Pedometer challenge

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Today we have had rain all day, so no cycle rides to make my steps up. We decided to go for a walk round Telford, seeing as it is all undercover. I think most of the West Mids had the same idea as us. The sales were on making it really busy.

I purchased a nice pair of shoes from Clarks, thanks to my sons birthday present money. So it made the trip worthwhile. I was going to spend an hour on the Exercize Bike tonight, but we had unexpected visitors, bearing flowers and CAKE, so plan B. Eat, Chat, Tea, More Cake etc

My steps are purely from my Pedometer today. 5,959. Not to bad really for a rainy day!

Cleaning, Gardening and packing darkazana, You have had a very busy day, I imagine you will sleep well tonight. You deserve to have notched up lots of well earned steps miduck. That's a great number there plantfit 10,922. Well done both. Keeeeeep Stepping everyone.

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Another busy day at Sunny: and very Windy Lytham St Anns. From 12oclock, we have been cycling or walking all afternoon: and I have finally used my Pedometer properly. Most days I have been forgetting

Feel like I'm missing out on the fun (?) here. Better get myself a pedometer and walk the dog more often.

Today my fellow Pedometerists, we have excelled ourselves. We have been working up to attempting our Lytham St Anns to Clevelys cycle ride all week,and today the wind was calmer so we took the plunge

Well cleaning done, more work on the Wildlife Haven done, now looking to finish the insect hotel and wait for some residents to move in. frogs have been spotted closing in.

And finally home ready for the big pack and because everything is going into storage for a few weeks or so I have had to use up some ingredients and happened to make two fruit cakes....well started them off, the fruit is soaking in coffee overnight, will bake them tomorrow :)

Some sorting out done and now time for bed before the BIG clearout tomorrow.....steps today 8051

Plan B sounds good to me Carni, hope you had a lovely evening.

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Busy day yesterday running round sorting out the house ready for removals. I'd been out in the garden for an hour before I realised I hadn't connect my fitbit!!!

So fridges and freezer defrosted and emptied and cleaned (including vacuuming the cobwebs off the back) likewise for washing machine, dryer, dishwasher and cooker. Finished the day at 10.00 with a bath, steps total 9258 (without the first hour or so).

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You must feel like you are running round in circles darkazana, all good exercise, but i'm sure you will be glad when the move is complete. Then the next bit, sorting out where to put every thing! You will be as fit as a fiddle when it's done. A good total there darkazana, and as you say, another hour or so on top. I would say, well over the 10,000, by the time you had finished. Well done.

I was just writing my cycle times for this morning in my little jotter, to total up later today, and I noticed that I had done my working out for yesterday, But I forgot to put a post on last night. I will add yesterdays and todays step count at the end of todays activities.

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Here we go. Yesterday first. We had a brilliant cycle ride yesterday. Chris is doing really well at adding extra miles onto our routes. Of course he grew up in this area, so he knows all the little hidden paths and lanes that only local kids would know about. I'd like to know what he got up to in some of these hidden lanes. On second thoughts, perhaps not. We were out for approximately 3hours, so I have deducted 30mins for water stops and bird watching.

14/6/15...2hrs 30mins at 7mph = 9,765 + ped 2,015, rain stopped play, so we had a car ride, resulting in lower ped steps. Still a great total = 11,780.

15/6/15...1hr 30mins " = 5,859 " 2,750 total = 8,609. Apart from the cycling, I have been on Kitchen duties. Today is the day that I cook for all my family.

Shepherds Pie and veg was my sons choice this week. Afraid with all of the tasting along the way, I have overdone my healthy eating for today. I ate it slowly so the calories don't really count. slywink Do They?

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Good news Carni, with all the steps done before you will have burned off enough calories before you started eating slywink

I thought yesterday might have been a bit boring, sitting round while the removals did their job, but keeping them in tea and biscuits, cleaning as they completed a room, and brushing or vacuuming cobwebs from behind heavy furniture items as they were pulled back from the walls, along with a last walk round Besthorpe Nature Reserve the steps soon grew, a hefty 12,432.

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Well Done darkazana, Don't those steps soon mount up when you go for a walk. You really are busy at the moment, keeping you moving and all helping with the "Getting Fit" project.

About 3pm we managed to fit a cycle ride in, even though we have had a very busy day. Thankfully, because we wont be able to tomorrow, seeing as we are coming to Nottingham for the "Meetup". Here are my results for today.

