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It can be difficult if you find yourself in the middle of a spat, Jill.  I didn't do a lot of counseling while in the ministry but I made it a point to have someone else there when I did.  When folks

Robbie #12, I know benjamin can show your mam a good time. He is loaded. We had a whip round for him when we met at Bulwell. Unless he has spent it already.

My mam is the same, she is a widow and often gets lonely but Benjamin is keen to take her out. But if he does he better act like a gentleman and better behave himself, I don't want her getting into

Not heard that one, but both seem relevant at times. 

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2 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

More than likely..........his wife passed about 6 years ago........poses the question at 70 +........would you do it ?

I don't think so at 72.  Probably more trouble than its worth.:rolleyes:  Stay and keep me dogs company.  They don't mess you around.


kids get all bent out of shape too.  They have nightmares about their inheritance going out the window.  Made me pretty mad at the time.:angry2:. Sort of like, is that all I am to you?  Just money in the bank?


A lawyer friend of mine says that wars in families can get really nasty over wills, or lack of wills.  Too bad.

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would you do it?

i'd do it,but not on the internet,...............i'd be out amongst it giving it large.........good job I can take rejection.......and i'd need to wear a 'Burka'......just to make mesen

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The thought of it..haven't scrolled back to see initial post..bit like an 18 cert version of NS?

Did one blind date years ago..Clifton gel...i met her off the bus in Broadmarsh... she wanted a hot dog...up to the Odeon.. she headed for the kiosk..fruit parfee,kia ora,large bag of chocolate limes and a choc ice!!

This porker was costing me a packet...tonsil tennis did not take place - i swiftly rolled her back onto the 48 and dived in Sawyers for a pint and a sense of relief!!

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Met her on a dark dance floor in Coalville 1964,.........after several pints in my young body and dancing to the music of the day,arranged to meet her outside the local pictures on the following Monday...........bright sunny evening as she approached realised i'd made a mistake,she wasn't for me,but being the gent that I am........went thru the expected seats at the back 3/-,Popcorn 1/- and a Babycham in a pub I think called the Engineer' 1/6..........escorted her to the bus (she lived in a place called Whitick)............anyway cut a long story short,could'nt get rid and she stalked me,i was 19 and she was late 20s...........Marsdens asked me to manage their store in Long Eaton and I was off,.......bless her hope she found happiness............................

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I just love the way Ben remembers the price of everything he's every bought...or sold! Is it all written down in a book, Ben, or can you just bring it to mind? Can you remember how much you spent on your innumerable dates with all these ladies? I'm really intrigued by it!  :rolleyes:

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Yes I really can Jill.................odd intit never been fact the opposite,thats why i'm still my hay-day never had less than a bag of sand (see Dawson) in my wallet............sadly no more £50 tops............but happy with my memories...........but who knows whats around the

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I do find it sad that some people cannot seem to find contentment with their own company and when their partner passes on or the marriage breaks up, they are desperate to find avoid being alone.


Two former friends of mine split up a couple of years ago after 38 years together. Teenage sweethearts. The bloke was emotionally shellshocked and because he was in a bad place, I offered a sympathetic ear. I don't pretend to know anything about marriage guidance. The only three words I could offer would be "don't do it!"


However, the chap became more and more demanding of my time and attention which irked me and, to add insult to injury, his estranged wife accused me of being the reason why they split up! Insisted that I was trying to steal her husband, would you believe!  :wacko:


I've already got one useless male in tow...why would I want another?   :(


Caused me a lot of irritation and left me with no choice but to break contact completely. It did come as a shock to see someone so apparently bereft and desperate to leap straight into another relationship, to the extent of joining online dating agencies etc. 


That's the last time I get involved in listening to people's marital woes.

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Indeed Jill, but some people are most happy with a partner.

I , in the past was 'womanless' for 7 years and coped quite well- sitting in Long Island sipping on mint really didn't bother me much.

With not being a looker and hating the arsenal of chat up tended to rely on my ability to make a lady laugh.

