pretty sure the UK has a monsoon season?

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remember last year when it rained and rained and rained abit more after having the so called drought?

and again this year when we're meant to have lovely sunshine and warm weather, we've got rain again.

so iv come to the conclusion that we, too, have a monsoon season.

is the rain annoying anyone else yet? although I'm finding it rather relaxing to listen to, I'd love to be outdoors with my daughter!

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Strange weather is nothing new in the UK...This was written by the weatherman Michael Fish about the blazing hot summer of '76

...........But if I’m honest, what I remember most about 1976 was the snow! Believe it or not, the Midlands was struck by a dramatic snowstorm on June 2 — right at the supposed start of summer.

Such was its ferocity that it forced the cancellation of a cricket match in Buxton, Derbyshire. It was such an unprecedented event that it stays in my mind as much as the dry spell that followed straight afterwards.

Which, of course, I remember well, too. It was, quite simply, very, very hot! The temperature reached 80f (26.7c) every day between June 22 and July 16. For 15 of these days, the temperature reached 90f (32.2c) somewhere in England, and five days saw temperatures exceed 95f (35c).

The hottest day of all was July 3, with temperatures reaching 35.9c (96.6f) in Cheltenham, one of the hottest July days on record in the UK.

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It's the same over here, showers, showers and more showers, 10°c, been like it for about 2 weeks now.

I heard my first Cuckoo today, so spring cannot be too far off.....

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93f deg thats about 35c all week going up every day----------------------- sorry but it wont rain until next Feb.

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very nice dg just send us a bit over here will youmate need some . my sister and brother in law been home from south africa 2 months and think only about 2 weeks of that has been decent weather and they go back on saturday evening . poor old roy also been ill with the flu bug chest infection too on antibiotic ment he could not have a decent english bere most of the time too.

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But didn't you read the papers last month?

We're heading for a drought!

Unbelievably, the water companies have called for 'wise usage' to prevent 'restrictions'.

What a nerve.

They tried to soften us up for higher water bills last year by saying that there was going to be a drought, but then were thwarted by the fact that it turned out to be the wettest drought in history. (Didn't stop them putting the bills up this year though!)

Now they are trying the same crap again. Despite the fact that the reservoirs are full to bursting and it's currently pissing down.

Here in London the biggest water rip-off is Thames Water - owned by a German company, they make massive profits but continue to hike the prices. They even sent round a circular recently saying that they wanted to add another £80 a year to our bills for the next 5 years to build a big sewer.

Privatisation eh? Any time there is investment needed for infrastructure, then we have to pay for it. Only the profits are privatised, the costs are 'socialised'. We will be forced to pay for something that they will then charge us for using (!)

Daily Express finished their article with this:
“Thames Water is a failed monopoly that couldn’t get wet in a waterfall. While customers face massive price hikes, Thames Water bosses are trying to limit the amount of water we use with patronising lectures.”

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severn Trent is the best. I started by paying 9quid a week cos of low income.. well you'd think if the price was to go up it'd be gradual... nope. it's gone from 9 a week to £23,42 A WEEK! iv tried to get them to lower it but apparently that's the lowest it can be taken. so now I'm broke every week thanks to stupid water charges.

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a week poohbear. it's on the letter and that's what iv been told on the phone. o reckon its a system error, so it's being looked into, just waiting for a letter to come.

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You can rest easy. Just read today that Severn Trent have turned down the takeover bid.

I thought that our annual bill around £800 was a joke, but if Pixie has been given correct info then Yorkshire Water costs are a bargain. It would seem that the £23 per week has to be wrong, so keep your fingers crossed Pixie.

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I would have thought with all the rain you guys have experienced,the bills for water should be a lot less.

Do you pay for water and sewage, or is the bill just for water?

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I think the cost combines sewage too? not sure.

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Water here is on a meter $23 a month but add in the sewer charges & all the rest of the stuff that they tack on like Parks & stuff it comes out about $200 per month or 125 quid

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