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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Some nice pix there N.A. pity theyv'e all got that watermark splodged over them. Thanks pal.
  2. Like your pictures Rog., but tell me, where is the mess deck or heads?
  3. At one time, wasn't it possible to purchase self assembly kits of Mirror dinghies, to build yourself at home?
  4. The majority of boatyards on the canàls have pumpout stations, but it can be quite expensive nowadays. I seem to remember that dishwater emptied straight into the 'cut. You pulled the plug and away the water went. Bilge pumps emptied into the canal too. Fortunately, on the Llangollen canal there is a flow from the river Dee at Horseshoe falls, so any dishwater would travel down to Hurlestone reservoir, for the Cheshire folk to drink.
  5. Nice Tulips too Mrs.Buttercup.
  6. Well tiver my shimbers ! Would love to see you take that through Langley Mill lock Rog.
  7. Doubt if you'd catch many whales in that Phil. And anyroad, where could you render the blubber? Biggest boat I had were 66ft narrowboat. Didn't own it though. Took it over Pontcysyllte aqueduct loads of times.
  8. Rog., a bit of emery cloth and a little tin of Hammerite and the jobs a goodun. Would be a good opportunity to use your airbrush.
  9. Glad I've only my 7 tomato seedlings on the kitchen window sill. Takes me about 2.5 seconds to get round my garden ! Phil., if it's too cold to do owt, send one or two of your minions out .
  10. Is that your gaff Phil ? If so, I admire your taste.
  11. It wouldn't fit in the communal car port, so traded it in for a mobility scooter for 'er indoors. ( summat that she's never bloody used !)
  12. Never had a tractor, but I did drive an artic' with a 45ft. trailer. Dint belong to me though, it were the Coal boards.
  13. Have you tried deleting postimage and starting again by re-downloading it, for a fresh start.
  14. The last film we went to see was Octopussy ( Bond), back in the early 80s. It were a little cinema in Deal, Kent. I nodded off, so 'er indoors moved a couple of seats away, to get away from my snoring.
  15. Just posting this to see if I can still do it. It's my next painting project...
  16. If memory serves me correctly, it was yourself and LizzieM who showed me how to post pix via Postimage. That was back in 2019.
  17. Cats...Back in1944, whilst in France my dad used to eat 'em Rog.
  18. It's now 00.15 and only my moniker is showing on 'who's online', so I'll say good night and God Bless to anyone who tunes in. XX
  19. One tries to create a good impression and improve ones status on NS. Anybody can say crap ! Rog., if your'e gonna electrify, make sure it's about 50,000 volts.
  20. Get yerself a very large, hungry savage dog Rog. Edit. I read somewhere that if you could get a dollop of lion faeces and spread that around, it would solve the problem.
  21. I used to drive one like that for MAKEMSON, when I worked part time for them. I did a colliery run from top of St.Albans road, via Bestwood road to Calverton colliery. I've also worked as a conductor on their Bulwell market to Bestwood village, on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm fairly sure that was a lowdecker with the long bench seats and gangway down the starboard side.( the one in Oz's link).
  22. I don't have a greenhouse or a shed, but have managed to successfully start off some tomato seeds that I've had wrapped up for nearly two years. As it's my first time, I'm looking to Mrs.B to guide me along. I believe they may be some type of Beefsteak toms. Edit. Should'nt be on this thread I know, but who's watching.
  23. And then operating on arms and legs, all before 09.00. Wonder what he does in his spare time. That's when he's not rebuilding buses or cycling all over the countryside.
  24. @plantfit, Rog, remind me please, of the name of that other transport museum up near Doncaster way. I believe you've been there afore. B.
  25. When I worked at SPD, we used to deliver Birds Eye to the Chateau. They used to advertise "Home Apple pie" etc., but we delivered it in frozen trays, uncooked. When the trade descriptions act came in they removed the advert and just put on the menu, "Home cooked". nb. I believe the range was called Top Tray and was Birds Eye catering range.