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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Don't you have to stay in in the evening during lockdown. We have to have a genuine reason for being out at that time of evening. Not now as we are in yellow zone. Only one to go to do and go where we like with no restrictions. Don't think it will be soon though.
  2. Today woke up to fog and freezing ice, took ages to scrape ice off windscreens. Must remember to get some spray. This morning I have to take Lily the long haired chihuahua to get clipped and Lulu to get her nails cut. My niece has the dog grooming shop so I'll be able to stay in the waiting lounge instead of having to go back out into the cold. Yesterday we started off in yellow zone . Free to go anywhere as long as it's in the region. We did a few errands ( bills that aren't paid by DD) and went to the bar for breakfast. What a treat! Only a couple of tables were occupied but still well
  3. Yes my first one did that too until one cartridge " the yellow one " got stuck. It had probably had enough of cheapies. My son bought a new printer about the same time as I did . Same make and model. Got them set up and first print job didn't work. Minutes later the intercom buzzed and my daughter in law said " I think these are yours." Minutes later again pages were printed with things I didn't understand. They were my grand daughters homework from school. We now have sorted it out.
  4. I'm on my 3rd HP printer. I've never had problems with them by using non genuine cartridges until the last one. Even used them right up til just before Christmas. They've always been accepted as genuine. I changed all the cartridges and one got stuck I tried and tried to insert it but it never did go in level until I got mad with it and then it just slotted in. But it wouldn't work "wrong cartridges" kept repeating so out it went and I bought another HP. So when it's time I will try the non genuine cartridges again.
  5. DJ. Your last paragraph sounds like Renzi speaking English. Sure his interview will be on you tube. It's so funny.
  6. I agree Kath it's mostly men's voices but also happens with womens voices.What I've put it down to is habit. We've been hearing Italian in so many different dialects and we're used to it. So along comes a film that's a bit different , speech wise, and we don't catch every word. I also agree with DJ 360 the old films are more clear but sometimes even they slur. Funny too we can start to watch a film and don't understand what it's about as we can't catch a single word and then we both say is it English or Italian. Again we expect to watch a popular or famous film, sit down comfortably and a
  7. Had a virtual look round Nice. Had many visits there and walked many times along that road. It's one of the places that we went to for a day trip trip. Pre covid.
  8. SG No words of comfort can replace your feelings about Kai. I'm so sorry, its brought a lump to my throat as I know how you feel. He knew you loved him and I'm sure he understood when you spoke to him about taking his medicine. When we have dogs or cats for that matter we enjoy their company, worry when they're not well, happy when they are romping around but we never seem to think about what the future holds for them. We enjoy them for what and who they are and they bring us so much pleasure. You are fortunate enough to have such beautiful memories of both your dogs and I'm sure you will reme
  9. Glad we dont have online shopping. The nearest to that is a local greengrocery in the village that delivers and another in the next village.Even they sometimes get things wrong.My daughter ordered 6 grapefruit and 6 kg arrived. Thank goodnesss we can now do our shopping as we need it all precautions taken and if we go as they open or close theres hardly anyone in.
  10. Lost another friend to covid.
  11. Shocked at the covid deaths in Uk. I feel like I still live there with the fear of contracting this horrible virus. Heard tonight from a friend in Nottingham and he was telling us about the situation. I have followed it from the beginning and was upset and horrified that the govt weren't doing the things and taking the same precautions as we were. Not that our govt was on top of it all and knew everything but we were told at first to wear masks, then said they weren't necessary but then realised they were. I remember phoning a friend and she was saying she walks her dog around without a m
  12. No Phil not quite mastered that yet
  13. BK that's more like it, only I can't stand faggots. Good job we don't all have the same tastes.
  14. Yes I knew you were kidding and so do I like a steak and kidney pie . My daughter made a Guinness and steak pie. When she first put out her takeaway menu she thought very few would choose it because of the reputation Italians have of British cooking. If anyone says that to me I tell "them it depends where you go. If you go to a greasy cafe you can expect bad food. Choose your restaurants and snack bars well." Anyway she's had loads of compliments so it may have persuaded them to think again. To night we are have Cornish pasties.
  15. beeky, have you got no finesse. Maybe that's the English version.
  16. Shall I tell you what the Italians say about English food when they are in UK? Maybe not, might offend RR. You must have had plenty of "foreign muck" when you followed our restaurants all over Nottingham.
  17. It's going to be a good day today. Husband coming home after having to stay in another few days. Both son' and daughter takeaway were a huge success, sold out everything. English steak pie and english teatime treats and Tex-Mex Very pleased for them in this gruesome time .
  18. We were told vaccinations were being done by local gp's and chemists. I haven't heard of anyone that has already been vaccinated but now we hear that vaccine is being delayed and is in short supply by a few companies. It may go into a legal action against them.
  20. Sad to hear the death of Larry King. Apparently had Covid and cancer plus other complcations. I didn't follow him but still sad to see him go in that way.
  21. Gem , I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. You were lucky to have her near you in her last years along with your aunt . When my mum broke her femur she refused to walk , had 4 different carers and eventually went into a care home. Covid arrived and from when we went into lockdown we couldn't see her. Every time I go into the village I have to pass the care home and automatically my eyes go up to her room expecting to see the edge of her bed. We insisted to see her ( all precautions taken) the day before she died. Sad but glad we saw her although she was already in a coma. Gem you have been ve
  22. Almost every year here in the Mountains especially in the villages, flooding is always a problem. I feel sorry for these villagers but they clear up and start again waiting for the following year to have it again. Beautiful in the summer but don't think I could stay and live like that. Trouble is it's mostly the older generation and they don't want to move.
  23. I've liked the last few posts but can't show them, combination of iPad and new look site. Glad Siddha you have recovered well, keep it up and stay safe.
  24. Sad news this morning my husband ( in hospital) heard from his god daughter that her father had passed away during the night. I won't know anything else until husband comes home because phone calls to home are a bit noisy .
  25. BK sorry but they're all in the freezer. Now having to help my daughter and son with a couple of things they do for takeaway. This weekend my daughter has Fish n chips or Guinness steak pie and sticky toffee pudding. A tea time menu , an assortment of cakes / scones / shortbread/ ginger cake, lemon drizzle cake and Bakewell tart. Together with Assam tea or a bottle of bubbly. My son is doing a Texmex menu along with a margarita cocktail and a pecan cheesecake. Chicken marinated in beer and spices, jalapeƱo peppers, fajitas and no can't remember what else. Now it seems like the other restaurant