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Everything posted by Stavertongirl

  1. A long while ago I worked for legal department that had a firm of solicitors who were Jewish. They had an office in our department. They would open out envelopes that mail had come in and use them as notepaper, it became a running joke with both him and the rest of the staff. He did say “how do you think I got all my money”. In other ways he and his son, who was a partner in the firm as well, were very generous, his staff were treated very well. Anyone who had a birthday in the department was always treated to a large bunch of flowers and a cake. Nice people who would also help out with any l
  2. I have been told to put a saucer of water in the conservatory. Apparently Brock (called him after a WWE wrestler) should go and sit in it? Dont know if this is true or not, but what am I going to do with him in it? There is no way I would pick up the saucer with him reposing in it, I just know he would run straight for me (they always seem to do that like a cat goes to someone who doesn’t like cats). He might think he has a jacuzzi and invite his mates. Could end up with a spider party house in my conservatory!
  3. As with most religions or nationalities there are good and bad mixed in. I try to take people as I find them and form my own opinion. All in all I must say I prefer my boys to a lot of people, probably a bit anti-social but as long as I have a few close friends and my close relatives that is all I need. I don’t really understand how you can tar a whole religion or race with one brush everyone is different thankfully.
  4. With great trepidation I decided to venture into my conservatory this morning, haven’t been in since my confrontation with my “beast”, it has been securely locked since then. I armed myself with my hoover and my trusty brush. Felt a bit like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti movies when he confronts the bad guy, throwing his poncho over his shoulder so he can get to his gun or perhaps Dirty Harry might have been better with his big gun! Had a good look through the patio doors before venturing in, very carefully opening the door and put my hoover in. Waited a bit and then stepped in protect
  5. To be quite honest it moves that quick we haven’t managed to have a conversation except for the odd expletives when it was clinging to the brush bristles.
  6. I am finding myself creeping down the kitchen and peering through the patio doors into the conservatory to see if my giant arachnid has emerged from his hiding place. Nothing as yet. This begs the questions is he a) digging his way into my kitchen or b) plotting his next move I have now armed myself with a bigger plastic container. The internet says if you place the container in front of the spider and approach it from the rear it will run into the container. Right - If it is sat in the middle of the floor facing the patio doors and I have to approach it from t
  7. He is that big and built like a tank it will have to be thick card! I did notice he has a pattern (tattoo?) on his body that is how big he is. (I suppose it could be a she, aren’t the females bigger than the males, if not I definitely don’t want to have to deal with the female of this species.) He hasn’t appeared since our first round so will see what tomorrow will bring. Perhaps a good talking too will make him move out? On on a side note I was hanging my washing out and noticed I had a young toad sat next to me. Am starting to feel like I am amassing a zoo!
  8. Got up this morning and there was the Mike Tyson of spiders sitting brazenly in the middle of my conservatory (I swear he had tattoos on his face!). We eyed each other up whilst I had my breakfast. I don’t like spiders, they make my skin crawl, but I don’t kill them just catch them and put them outside, usually over the fence into my neighbours garden so they don’t come back! But this is the biggest one I have had to tackle so far, tarantula comes to mind. So I went into ninja mood, got my (quite small) spider catching kit and my brush and went into battle. Went into the conservato
  9. Having been at the grammar school in the 60’s I have had a look at the pictures with interest. Couldn’t remember what the buildings looked like but can remember the “new block” building. I can remembered the gym (I once put my hand through one of the windows when running) and the lab with the pipes for the Bunsen burners, also going up and down the staircase inbetween lessons. The smelly girls changing rooms and those awful showers where you were given 5 minutes to have a lukewarm shower and then get dressed with Miss Rattaray shouting at you to hurry up and going to the next lesson still damp
  10. It seems my sparrow godson has flown the nest (well the garden really). He was practising flying this morning up and down the garden in between feeds before I went out. Came back and let boys out who hunted all round garden for him to no avail. I have been and had a look in his favourite hiding place and done a general look round of garden and can’t see him. Very relieved mission accomplished
  11. Just had boys out again, he is quite safe where is so am leaving well alone and keeping them away. Not easy to do as he seems so vulnerable. Hopefully will see him fly away in a couple of days.