1and half hrs cycling at 7mph = 5,859 + Pedometer = 2,824 = Total = 8,683. Not badish!

We really are beginning to feel the benefits of all our cycling. Where, perhaps 4/6wks ago, our routes took us around 7/8miles, now we average 12/14miles and getting easier. we actually cycle up some hills now, instead of walking. Gotta be good! :)

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Like you Carni I too have noticed an upward turn in the amount of exercise I am getting. before I would have been putting the treadmill into good use to get my steps up to 6000, but now I seem to get there with ease, though it will be interesting to see if they drop again when things settle down for us. I'm pleased to see my weight is still steady too.

Quiet day yesterday, last bit of sorting out ready for the removals to return today and finish off, then off to take Mum shopping, and yet another pub meal at tea time as I have no cooking facilities.

Total steps 6349 (without trying!!!) :)

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Enjoy your meal out darkazana, you are getting your steps in and your weight is staying the same, so you are in control. Enjoy yourself.

As you know I spent a lot of time since my op last August, not doing any exercise. To much sitting down, eating(Cakes in cafes on our car rides last year) and feeling sorry for myself. Though I am not totally to blame for all the sitting around, there has been alot of times while recovering that I couldn't do anything else. Resulting in a weight gain of 1stone 9lbs.

This morning I have just weighed myself and I have lost another 4lbs, making it 1stone. Only 9lbs to go and I am back to my original 10stone 12lbs. It is very slow, even with my cycling, but I will get there! Today, Tomorrow and Fathers Day have put paid to any healthy eating this week. But what the heck. We have to live a little. :biggrin: I'll keep on counting my steps, it is giving me an added interest in helping me back to fitness. Keeeeeep Stepping.

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It's best to lose it slowly Carni, a pound a week is what is recommended, so your body gets used to the gradual changes. Lose it too quickly through faddy diets and as soon as you eat normally back on it goes. I have found cutting my portion sizes helped most, and as my body has adapted to the changes I now find that less fills me up just as well as mountains did. And if I want a snack its fruit nuts or hummus type stuff, with cakes and biscuits as an odd treat so as not to boost my sugar levels, and if I do feel I've perhaps overdone it I go off for a circuit of the campsite.

So enjoy your weekend with no worries, because you will burn it off again when you get back out there on your bike :)

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Just got back home after a few days break in North Wales,unfortunately cut short by a car accident,not my fault and no one hurt but still a shock,anyway back to the important stuff,Arrived on the campsite near Harlech ,pitched up then set off to Barmouth for some chips and small fish,a good walk round there and a walk around the campsite resulted in 14079 steps,I'm pleased with that,Monday was a trip to Llandudno and a tram ride up the great orme (me breathing wouldn't let me walk up the hills to the summit) walked down though through the meandering paths and finally came out in the "Mediterranean garden,time for some food,healthy this time jacket spud with tuna and salad,back to base and an evening walk along Harlech beach until sunset,most of the walk was paddling through the incoming tide,very soothing on the legs,total steps for Monday 21120 wow! Tuesday set off for Llandudno again so Mrs P could do the shops and pier walk,09.00hrs BANG someone on the other side of the road hit a big rock on the inside of the bend and it launched him into me or rather the off side of my car,still no one hurt so can't complain (car not looking too healthy though),didn't feel like doing much after that so a megre 5165 steps covered,today packed all the gear away took it steady coming home (still in shock maybe) unpacked everything, pitched the tent in the back garden to dry out and managed to accumulate 11193 steps, You are all doing great with these steps and you all seem to be getting out of it what you want,losing weight,getting fitter,making the cycling easier and generally feeling more healthy, Brilliant

Keeeeeep stepping everyone you are all great


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Rog, what a shock and disappointment for you, but as you say thankfully no one hurt. and your holiday was sounding idyllic up to that point.

Mightily impressed with your tally for Monday, the steps soon mount up when sight seeing I find...and moving house!

Last loads onboard today, but we started the day with breakfast at Damons in Lincoln with one of the daughters, and jolly nice it was too, it was on the way there that I realised I had once again forgotten to pick up my Fitbit, and then on getting back I launched straight into cleaning rooms after they had been emptied and only realised I had still not got the Fitbit about 2 hours later...DOH!

