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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. I thought summer was on its way and decided to make a detour. We had a lot of rain and was icy cold then it turned warmer and everyone was saying that this was warmer temperatures than normal. Its still warm but very windy. Unusual as we dont have a lot of windy weather, maybe for a couple of days but thats all. Now its blowing everything away. We have 3 solar globes In the courtyard as well as smaller ones stuck in the soil in the flower beds, all of them have moved. Daren't put any washing out. According to weather forcast its going to be hotter with lashing rain. Think we'll have to wait fo
  2. Lizzie we had our honeymoon in Scarborough. I remember it from when we were kids at Cayton Bay and having a chalet. Lots of beach combing learnt from my grandfather Gary. ( His name was John Henry so dont know how it became Gary)
  3. Perhaps you did click, click, click and they took offence.
  4. Margie I can understand your memories on loving Skegness. I have some lovely memories travelling by train and getting very excited to be going to see my grandparents who lived by the sea, and later going by car to the same place looking out for landmarks. ( Are we nearly there daddy) The emotions entering past the abbey in Barrow then later catching the bus to go to Walney Island. Meeting my cousins again and friends next door to my auntie Gwennie and the milkman and his family next door to my auntie Irene. Seeing Trixie the dog and the budgie that swore and asked where the vicar was. My uncl
  5. Strange as it may seen, I didnt go to Skeggy until I was about 19. I belonged to a hiking group and one of the members worked for a coach company. He hired one for the day and we all traipsed to Skeggy. Then a bit later my boss had a caravan at Golden Sands Mablethorpe and my friends and I spent a week there including a day at Skeg. Can't say Id like to see it again. Do you still have to walk miles to have a paddle?
  6. last night I had a plateful of chips. I didn't really want to eat but my daughter came across and we decided to do some. The table was not even set, we had them on plates and ate them dipped in mayonnaise and tomato sauce. no knives no forks either. I enjoyed them because its ages since Ive even thought about cooking them.
  7. Apple phones are so easy to use. My daughter gave me her old one and I used it for ages until I got an Alexa and couldnt get it to work with the iphone because it needed an update which was already updated. Went for a samsung A20 but I hate it. Granted it has all I need but I find it a bit awkward to use and manage. Benjamin hope your arm is calming down a bit. Jill beat me to it by saying Lavender essential oil for burns. I always use it and am never without it along with Aloe Vera gel. Both together they work wonders for mozzie bites and stings. I agree Apple are far too expensive
  8. Never a dull moment down here in the "Valle". Opened the door to let the dogs in and 2 swallows swooped in towards the door probably saw the Christmas wrapped porch light and thought better of it. Nearly had them both in for lunch. There are loads around this morning.
  9. Jill strange you didnt see any bats, we've not seen them the last few nights. Granted it has rained but our lodger behind the shutter hasn't been home either. Is there a rave somewhere?
  10. This morning getting something from freezer my eye caught something near the door. It was another baby mouse or so I thought. It turns out to be a " toporagno" a common shrew. The one the other day didnt really convince me it was a mouse thinking about it. Ive only seen one once before and that was at the front door going backwards and forwards peeping out from a crack in the skirting board or should I say between the grouting. I quickly sealed it up and we've not seen one since. This has now got me worried, is it just 2 odd ones or a litter of them. I cant find where or how theyve got in apar
  11. Holidays in places you can go to? Italy has stopped quarantine for eu and UK entries into Italy. A good thing too we are expecting loads of tourists that have been missed this last year and a half.
  12. Not only have we swallows and bats we had a baby mouse in the house this afternoon. It scampered across the lounge floor and my husband said, " un scarafaggio" ( cockroach) " no e' un topo" ( mouse) If we have to have things running around in the house I prefer mice, although I hate them I've always been squeamish about cockroaches since I first came to live here. In the summer they would crawl under the door. Anyway this baby mouse promptly hid behind the settee and from there to behind furniture. Too heavy to move. So we waited and meanwhile found a couple of broken tiles to spread so
  13. My mum when she went shopping in Scotland used to hire a scooter when I visited her and she thought they were great but when she came to live here we wanted to get her one but she refused saying she didnt like them. " confused" ? So was I.
  14. We have an invasion of swallows. They dont care where they fly and sometimes we have to duck. They find all the best places to rest on, like on the light outside my front door. If I leave the door open for the dogs to go backwards and forwards they fly into the hallway. This morning I must put something on or over the light to stop them using it as a toilet. They've left " messages" everywhere. Having said that they are quite a site to see. We also have a bat and sometimes his whole family sleeping behind the window shutter above my kitchen window. They too leave "messages" but they aren't "lo
  15. My neice went to All those places but in one I think it was Jerusalem her and her friends were hurried out of the area because it was dangerous. Its not a place that i would either go to or see. Certainly not after hearing her recount of it.
  16. Covid. Just seen on news that our cases are going down fairly quickly and thank goodness so are deaths. We are opening up .any businesses but still having to be careful Heard that AZ isn't being administered in our village now so don't know what our second one will be
  17. Summer holidays are a hit and miss this year with cancellations. DJ I'm like you I hate going anywhere where there's too.many people. Our first public holiday of the year is Easter and everyone and his family go to the mountains or the coast ( both near) The Mw are full and if its hot its miserable sitting in traffic to get somewhere. I stay home and am lucky to live where its peaceful and few people. We have what we need to enjoy ourselves so we leave our choice to either earlier in the year or later. Besides trying to get in anywhere at holiday times is almost impossible. August ,everything
  18. I've said before I don't have a lot of info about Nottingham. I wasnt born there and spent a lot of years living in Italy. I love seeing photos of how it was and is in the years I wasnt there. My thoughts on that are if you miss Ians posts why not post something interesting about Nottingham yourselves instead of grumbling hes not here. Yes the site was indeed a " must look today" but like everything else things go pear shaped, people lose interest when they dont get enough likes, members have lost their computers or have moved away. Yes I know internet is available everywhere but
  19. Welcome Winnie. Don't think you were the only one that skipped school in 1970. I used to skip work in a sense that I used to go back late after lunch so I could go for a meal in one of the Berni's. This was before 1970 because I married in that year.
  20. Yes and they were always liked but the problem was there were streams and streams one after the other that if anyone was following they didnt give a chance to post after scrolling down and down and down. There were too many at one time. But Catfan you are right Fly did leave on his own account but what happened before to make him leave? You dont have to think too hard because you stopped posting afterwards and for a while we didn't see you. Its only recently that you've been posting again.
  21. Hope you soon feel better Carni, we all worry about you. Let us know what the doc says. You've been through a lot and we're all rooting for you. Take care.
  22. In fact BK its just round the corner
  23. Who said romance was dead? Ive just switched on my tv and have watched a Neopolitan wedding or should I say the build up to their wedding. Starting with choosing the perfect place to choosing the dress. The scene the evening before the big day shows the family starting to prepare for the following day. The bride and her female siblings and mother all with their hair in rollers when there is a commotion outside with neighbours calling her name to come to the window or better still to come outside. She gets to the window to see her future husband standing next to someone who is singing a neopol
  24. I sometimes feel like an intruder. I cant remember a lot about Nottingham. The little i know may not be interesting to some but being a member on this site has brought me in touch with a lot of people , some of whom I've met. Some I would like to meet ( but I'm not returning to Nottingham so thats out of the question ) so I'll be content to post about the things I do and see. Maybe a point of view from another country. I think its nice to see and hear what others in other countries are doing. And if theyve had a different breakfast, lunch or dinner who cares, its keeping us all in touch.