  12. I went out for a bit this morning, got back and let boys out. Went out with them and then noticed them both sniffing something in the (very long) grass. Thought it might be a bee so started going across to rescue it when I saw something run from them down the side of the conservatory and hide in (what is left - see older posts) of the blackberry bush. Couldn’t see anything so herded them both in. A bit later they asked to go out again and they again found something in the grass. When I got to them it was a baby sparrow so I got them off it - it was being thoroughly sniffed but not hurt - only
  13. I used to watch the wrestling on World Of Sport, it was on from 4 - 5pm on Saturday. My mum used to love Les Kennet, if my dad came in while we were watching it he used to say it was rubbish. One of my uncles was in the dressing room and heard the wrestlers going through what was going to happen in their match. For my sins I watch WWE, even been to a couple of the live shows over here (had a thing about Kevin Nash, Big Daddy Cool, a gorgeous 7’ hunk with the most perfect pecs I have ever seen, even better in the live shows!). I went with 2 friends who had never seen it, after the
  14. I had a relative ask if they could take my boys out this morning as they were going walking with a friend and as I had things I wanted to do said yes. They arrived, got backpack sorted (water for boys, poo bags etc) and off they went. Boys went out quite eagerly without a backward glance, puts my role into perspective! Got loads done. Hoovered carpets without hairs appearing when I turned my back, washed floors downstairs without having doggie footprints all over them whilst they were still wet. Cleaned upstairs, battled with a hanging bag in the shower to put shower gel etc in, s
  15. Been to hospital for appointment for my overactive thyroid. Tablets have done their job apparently but they now don’t want me to go the other way (underactive) so I am going to be weaned off them. Going to take them every other day at first instead of every day, if they are stopped straight away my thyroid might start being naughty again as I have only been on them for 6 months. But it was caught early when it had just started acting up so that is why tablets have worked so quickly. It makes me wonder if it was stress induced in the first place and now is starting to right itself w
  16. I got back to the 1800’s on my dads family tree. It was only on my grandads side as my great grandmother was French (we presume my great grandad met her during the First World War). It was easy to start as my grandads name was Gresham and all his siblings had unusual names mostly biblical and we could remember my Great Aunt Zena (formidable lady) and my Great Aunt Lizzie (always with Zena but like a little mouse, always hung onto her handbag as if someone was going to steal it). It was very interesting, my Great Grandad was a Geordie coalminer who moved to Nottingham but my Grandad always said
  17. When one of my relatives got one One of my relatives has one downstairs, she said she heard hers talking in the middle of the night a couple of times, perhaps they get lonely? She also put the guard dog thingy on it, only problem was she couldn’t get it to stop and every so often had what sounded like 5 different dogs barking. She googled it and found there were a lot of people in the same situation, took her ages to get it to stop.
  18. Thanks Enigma that has been very helpful.
  19. I am thinking about getting an Alexa, watching the price on Amazon to see when the best price is. I just wondered if anyone has one and what they think. Also which is best the full size or the small dot. The reviews are very mixed, some saying they are brilliant and others saying they are rubbish. I would mostly use it for audible books and my podcasts, with some music if I can get it for free. Any comments would be appreciated.
  20. On a slight tangent, my mum used to tell me about a lady who used to go to the shops on Bracebridge Drive in Bilborough with a small monkey. It used to be dressed in matching clothes to hers. I have asked about this at my clubs but no one can remember her, can anyone shed any light on this? Mum said I had seen her but I can’t remember it.
  21. I left Nottingham in the 1970’s, hubby got a job at a pit outside Doncaster where his parents lived, Nottingham pits weren’t taking on at that time. We came back regularly to see my family. Always considered it home so when I was on my own it was a no brainier to come back to the area I had grown up in to be with family again. We were going to move back anyway before my husband passed, we had our names down for a bungalow as my husband was disabled but I didn’t qualify when I was on my own. Like most places it has changed somewhat (I get completely lost in Nottingham city centre) but don’t re
  22. There is someone near where I live that has a puma and monkeys. He also bought a penguin off the internet (amazing what you can buy on eBay!) as his partner liked them, but found out it had been stolen from a zoo in Scotland so it had to be returned.
  23. Apparently they were finally recaptured yesterday with no casualties. Presume owners got them back and will make their home more escape proof.
  24. I sometimes get itchy but luckily my allergy tablets alleviate it quickly. You. Have my sympathy can’t imagine anything worse, hope the dermotology helpline can sort something out for you. Not sure about the out of date medication though, could still be a bit risky?