Saw the removals off and had just finished loading our car when the new owners belongings arrived...about 10 minutes after being told completion was complete! So we locked up, said goodbye to the house and drove off back to Sandringham. We are now officially homeless until completion on the house in New York. After sorting out our own car load and thankfully getting the frozen stuff into the freezer here...just, followed by a quick grocery shop my steps since using the Fitbit from around midday total 7584, and as we were up at 6.15 (removals arrived at 6.30) I would imagine I can probably add one or two more to that total, though on a normal day I would be very happy with over 7000 anyway. :)

Well back to normality again tomorrow for a few weeks, but lets keep the steps up folks.

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Rog, so sorry to hear of the car accident when you seemed to be having such a good time in Wales. We stayed in Harlech 4 years ago - on the Caravan Club site - and loved the area. From the van we could see Harlech castle AND Snowdon [and the toilet blocks were beautiful - even better than Sandringham, Darkazarna!] It was just a short walk to the beach as well. We, too, went up the Orme at Llandudno,but we were lazy and even came back down on the train thingy. It was on that holiday that my husband climbed Snowdon, just a short time after his heart bypass. I only did the first bit then came down and spent the rest of the day sitting and walking and chatting to people [and regularly texting him to check that he was still OK!]

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Sorry to read about your accident plantfit. Thank goodness you are all Ok, even though, I imagine you were all shook up. Things take a bigger toll on us now we are not Spring chickens anymore! I hope the damage to the car isn't going to be too expensive.

Pleased to see you are all keeping up with the Step Count. It must be very difficult with the house moving and holidays interupting the routine.

A lot of yesterday was spent Travelling or sitting in the pub all night, and today, a very similar morning, plus I didn't have my Ped with me. So I will, wait untill tomorrow to start wearing my Ped again, I will count my steps, but I'm afraid the diet has gone out of the window for a few days. Yum Yum.

Well done to your husband for making it up Snowdon, especially after his Bypass( Superman) Margie. I would have been happier just strolling around and chatting. I wouldn't even make it up the first bit. You would have left me at the starting post.

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New York darkazana?!!!! That will be a big change from a camp site in Sandringham!

It is the New York in Lincolnshire Lizzie, just down the road from Coningsby. We are not giving up the summer job, just moving a bit further into Lincolnshire :)

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Today's step count,7025,pretty poor really but spent time in the garden cutting glass for the broken panels in the greenhouse,repairing damaged tv aerial cable under the guttering,driving Mrs P to the gym and picking her up later, then taking her to Sainsbury's for the weekly shop followed by getting her tea ready (poached egg on toast) finally finish off watering the flowers in the containers,now waiting for youngest daughter to come up to see me,grand kids should wake me up a bit though


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We have just had two days off from cycling, dieting and anything to do with a healthy life style and we both have thoroughly enjoyed it, but really ready to get the cycles out this morning.

It turned out to be a very good day regarding the step count as we were out for three hours this morning, on the Nature trail and Tow paths (approx 1hr deducted for mending puncture and messing about in general). A little bit of Asda and Matalan shopping with the Ped on and at 6.30pm off we went on the cycles again for another hour and 15mins.

Just have to mention . Have any of you cyclists out there tried the little "Bikemate threaded CO2 cartridges" from ALDI. You need the adapter as well from Aldi. Takes all the hard work out of blowing your innertubes up after you have repaired your puncture. In our case, we carry spare innertubes £10 for 5 from Halfords and just change the damaged one until we get home. When Chris attached it and turned the cartridge on, there was one quick powerful hiss and that was it. Job done. Take care though, read the instructions carefully. We won't be without them from now on.

Back to the step count. 2hrs at 7mph this morning = 7,812 + 1hr 15mins this afternoon = 4,886 + Pedometer = 2,450 total = 15,148. Wow. That makes up for our two days of indulgence. Busy day plantfit, Well done, and like your choice of tea. That's what we had!

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carni,the Co2 cartridges are a godsend as you say,check your tyre pressures tomorrow though because Co2 doesn't hold pressure like compressed air,good idea about carrying spare tubes,I carry both sizes for the trike,rear wheel 26x1.50 and 20x1.50 for the fronts,well done with your steps today,1,5148 is a fantastic amount,I,m getting the trike out tomorrow for an hour,just local riding to start with so looking forward to that,tyres pumped up,brakes adjusted and drinks bottle cleaned out

Keeeeep stepping


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