How far can just £1 get you?

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So what could you buy if you only had £1? just a little bit of fun! take it in turns, one answer each at a time to make it fair, GO!

Ill go first.... A big bag of fresh guinea pig food, cos that's something i bought for £1 today!

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Hard to believe 10 bob would pay for a night in the local in the mid 60's or for a damned good night on the town a pound would get you well and truly sloshed, plus some spare to but a fish and chip supper from the chippie staggering home...

As a 19 year old on regular nights, I used to meet up with a group of night shift lads I worked with on Friday lunchtimes at the Bowling Alley club, we'd have a few frames, then upstairs to the club for a few games of dominoes, a few pints of Watney's Red Barrel at 2/6d a pint and some crispy bread rolls with cheese and onion fillings.

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In the early fifties you could get a third pint of orange juice off your milkman for a farthing...that's four farthings to a penny...240 pennies to a 960 bottles for a pound.

This is a picture of 1000 beer nearly as many bottles for just a pound.

Beat that...


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Just shows how currency has been devalued by the money presses printing paper fiat money.

When someone say's to me, the value of gold and silver is soaring, I say no it's not, it's worth exactly the same as it was almost 200 years ago, it's worthless currency that's losing value, not the other way around.

Just to give you the idea, a silver 2 Canadian dollar coin is worth one silver US dollar coin in exchange markets. A 50 US dollar coin is worth 100 Canadian dollar gold coin. I'd have to check on the GB pound, not sure if its two or four to the dollar, gold or silver.

Now a Silver one US dollar coin can be bought for around 35 federal reserve notes, which are not money! Only the silver coin is money...

I believe the land I sit on was bought at $10 dollars an acre, which works out at $800, gold or silver the law of the day, it was part of a parcel of one mile square.

Now translate that into modern day federal reserve notes, I forget the exact price of gold today, but the lands value is around $100,000 on the market, which will work out to the same value today as it was 150 years ago when the original owner bought the one square mile, or section as it was known off the federal government.

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:) For the grand sum of £1, I won a bottle of champagne at my Writers' Club last week.

Must say I was dubious about trying it as the person who donated it: a certain Mr Ron Morris informed me that he and his wife had forgotten about the champagne as they preferred red wine: "a superior quality only I might add."

Happily, I live to tell the tale that the neglected bottle of champers proved a Treasure. Not only did it look good, when its pale amber colour was poured into my champagne flute but it was sweet and delightful to taste.

Now where did I put that empty bottle? - well worth taking the details; except that it won't cost £1 next time! :biggrin:

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£1 on the Megabus gets you from Edinburgh or Glasgow to London - if you book ten years in advance for the one seat per year available at that price :o(

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And Fruit Salads were four a penny too, them and Blackjacks were probably to blame for all my fillings...

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When I was at infants school you'd have got more than 20 school dinners for a pound. I can remember it going up from 3/4d a week (30 dinners for £1) to 3/9d (26+) to 4/2d (24) and eventually 5/- in about 1957 I think. (Full of useless trivia - even at half past two in the morning!)

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£1 is equivalent to $AUS1.53432 on the present market down here and what can we get for that????........................The morning paper (Mon to Fri) that tells you how the cost of living is going up.

SWMBO tells me that she bought 6 spring onions on special this morning for $1.50.

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You gotta get this sleepwalking problem sorted. :)

I just checked on my handy wallet sized ready reckoner chart

Three bob is is 15 new Pence, 4d is a third of a shilling or 1.65 New pence.

so Three and Fourpence(3/4d) is 16.65 New pence.

30 skool dinnuz would have cost you £4.99½ New Pence, We'll call it an old fiver.

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