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Everything posted by Stavertongirl

  1. Our school dinners were so so. I can remember cabbage that splattered on the plate it was so over cooked and full of water, chocolate and pink custard which I hate. The school always smelt of cooking fish on fridays, put me off fish for life it was so gross (can manage fish fingers but that is it). It was a relief when my mum started letting me take sandwiches instead.
  2. I have only been in this site since October so can’t comment on how it was. Since I have been posting I have had a couple of times when I felt I was being not bullied but spoken down to which made me feel uncomfortable and I didn’t go on site for a couple of days and thought about not going on anymore. However most have been very welcoming so why let a couple spoil it. I do the word games which I enjoy but have seen the moaning about them so am considering not doing them anymore. All in all I have enjoyed most of the site but must admit I don’t come on as often as I did at first (came on in th
  3. Don’t give up BK, I joined in October, have had a couple of wobbles about the site but have found most on here are good people. I tend not to get involved if it starts to get too heavy (religion and politics) but it would be very boring if we were all the same. I must say I have enjoyed a lot of your posts so please keep it up.
  4. Good hope they get more than a slap on the wrist but I doubt it.
  5. Still battling on with giving up smoking. Just had to fill my vape thingy, takes ages to do as the bottles are very rigid and have to be squeezed to get the liquid out. I have trouble with gripping with my thumb, it can get quite uncomfortable. Thinking about it perhaps it is a cunning plan by ciggie manufacturers to make you just have a ciggie as it is easier than filling the flipping thing!
  6. I must admit sometimes I tend to sit back and let those who have been on the site a while battle it out when some subjects are raised. Think the politicians in the Commons could learn something about debating contentious (if that is the right word) subjects (ie the B word) from this site! Sometimes the word games seem safer. Just done my rounds of the damp traps scattered around my house, pleased to say there is nothing in them so the PIV unit (noticed there was an advert on telly for them) in the loft is working. Noticed the damp smell upstairs disappeared the first day it was put in.
  7. My two dogs are included in all the cards I send ( from me and my boys) as are my friends dogs (they are part of the family after all). However they dont receive any cards just to themselves, but my Dogs Trust sponsor dog does send me Christmas cards, birthday cards and a valentine card with a message telling me what he has been up to. Obviously a very educated greyhound!
  8. The house I am in now has what was once an outside loo. Luckily the previous owners amalgamated it and the two storage sheds into a room at the side of the house otherwise it would definitely not have been used. Haven’t decided what I am going to use it for as yet, but it is a big room.
  9. I had an uncle and aunt who lived on Heskey Street in Nottingham. I used to stay there regularly and hated their outside loo. It was right at the top of the garden near the gate into the back alley. It gave me nitemares. Don’t know what was worse going in the dark or braving the spiders (which are a pet hate of mine). My cousin and I used to go together when it was dark (at the time there was some trouble with someone lurking in the back alleys). That was just as bad as you had to stand outside in the dark waiting for each other, no security lights then, imaging the worse.
  10. I had a Hotpoint twin tub and it always worked well although it used to jump around if the spin dryer wasn’t loaded evenly and you had to hang on to it to stop it jumping all over the kitchen.
  11. Everyone seems to be in a rush (or on their mobile phone) these days. It wasn’t like that when I was younger (oh dear sound like an old fogey), people seemed kinder and had time for things, but perhaps that is rose coloured spectacles?
  12. Nothing wrong with a Nothing wrong with having a rest day, gives you time to take stock of things. I sometimes have pj days, especially if the weather is like it was yesterday, (nothing better than snuggling on settee watching box sets or reading while the rain is lashing at the window). I was a bit worried about retiring, thought I might get bored as I have always worked, although only part time the last few years, but it is great being able to do what you want when you want. I can heartily recommend it.
  13. Try to be pack leader as per Dog Whisperer but they do have their moments, they are male after all! Had their chicken this evening so peace is restored, both sleeping it off at moment.
  14. Oh dear had a slight blip yesterday, chicken wasn’t properly defrosted. So I spent the evening with two dogs with the hump. They made it very obvious they were not amused as when I touched them they turned their heads away and wouldn’t look at me. Made a point they were not happy by dropping as many biscuits on floor as eaten. Thankfully it is defrosted this morning so hopefully I will be forgiven and can come out of the doghouse.
  15. Been thinking back to my childhood trying to work out if we were deprived or not. We were always fed and clothed and had a council house to live in. We didn’t have anything that could be classed as luxuries, but then neither did anyone else on our close. There was one family which my mum would describe as “scruffy” and we were told not to get too close (nits), but everyone else was like us as far as I can remember. The biggest difference to nowadays is that the close was a community in itself, celebrating things together (coronation etc.) which you don’t get nowadays. I can remember my mum gi
  16. My Monday Club are having a Secret Santa, told to get something silly for a pound. I have been searching all week with no real success. Getting really desperate even had relatives searching for me! Who came to the rescue? Aldi with chocolate Brussels and chocolate Christmas puds. Problem solved. Can now get back to trying to ignore Christmas.
  17. Not sure about that I would get the German shepherd “look” which they are both very good at
  18. Got up this morning and felt a bit sniffly with a sore throat. Had a choice stay in and feel sorry for myself or take my boys to the park I have found nearby (don’t walk them on my own where my sister and I walk them as it is a bit lonely just fields and a wood, not good when you have to consider these things as a woman). So decided to take them out, I have to take them separately (the one left behind kicks off) but I don’t take them out together as if they decided to go I would be pulled over. Glad I did it has made me feel a lot better and they have now contentedly settled down for a nap (wi
  19. I have finally had a PIV unit installed in my loft (just couldn’t cope with the damp any more), had it done yesterday. One of the ladies from a club I go to had had one installed a while ago in her bungalow which was a help. Although I had done research (put a white coat on while doing it) it was better to speak to someone who had got one installed, she was able to answer my questions (I know the installer would have but they would have a vested interest) and gave me the phone number of her installer. I had contacted someone on line and by telephone (leaving a message) who advertised they woul
  20. This sort of thing pi***s me off. I knew it was a scam but if this had been my dad when he was alive, who loved the internet, he would have thought it was genuine and done what this s**t was asking him to do and have lost a lot of money. That is why I posted it so people can be warned about it. People who do this want flogging in public. (sorry if this is not pc but it really pi***s me off.)
  21. My two dogs react to other dogs on tv. We regularly watch the Dog Whisperer together. When one of them was younger he used to dash into passage from front room if the dog disappeared from screen thinking it would be in there and would come back very confused!
  22. Match as in strike a match, match a pair, football match and matchmaker.
  23. Been getting recorded messages telling me my broadband was going to be cut off in 48 hours as it had been compromised. The message had what sounded like an American accent which was a bit strange so I just ignored them and it wasn’t cut off. Then I got a phone call from an Indian gentlemen who said he was from BT who monitor all broadband lines (?). He sounded like he was in a call centre from the background noise. Told him I wasn’t with BT but he insisted that Bt monitors all broadband for problems (they must be very busy). He said people were using my broadband line and I needed to correct i
  24. Watched David Attenborough’s Dynasties on tigers. Absolutely spellbinding (tigers are my favourite big cats). Couple of heart stopping moments when the female was hurt in a fight and also when she went near a village to hunt. The bit at the end when you saw how they got some of the footage was interesting, made you realise the patience it takes to get the captivating images. Another gem from David Attenborough.