I think nursery children are more intelligent.
  10. I'm surprised that Boris is attempting to "openup". Why cant he wait til after the football has been finalised ( a few weeks after) and when numbers have decreased not increased. I'm all for everyone being free but at the moment I think its folly but can understand.
  11. Celebrations are healthy and everyone must celebrate what they believe in but please please wear your masks in view of your present covid situation. Keep going around without and expect higher numbers. Mock the Italians if you wish but we have very low numbers and deaths due to people respecting rules. We can go outdoors without masks but still required indoors. No one likes it but its worked with a bit of forethought. Today people are still wearing their masks in every situation because they respect rules and have respect for others.
  12. I like your profile but do you realise what you wrote?
  14. Colly, it certainly sounds as though theyve got you covered. I'm glad you're feeling better and that anxiety has calmed down. When youre up a gum tree and don't know whats happening its normal for your mind to go into 5th gear. I'm still waiting to hear my diagnosis. Oncologist had a meeting with radiologist last Monday to show him all my reports and hopefully find out exactly what this mark, shadow or scarring is because they just dont know. He rang me on Wednesday and told me that the radiologist couldnt distinguish what it was because the image wasnt clear. So now they hav
  15. Second day of not wearing masks outdoors. In this heat its a relief. Sorry to hear UK cases are going up at an alarming rate. Not wearing masks anywhere where cases are high is sheer stupidity. They are ruining the fight to keep covid at least at bay. Don't they think before they go anywhere or havent they got a brain.
  16. Like oncology new discoveries are appearing all the time. Having recently lost a dear friend with Parkinson I hope they work quickly to find a cure, although it was covid that took him. He was such a lovable character, played the guitar and loved life.
  17. Ube Im so sorry Ive only just seen your sad news . We had to put our Max down a few years ago and although we have other dogs he is still sadly missed. He really was a special dog, even the vet commented that he was the best dog that he had ever treated. The sorrow will get lighter but the memories will stay with you for life.
  18. Jill did your mum never think of getting a second, 3rd or even 4 th opinion. The choice is always in favour of the patient.
  19. You could be a friend for my grandson (18) who's terrified of spiders. The other night I heard the hoover being used at 2.30 AM, enquiring the following morning my son said it was his son catching spiders with the hoover. ( they are big ones I must add)
  20. While on this topic, Ive had a painful few days. For some time now I've had a niggly feeling in my teeth and gums. Nothing to say it was toothache or infection but finally went to my brother in law who's a dentist. It was an infection caused by a capped tooth. Anyway partly solved but still needs more treatment next week. Then my oncologist rang to give me an appointment ( with results of my latest exams) this afternoon. Again yesterday the Dr from CTO in Turin where i had my op 2019. He asked me a few questions about how I found myself now and if I had any pain etc. I should have gone last y
  21. Colly don't worry about falling asleep , it happens to us all and I notice it more now than a few months ago. Radiology does make you tired, I remember when I had it the patients would talk between themselves about how tired they got. I used to think its not happening to me , is something wrong then it got me and I joined the ranks. It does pass but I've had no experience with hormone tabs. All the best.
  22. Yes I saw that too but I have a sneaky suspicion that it was PP. Naughty, naughty. Just you be careful, do something less stressful like sending us a pic to see your hard work.But NOW sit down have a beer or two and enjoy your new courtyard.
  23. I'm a bit nearer than you OZ , I love it here in Italy although the winters are so cold but we have sunshine nearly all the time( and fog and rain) we hardly have any wind. I dont think I would like to return to UK permanently but a visit now and then wouldn't go amiss. The only thing I think I miss are the supermarkets that seem to sell everything under one roof. Its only in the last 20-30 yrs that theyve been popular here. Local shops are gradually disappearing. If I didnt want to take my car into the city centre I could go on the bus. There are buses here in the village but with long hours
  24. DJ Congratulations to you all on the birth of your new grand daughter.
  25. Ive only just been able to get online and look at NS as we've had a thunder storm and various power cuts. Jonab I 've been thinking about you lately and wondering why you weren't posting. I'm so sorry to hear of your illness and your fall. It must have been so frightening and worrying for you. It was such a long time to be alone with no one to help you. I do hope that you will recover soon and are able to face your other health issues positively. Wishing you all the best. Take care.