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Everything posted by Brew

  1. The danger of course is buying flowers when you're innocent, you will then be unable to convince her you haven't been up to no good and won't own up...
  2. I did and it quite clearly states on the web site they are employees of Nottinghamshire County Council. Quote: "Our officers are employed by Nottinghamshire County Council, but provide services across the country." See also: The link you offer is from 2012 and was a proposal by a Liberal Democrat.
  3. Try the radio for a change. Radio 4 and 4ex have some excellent programmes. True for regular listeners there some repeats but if you've not heard them before... Classic FM is also well worth a visit. Radio 3 is a little esoteric for me but they do occasionally have something I like. Radio 1/2 and such like are just audible wallpaper and full of mindless drivel but hey ho horses for courses. The advantage with radio of course is you're free to move around rather than being stuck in a chair growing fat - and you use your brain more.
  4. and Corbyn wouldn't? he seemed pretty determined to impose his philosophy on the shadow cabinet at the time..
  5. Seems a lot like a denigration to me... Why this obsession with taxing the rich? They probably use fewer public services than average so why punish them for being successful? When we've hammered everyone down to the same level - who we going to pick on then? Not sure, I would have thought that the expected standards remained at least the same with the aim of improvement. Possible libel deleted here... I have no idea what NEET means but I will say I and others of this parish seem singularly unimpressed with their experience of the careers a
  6. Can you not see the irony of your words here? Corbyn a man of absolutely iron principles. Thatcher a lady with equally strong conviction. One you praise, one you vilify. You praised Corbyn and admire his conviction because you agree with him - you disagree with Thatcher and so revile everything about her. She sacked 'wets' so did Corbyn and Johnson and now Starmer is wielding the axe. What did Kar say - plus ça change...
  7. I do think the statistics we're given could be simpler but at the same time unless every death is followed by a post mortem we have to rely on an individual doctors opinion and diagnosis. For someone who dies suffering both chronic heart disease and Covid which is the cause of death? Obviously both contribute but which one do you count?
  8. Col you need to recognise a fishing trip when you see it...
  9. I bet you're glad you posted now eh Margie! . C'mon Col be fair. So he tells a lie or three, has affairs, has two illegitimate children, is a back stabbing so n so but don't you think he's just a little bit cuddly?
  10. Dyson seems OK here but they are a bit like Apple products - way overpriced for what they are. A voice who must never be ignored has just said "them wot use it most should get to choose".
  11. For some reason we have several. The most recent is a Dyson (corded), preceding that was a G Tech Ram, useless on carpet, OK on tile and preceding that a Shark. Quite powerful and I liked it but I have to admit it's the heaviest machine we've ever had and sent it back. The upstairs machine is a £49 Vax and does just as good a job, as far as I can see, as the expensive ones.
  12. Your IP identifies your computer location. The adverts are UK specific so little point anyone not in the UK seeing them and a highly localise site like West Bridgford will not attract advertisers beyond their customer boundary. Spoofing an IP is relatively easy and sends out a signal that tells the server you are in a different location, I chose North America... Simples
  13. I wonder how much ground rent the council are going to lose and where they will make up the shortfall?
  14. When Farnborough first opened it was all boys, Charnwood just up the road was all girls. Fairham again all boys when it opened.
  15. It may also be due to KJ having an American IP address. Edit: I've just spoofed my IP and there were no adverts!
  16. It may not exactly be your words but it's certainly the impression you give is that there is a coterie of millionaire/billionaires inveigling to relieve the taxpayer of as much as they can. The concept of rolling back the state is neither new nor radical; various proposals for reducing state involvement have been around for years. Blair set the cat among the pigeons when he said he wanted reforms to reduce the role of the state in the provision of public services, something he wanted including in the manifesto though I can't remember if it made it Blair had a grand i
  17. I seriously doubt she thought "let's make everyone self centred and greedy", what she did do was follow a policy of 'giving people more choice', a euphemism for... OK I surrender.. But I'm losing the will to live here, I dislike the woman almost as much as you. Again I refute there is some sort of clandestine, Illuminati type organisation with the sole purpose of carving up public funding. Over 60 companies received the specifications for a ventilator from government, Vauxhall and Airbus being two I can think of but to change the production lines would
  18. Everyone has their own unique perspective and is always welcome to join in PP
  19. Good to see you back Col, A bit ambiguous Col, history as someone once said, is written by the victors - so what point are you making here? Pure supposition, conjecture and your opinion - we have no way of knowing how much truth there is in that. I happen to agree but I wouldn't offer it as fact. The discussion however was not about the lady herself but her policies and the degree to which they were responsible for the rise of the self serving yuppie brigade. They may have contributed but we can't lay ALL the blame on her doorstep, we have gone ove
  20. Happy birthday SG... ice cream and facemasks... the mind boggles...
  21. Maybe Westfield will buy it back at a bargain price...
  22. I voted for Thatcher and against her. I voted for Blair and against him. To blame either for whatever we may consider they did wrong is simply a generalisation and doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. Every government in history has made mistakes, future governments will be no different. Holding on to a grudge and resentment for 30 years is not only a waste of time it is likely to colour our judgement of the present and future.
  23. I was with you all the way there Col until you just could not resist having a political dig. I was going to post a riposte but I'm manfully resisting until I see it on the proper channel …
  24. Were the restrictions lifted and somebody forget to tell me??