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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Well it worked Carni. Is that you in the picture?
  2. Addition to above post.... Found it Margie,(direct link). Will give it a try next time I want to put a picture on. The silly thing is that having solved a problem, is the sense of relief that you feel, as though all is back to normal. Postimage lives !!
  3. So at least we can still use it eh, Margie. ( where did you find 'Direct Link?.)
  4. Carni, if you read this, I think I've sussed out the posting problem. Hopefully have attached a picture for you. When you've chosen a picture, then at the top of the screen tap or click on share. This will take you to the choices. Tap or click on Hotlink to Forums. This will show 'copied. You can then go back on NS and paste your pic.
  5. I would love to see some examples of your stencilling Nonna.(if you get chance, that is).
  6. Towd ya I were an oddball. Can't make head or tails of this IMGUR thingy.
  7. Us oddballs have to stick together little sis, (as long as we're 2m apart).
  8. Trouble is Brew, we, the ones who are obeying the rules and doing as we're told, we are the people who nowadays seem to be in the minority. You toe the line and are looked on as being the oddball. Some folks must be on a death wish or couldn't care less.
  9. It might sound daft Stuart, but how do I go about using Imgur?
  10. Okay, Jill and Catfan, who can tell me what the alternatives are? I'm open to any ideas and bow to your longer experience. Carni, re the puzzles, I've had exactly the same results, so not going to bother with rotating. Found loads of Nottingham images to do on there.
  11. This is probably the wrong thread, but a well used one, so I'm hoping somebody can tell me what's happened to my postimage? I don't seem to be able to get any further than choosing an image. Instead of going on to click on 'hotlink, it just goes to a page full of adverts. If I go back a page it just shows 'choose image' again. Am I doing something wrong? It's frustrating not being able to post pictures. HELP, ANYONE.
  12. Stuart has beat me to it Carni. Also I'm struggling to post pictures for some reason. When asked on Postimage to choose an image, this I do but instead of being able click onto Hotline to Forums, I just get put on a page of adverts, with no way of moving anywhere except return.
  13. Hiya Carni, how's life in the fast lane? Tell you wot miduck, I'll nip on there and have a look see. I do the hard ones, with 6 pieces, they're the mindbenders, ( I'm a bit thick you see). I'll get back to you on this thread as soon as I've sorted it out. B.x
  14. I'm still using the Barnsley museum puzzle link that C.T posted a while back. Lots of simple time wasters on there. Isn't Wasgij puzzles in reverse, like a mirror image so it makes it more difficult?
  15. I hope they don't either Nonna. I'm due to go up there, the second week of December. I've got to pay a holiday balance next week, for over a £1000. Why can't people be sensible.
  16. So what else is happening up in Nottingham? What's the latest gossip doing the rounds and am I missing owt? What's the latest with PPs chicken coop? Are the trams still running and is it true, Goose fair cancelled? Is Catfan back from Skeggy? Etc,etc.
  17. No Phil, not anywhere near as much womanising. My wife wouldn't let me. It used to be said that in Nottingham, there is 6 women to every one man. After 32 years, I'm still looking for my other five !
  18. What if we print your words onto rice paper ! Would you eat them then? You can have a swift half to help you swallow.
  19. Thanks, but no thanks. Mid September is a bit too early for Christmas, for my taste. Looked like a mixture of cine, vhs and early digital filming. Needed a commentary.
  20. I tried Brews potato bag exercise but found it much easier with a crisp packet in each hand, that way you could stand all day with no problem. Were even better if you ate the crisps first. (Made sure I had me Nitrolingual spray with me).
  21. Was the coin of any value Albert? Or perhaps you couldn't give up work after all. I live not too far from Beachy Head and I've never found bugger all ..
  22. Nonna, I would have thought that the syringe for extracting wine would create a vacuum, which I would assume could pull the cork in even further, albeit a fraction. But I know bugger all about wines so ignore me.