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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Maybe she'd like the name Beekay Col, just saying.
  2. Good for you PP. Have you got Mrs.PP painting yet.?
  3. Shoulda been left to kids, without motors. Brought out as Christmas presents and put away two days later.
  4. Has anybody noticed, how the nights are drawing in? 'How's my Day's, I'm bloody freezing !
  5. So glad for you Catfan. Sounds like you'll be taking Finasteride, unless I'm mistaken. When my consultant told me he was discharging me back to my GP, he said I could stop taking the tablets. But I said thanks, but if it's OK with you, I'll keep taking them if it keeps me from a recurrence .
  6. Alas, I have to make do with other people's kids and grandkids. Don't know what your missing till it's gone.
  7. Congratulations Grandad! May you have many nights baby sitting. Well done to daughter too !!
  8. I echo every word you say Oz, though on a smaller scale. Take care.
  9. Will be thinking of you Jonab and saying a prayer for you. Get better soon mate.
  10. It's fascinating looking at all the green spaces in Stuarts link. Just about make out where Babbington and Cinderhill collieries are, which is now Premier Inn and Phoenix Park. On Cinderhill Road, immediately passed the railway bridge, used to be another entrance to the pits shunting yards and where we used to garage our NCB xray unit, when not in use (between jobs). Not relevant but thought I'd just chuck it in.
  11. I see the gap where the crossing gate was, is still there. Going up Bells Lane from Cinderhill traffic circle.
  12. It's got to be early Jill, look at all the empty spaces which are now taken up by housing.
  13. CT, I don't remember the line going under Bells Lane. As a bus driver on the 55 service I can remember seeing the white crossing gate on the left, when coming onto Bells Lane from Cinderhill Island. The bus stop was a few yards up from the crossing. This was circa 1965.
  14. Didn't that railway line also cross Bells lane, on it's way to Babbington colliery? I seem to remember where it crossed Broxtowe lane, it was by bridge, over the road. Where did the line go to when going away from the colliery?
  15. We're hoping and praying for you Catfan. Just noticed...6,666 posts !!
  16. Whole heartedly agree with you Mary. I don't regret paying one penny of my National Insurance.
  17. Bit of beef laced with sleeping tablets usually does the job !
  18. But most of the clips were terrible back projection , WW. Good song though.
  19. Hi Margie, glad you liked it. One of the happiest clip was of some little Afrikaan children, they were only about 6/7 and the grins on their face was infectious. Also on the Swiss police, I thought funny was a female officer dancing away, with a gun strapped to her hip !
  20. I do try to do my bit CT. But sometimes wonder if folks get fed up. For me, this the best thing since sliced bread. What I found though, is although I correspond withloads of people, I could pass them in the street and never know.
  21. How are Syd and Babs doing Ben? I trust they are settling down now. My Dad's name was Syd, God rest him.
  22. Cor ! Innit bloody hot. :-)
  23. If Iv'e got to be nabbed by the Fuzz, this is the lot I want to do it !! This has got to be one of the Happiest songs Iv'e ever heard. Don't believe me, Watch it on You tube. All versions.