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Everything posted by Brew

  1. I think you may be crowing too soon. From AZ (or any other international business), point of view who are you going to look after - a single market of 60 million or 27 countries with 300+ million and free movement?
  2. Hopefully whatever ails Kai will pass and he still has some good years left SG. All four dogs I've owned had, according to the vet, a heart murmur yet managed to chase a ball with the best of them. I really don't have a lot of confidence in vets although I have to admit they can judge the size of the bill so it's just short of breaking the bank.
  3. It's strange the EU is screaming for the AZ vaccine produced in England but as yet have not approved it.
  4. Israel has 9 M and Bahrain has about the same number as Birmingham, (the two highest). It's a lot easier to vaccinate when the population and area are quite small so from that point I think we're doing quite well.
  5. The meteoric rise in infections after the lockdown easement would suggest it does and only time will tell of the vaccines efficacy. My vaccination was booked in seconds after a text last Friday, yesterday a letter arrived asking me to use the website or phone 119 to make an appointment. Somethings not joined up but better that than nothing at all...
  6. I don't think navigation has ever been easy, and the search facility has always been dire.
  7. Let me say up front I really dislike Apple products. It's no surprise therefore I am not an expert... but! My dearly beloved has an old one she uses to facetime No1 grandson. As an experiment I've just accessed NS and except for the banner display it works perfectly, slow as molasses but no problem at all.
  8. Well you can jolly well put your mind to it and sort it out LL, we need you barking regularly !
  9. There is some setting that is preventing it Den, there are simply too many people whith the same setup and no problems. Have you thought about a 'speech to text' app? Have you looked at cookie settings or a firewall/virus checker that's blocking you? Different browser?
  10. I would agree Ben but with a limited set of participants and an equally limited subject we are bound to run out of things to post that have not been talked about previously.
  11. The usual expression is "He/She aint arf gorra gob on her/him" or similar - meaning loud and, as Ben sez, prone to mouthing off.
  12. We offen played dobby an running up twitchel wuz part onnit. Weather dint really stop us but mardy boggers were proper nesh if it were coad . Some gorra bag on when it were manky and dint go out, specially if there were nowt else ter do but goz out the window Tint offen we ad cobs forrus snap, it were sarnies usually when I made em missen
  13. Always a sad time Gem... my sympathies,,
  14. No Col, I've had a bad day, been 'done over' by the son of a friend and I'm still seething over it... not fair to take it out on you..
  15. Deleted, it was turning into an attack.........
  16. You do me a disservice Col, of course it has occurred to me, not only that I have argued for it on many occasions in my career. Nevertheless new ways, new technology need to be tried and tested. Some will work some won’t but unless we try how will we know? Changes in the organisation can be as beneficial as change in technology. I do not argue they can’t be disastrous, only that we need change if we are to progress. It all comes down to that old thing we call hindsight. I did not mention the motivation for change but in the case of the CS it seemed to be to make improvements and in
  17. Text from the Docs, click link to book test, clicked and booked for Feb 1st, all done is under 30 secs..,
  18. It's a conspiracy theory Col and clearly not so or the oppostion would file formal complaints left and right. We don't 'give' them money, we buy commodities or services. Yes some of the figures are eye watering but we're not talking about buying a carton of milk from the corner shop. We at least got something for our money. I can't recall you ever criticising Labour for spending billions and getting NOTHING in return: Quote- "An investigation by The Independent has found that the total cost of Labour's 10 most notorious IT failures is equivalent to more tha
  19. For one awful moment I thought you were going to say something positive about the Tories but you saved yourself with: If different schemes were never tried society would stagnate. Some work, some don't and we adapt, adopt and move on.
  20. You're describing a situatation that simply can't be sustained. It may be benificial to the people involved but paying for someone to do nothing is a financial millstone. You recently had a problem with your boiler and one plumber fixed it, how would you feel if he brought 4 assistants who also wanted paying? I reported Chubs view that the golden era was post privatisation, you, or those you consulted claimed 1972 ish. some 20 odd years before the service was sold off making it much earlier in my view. But according to Chub (as quoted), it not only worked,
  21. Chocolate limes were/are green and had a chocolate paste center
  22. Not too sure how it ties with out latest conversation, just another swipe at what you consider the criminal Tory contract system. The site however is less than neutral and I'm amazed that someone who sets great store by unbiased reporting should offer an article from a site that names Corbyn as the last of the true believers and calls for the 'comrades of the world to unite'. I don't think they are going to have good word to say about the Tories anytime soon do you? In unprecedented times we need unprecedented action. I can imagine the scorn poured on the governmen
  23. Go back Carni they're usually quite good if things aren't quite right and if they don't tell them them you want a refund. Many moons ago I was reluctant to complain or make a fuss but I'm at the age now where I will if I think it right.