Though herself- today would probably question this...LOL!!

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Had about a year in Coalville.lodged Monday to Sat in a terraced house on Witwhick road 63/64,landlady called Maude,big intimidating woman,and it was always yes Maude no Maude thankyou Maude..............dare not come in after 11 or your bags were outside the door,which mine often were,and had to grovel to her to get back spite of this loved my time there.........managed a shop called Thrifty (part of Marsdens) in the precinct there................had about 20 girls working there great lasses and about 6 lads,..............spent most of my wages in the local pubs and taking girls to Whitwick pictures........fell in love with Jill Spencer but not  reciprocated,even tho I took her to see 'Robin and the seven hoods' at Whitwick pictues, also fell in love with Brenda from Shackerstone,lovely girl with bi-focal glasses,in fact only about 5 years ago met her next door neighbour who told me she still lives there,gave him my card to ring me.........she didn't  lol............West End club (miners place) was the in place back then.guaranteed a fight Friday nights, 10 oclock it always kicked off,but I was ensconned under a table by then with my girl of the night............happy days.........

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It can be difficult if you find yourself in the middle of a spat, Jill.  I didn't do a lot of counseling while in the ministry but I made it a point to have someone else there when I did.  When folks are emotionally distraught they can soon start thinking they have feelings for the counselor because they offer a listening ear.


The internet is even worse because just as spats can develop on the forum out of misunderstandings emotional feelings can develop easily online just because someone sems to understand and empathise.


I had never understood these issues even as a pastor until my wife died.  We had been together since teenagers.  Basically we grew up together.  The Bible speaks of two "becoming one flesh". Apart from the obvious there is much more to it than that.  We were one in our spirits too.  Some may scoff at that, but we even seemed to intuitively know what the other was thinking / feeling.

when that is suddenly gone the feeling of emptiness is indescribable.  Literally like loosing an arm or leg.  After the shock is over you learn to breathe again the stump heals over. You can learn to exist.  Notice I didn't say live, there is a difference between living and just existing.  Some choose to remain there.  Others hop into another relationship as fast as they can.  A bit like a wooden leg.  It helps you get around but the limb is still missing.


I suppose I was fortunate.  I was alone for two years.  I managed to tolerate it, but I would call it just existing.  When I met Mrs  Loppy I enjoyed the interaction online although she was 2500 miles away.  She was a widow who lost her husband in similar circumstances to the way I lost my wife.  (Sudden heart attack). They had had a successful marriage just a little longer than mine.


Anyway, long story short.  We hit it off and married after just a few months.  Does that solve all the problems?  NO.  In fact it creates some new ones.  We ARE happy together though after almost 15 years.  Does the hurt go away. NEVER.  A song can bring a tear or a dig through an old photo album.  She is the same.  We stil love our former spouses.  We do not find that theatening.  Its a tough topic and there are no really right or wrong answers.  What works for one couple may not work for another.  You can love two people.


Long post, sorry, but this is a topic that is very personal to me.  All I would say to a involuntarily unspoused person is, be very very careful.  Nobody needs more hurt.


Got logged off again glad I had saved the above ramble.  

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Ian 39 #...............Dad always told not going to be the best looking bloke about,but make em laugh and you be ok,.........he was spot on,...............ive been womanless from time to time,single parent with 4 kids at one time.......and was quite happy,the odd date etc,......but always fell in love again............,wheres Carnie..........'Falling in love again'   why shouldn't I,why couldn't

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I'd be there great to meet me old mates........Jill Spencer,Brenda Andrews,Pauline,Elaine,June,Paul Highton,Fred who used to lend me his Ford Zephur. and Floss from Copt Oak,mind you she was 70 back in 64..........lovely just never forget nice people..........

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Here we go...................Never wanted to, What am I to do...............................I can't help it. :rolleyes:


Oops....Wrong song....Why couldn't I, Why shouldn't i.........Fall in love with you.:rolleyes:



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