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Everything posted by trogg

  1. trogg

    Cats !

    Ben you went to Henry Whipple the same as me, the only "ink blot test" we took was when we tried to write with those silly pens and ink wells given to us by the teachers. My fingers always appeared to be permanently stained until I had my own fountain pen.
  2. I am still waiting for another new right shoulder, I have been waiting 2 years and had to postpone it twice . First time to have a kidney removed the second time my choice with personal problems and also the corona virus risk. The Consultant said I had made the right choice. Hopefully it will be carried out soon after April. Being right handed beside the continual pain I am unable to carry out many tasks, the upside is that it means no more washing and drying pots, I drop too many and no other housework. What ever the situation there is always an upside so stay positive.
  3. We use to have a Sheltie, a sweet and mild tempered dog, but she certainly was protective of us. The only time she barked and shown any signs of violence was when the telephone rang, then heaven help any ringing telephone that tried to break into our house.
  4. Carni I didnt realise that you and Chris were still suffering as much, my thoughts go out to you both and with the warmer weather on its way soon, I hope , you will be ready on your bikes to ride to Birds.
  5. I had the same problem in disposing of them, I also did the same, burn and dustbin. I asked the wife to help me as right arm was in a sling , not a chance she left the room when I did it, it caused a few problems trying to do it left handed.
  6. Brew has not posted for over a week now, which is unusual for him. hope he is OK.
  7. My day has been much the same as every other day for the most of this year. But next year is going to start off the same but it is going to turn into one of the best years of my life, I do not know how but with things starting to change its going to be great for me and for all on here. So I wish you all a happy and healthy new year and may all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled.
  8. Just to add to the subject of vaccines I found this on another site and it sums up my views if I should have the vaccine. I hope they do not mind me copying it. Caption: Unvaccinated and vaccinated boys with smallpox Description: Boy on left was not vaccinated and has severe smallpox while boy on right was vaccinated and has mild smallpox. This photograph is from a collection of lantern slides used by Philadelphia physicians to illustrate the risks of not vaccinating. Early 1900s. Creator: The Historical Medical Library of The College of Phys
  9. trogg

    Cats !

    Some cats have too much turkey at christmas.
  10. Well the day gone what did everyone receive for Christmas. My dearest wife must love me she is concerned that I never went away this year even for 1 night also I am always wearing jeans and a T shirt so I need to smarten myself up. So she gave me these presents,
  11. I have two grandsons for dinner tomorrow ,sitting in front of the log fire but they will be complaining that they havent been here for a long time. Since they were toddlers they have always referred here as Grans Cafe often calling in before Covid for food and introducing latest girl friends. Be nice to see them they both had the test before being allowed to come. Best wishes to you all you have my the last year more bearable for me , stay safe.
  12. Jill as you can see I do have similarities to Ben, I also obey orders when given by Ladies. lol
  13. The wife had an appointment at QMC last week she was told to arrive no more than 5 minutes before time, preferably by her self. When she arrived she had to wait outside before being allowed into the waiting room which was empty and she was seen dead on time, whilst waiting another woman arrived 30 mins early, she was not allowed in the building and told to come back at the right time as every effort is made to keep the numbers in the building to a minimum . This together with no visitors means that there are only the minimum people at the hospital, to help prevent spreading of the virus. The
  14. Jill I mentally prepared myself for the Budgie story, it took a long while , but like you and others I am still waiting.
  15. Yes Please, I would love to hear what went on there , I heard many stories about Locarno for other Bestwood mates, but I had my doubts about them so I would love to hear them from the Master of Locarno.
  16. Only 3 sleeps till Santa arrives, what will he/she be bringing you?
  17. trogg

    New look

    I have turned mine on to default, on my laptop, and every thing seems to be there and working OK, but it does seem to be a bit bright to what I am use to. To others who are having problems keep trying, I know I dont post that much but I do enjoy reading the posts.
  18. Thanks for detailing your experience Carni, it must surely bring it home to the disbelievers the dangers of this virus. Glad you are both regaining your strength and I look forward to seeing you both at the next meet up. PS your cream cakes are on me.
  19. I had to go shopping today as my son who usually does it is in quarantine for 10 days, did I see stupidity? You bet I did, no masks , masks below the nose , masks under the chin all with no distances . I left without all my shopping at home loads of hand washing then steamed my clothes, I have lasted this long I cannot wait for the vaccine. I think there is a cure for gross stupidity , a little lead capsule inserted just behind the left ear.
  20. After feeling right down between Compo and Jill I can now cope and smile for another day. Ben keep smiling you will soon be out again, either discharged fit again or banned for ********* with the ladies.
  21. Come on Margie spill the beans, why are you famous on the internet ? only for good reasons I think.
  22. Ben sorry to hear you are back in Hospital, but I with your character you will be making the most of it and will soon be back out and chatting the ladies again.
  23. Nonna what a beautiful place to live.