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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. I worked with a John Mee at SPD, on Glaisdale drive. He came as a warehouseman for a number of years.
  2. And another thing.....Whatever happened to ' Nibbits ' ? Used to love em. Long squiggly things with a unique taste all of their own. Nearest thing I've seen to them the deep fried noodles you get with chow mein. Flat hard ribbons that when dropped in hot oil they swell up after a few seconds.
  3. When we stay in Wroxham, I go over the bridge to Maccy Ds but only for coffee and so I can use their free wifi.
  4. Thank you for that insight MD., much appreciated. I have attended the service at the Menin gate. We once went to Ypres for Christmas and stayed in the Novotel just down the road from there. Went on three consecutive nights.
  5. Veering off track a wee bit, but still at Bolsover. The tipper lorry I used to drive back in the late 60s, the driver who drove it before me went right up the A632 toward Bolsover with his back end in full tip. He hit a railway bridge that used to cross over the road, (so my uncle and dad told me). He'd tipped his load somewhere and didn't lower properly, consequently, as he was driving the back went up ! Must have been half asleep.
  6. I bow to your superior knowledge Phil. Could have sworn that's where we signed up. Don't remember ever joining E.H. But I that's where we were told of the shallow graves...Your servant sir.
  7. Talking of shallow graves (which we weren't). We visited Bolsover castle many moons ago where we first joined the National Trust. One of the guides told us of a couple of the paths had lots of bodies buried in rows, all victims of the plague. She told us, they had to be buried quickly, hence they were only about 18" to 24" deep.
  8. Went to Tyne Cott a couple of times and been to Ypres' Menin gate three times ( staying just round the corner).
  9. MD., when you say you ' do tours', do you mean you run them or attend organised tours? Also, is it home or abroad?.
  10. Again, in reply Nonna, a 'plant ball' is an artificial topiary with three chains attached so it can be hung up on a hook. As far as I'm aware, there are two sizes, 30 & 40cm. Saves growing them when lack of space dictates. Personally, I much prefer the real thing.
  11. I wondered how long it would be before someone asked. The answer is no, it's a small hanging false plant ball, bought from Aldi £6.99 a few years ago. It's one of a pair. Come to think of it, I have asked 'er indoors to make me a nice red pom pom to sit on top !
  12. No longer hidden P.P. next lot should be from Mrs.P.P.
  13. Just been and had a look at my paints that sis in law bought me. They're all 59ml bottles with dispensing cap on top. Don't know the cost and felt it not my place to ask. We'll have to nurture this and see who else gets interested.
  14. Could it be by chance, a Vettriano painting? Personally, I couldn't afford to plaster acrylic on like that. You can slow it down a mite by watering it down slightly. One can almost work it like watercolour. Drying time is the main reason I'm not working outside, it's a bit like painting with treacle. When painting the churn, it was helpful when doing one side and working round, doing the other side then first side dry enough to continue. Do you find that colours are not solid but almost translucent.
  15. Brew, if that's your work I'm impressed. Very vibrant and lots of action. It looks like a waterfall dropping into a lake. Could that be the " Lady in Red" in the foreground?
  16. Do you mean I'm boring you Brew ? If so I'll have to find another topic that may interest you. What about a photographic collection of bus stops I have stood at.?
  17. Wots up Margie? Fancy making soup?
  18. Nonna posted a picture of herself wearing a mask. I'm growing mine !! [/url
  19. Sounds a bit like a Carry on script.
  20. For P.P.,. This chair I painted back in about 1992ish. Took a long while but I really enjoyed doing it. A bit too big for putting in a doll's house though.
  21. Hiya Mary and P.P., good morning to you both and anyone else reading this drivel. This hobbing irons, I reckon I painted them at least 16years ago. Every time we came up to Nottingham Tina's cousin would say they had a little something, could I paint it? The 'little something turned out to be those shoe lasts and a couple of flat irons ! Still, we had free board so can't grumble. P.P, I painted a full size chair back in the late eighties, if I can find a picture I'll post it. Mary, you must email me some pix of your work. Said it before, to NonnaB, don't knock what you do. It's you
  22. Thank you Gem, I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. Always seemed to do well at school then it sort of dropped off for a while. As a teenager, there was always something more interesting, like motorbikes, camping etc. My interest was re-ignited about 1970 (ish) when I joined Arnold art society. I tended to stick to water colours at that time, I knew bugger all about oils. It was in the 80s after our first canal boat holiday that I developed an interest in canal art. Tina, my wife bought me a lovely book called " Let's paint Rose's and Castles" and that showed me the techniq
  23. Supposed to be bad for your back.