Christmas soaps.

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I don't get the "Downtown Abbey" thing. I tried to watch it and it just seems like a re-make of "Upstairs, Downstairs" - and I didn't like that either!

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You brought that one from the back of my mind about the shaped soaps in the stocking ,I remember the fruit and nuts and pencils, rubbers etc but can't remember what else was in there, not much because they really were our long socks, perhaps a few duddoos. :)

Can't imagine living any where worse in England than Albert Square, it seems they go to bed at night as good neighbors and wake up planning to murder each other. I Know, its only pretend! Well!!

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Talking of soap: I received 2 bars of Pears soap for Christmas, I've not used that for years, I love the smell & was sat there sniffing one last night, SWMBO thinks I've flipped. Off for a bath in a bit, & of course I'll be using my Pears soap..

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pears soap was always what the posh folk had, a bit above my mam's budget, so we never had it. i remember they picked a very photogenic little girl for 'miss pears' winner every year.

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pears soap was always what the posh folk had, a bit above my mam's budget, so we never had it. i remember they picked a very photogenic little girl for 'miss pears' winner every year.

My niece was Miss Pears when she was about 7 years old! I seem to remember she won a holiday to Disneyland, California for herself, her brother and Mum and Dad. She'd apparently entered the competition all by herself, without her Mum and Dad knowing anything about it.

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You brought that one from the back of my mind about the shaped soaps in the stocking ,I remember the fruit and nuts and pencils, rubbers etc but can't remember what else was in there, not much because they really were our long socks, perhaps a few duddoos. :)

Can't imagine living any where worse in England than Albert Square, it seems they go to bed at night as good neighbors and wake up planning to murder each other. I Know, its only pretend! Well!!

What do you mean theyre only pretend, another christmas ruined. booo hoooo lol

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What makes me laugh about soaps esp eastenders is someone only has to mention a party and instantly a disco is on with dj plus decorations lights etc, where do they store all this? likewise when a pub is for sale £250,000 is suddenly available ( 2 sources) def not from a bank? say that as when we sold the house it was like the Spanish Inquisition as to where the money had come from, ditto when we drew some out to buy another home

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