Another Pet Thread !

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We recently visited Kotor, Montenegro, which is also famous for its cats. They were everywhere, and there's a cat museum in town, plus the shops have cat related souvenirs. Here's one kitty I captured on camera.


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Reminds me of my foster cat, Fluffy. Rescued her when she gave birth to 3 kittens in an elderly neighbour's conservatory. She wasn't young and was in poor condition. She was spayed and went back to li

Talking dogs! Now your talking.    

During our married life, we had Shep who was an unwanted 5 month old Border Collie. And now the list of cats... Moggie (1) was a stray, Moggie (2) was a feral cat who arrived from over the fields

It's been another day of cats to the V E T! After last week's trip with Bruno my ginger kitten and Homer the most recent and gorgeous stray to get his paws under the table at cat rescue, today was the turn of Bruno's litter mates, Charlie and Virginia. Virginia is a very feisty tortie and has 'tortietude' in spades!  I'm surprised that any of us have still got all our fingers! The vet was brilliant with her. Her blog on the vet's website states that she loves treating even the grumpiest cats! They don't come any grumpier than little Virginia today!


All now safely back in their sanctuary and scoffing sardines in tomato sauce. Purrrrrrr!   :rolleyes:

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Ran into trouble with missing text there in previous post.  Jake waiting for lunch.  Ignore date stamp I keep forgetting to reset the camera clock.


Below our newest family member.




Jake now six years old.




Ignoring each other.






How to photograph a black dog.  take him in the sun.



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Any of you cat lovers got a Bengal cat?   

Just been reading an article in the DAILY MAIL about how the breed came about in the 1970s when an American called William Centerwall cross bred a domestic cat with a leopard cat, a wild animal found in the jungles of SE Asia.  They're terrorising neighbours in the UK, mauling our precious moggies, breaking into people's homes even, to get to family pets.  

I know from experience how nasty they can be.  A couple of years ago I was out walking locally with our Patterdale Terrier. He's nosey to say the least and he peered over a low stone wall which had an evergreen hedge behind it.  Without any warning this big very furry Bengal cat lunged at poor Jack out of the bushes, scratching his little black nose quite badly.  We came straight home and I bathed his nose with TCP.  Ever since then whenever we go past that property we stay well away from that low wall.  

They've been described as the 'pit bull terriers' of the cat world and their aggressive nature makes them a threat to other cats (and nosy little dogs). There's a website with 354 of these animals for sale at anything from £400 to £700.  Many cat welfare charities are refusing to take them in.  


Right, I'll get back to my DAILY MAIL and cup of warming coffee on this chilly morning! 


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No, haven't got a Bengal cat. All my cats are rescue, Heinz 57 moggies! I have friends who run a cat sanctuary where I help out. There are a couple of pedigree cats, one of which is a Maine Coon who some friends of mine rescued from an irresponsible breeder. The state of him when he arrived beggared belief! Now he's sleek and gorgeous.


I don't agree with people breeding cats for material gain and creating orthopaedic, behavioural and respiratory problems for these animals into the bargain. Anyone who genuinely loves cats, or dogs, can adopt a bundle of furry joy from a rescue centre, provided they pass muster where the centre's people requirements are concerned.

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All my cats over the last 40 odd years, all my cats have been obtained from the Cats Protection League, of which my ex was a member.

Then another two belonged to my youngest daughter who moved into a flat which didn't allow pets, a Turkish Van came from a friend who lived near the Forest and took him in. Another from a friend whose marriage broke down, and another from work, that was a scruffy stray who hung around the factory waiting for scraps. Then there was another who just turned up in our house one day a never left. There was a poor thing that hung around my daughters house, so we took him in too.

So, Tabitha, Ziggy, Sam, Max, Garfield, Timmy, Charlie, Toby and Gazza and maybe a couple of others, you were well looked after, and I loved you all. 

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Similar set up here FLY. In the last twenty years, five unwanted kittens about to be drowned, yep it still happens & totally  unnecessary , if owners had the pets neutered !

One old cat who's owner died & none of the old ladie's relatives wanted her twelve year old cat but were ready to pillage the old ladies home, bank account & possesions. We gave Dinky a home for the last eight years of her life, a truly lovely cat.


Then there was Gus a stray that moved in one freezing cold November night, he being on his last legs & literally starving to death, he never left & stayed with us for another fifteen years, going to "Rainbow Bridge" nearly twenty years of age.He adopted me, never leaving my side when I was home.


Lastly was that reprobate Monty, what a character he was.!   Many times I  chased him away but he took no notice & insisted he living with us. Mrs C captured him & handed him over to the RSPCA, for him only to appear in our garden less than two hours later ! He stayed for the rest of his day's with us.


Rescue cats & dogs DO repay your kindness !

Ben (dog) Minnie, Tiger (no 1) Lucy, Monty (no 1) Sandy, Tiger (number 2) Sooty, Dinky, Gus & Monty (no 2).




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Never heard of a Bengal cat before.  Sounds like one mean moggie.  I know we can't stop it but these folks who breed them, cats or dogs, are doing these animals no favours.  Just bloomin' greed again.  Makes me mad.

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During our married life, we had Shep who was an unwanted 5 month old Border Collie. And now the list of cats...

Moggie (1) was a stray, Moggie (2) was a feral cat who arrived from over the fields very pregnant with 4 kittens, Stripe arrived in the village after travelling miles under the bonnet of our neighbour's car!  We advertised in the paper and he even had an article written about him!   Tatty was an old cat whose elderly owner was taken into a nursing home, Dill was a casualty of a divorce, Dexter was given to us by a terminally ill lady who died shortly afterwards, Charlie's owners were moving to USA, Pusscat was a stray who had been living in one of our barns for several weeks before he trusted us enough to come in the house.  All of these are no longer with us, but we now have Button and Zippy - a mother and son -  whose owners were moving to Canada.  Our son and his wife took in Zippy's two sisters.

We also had Kentucky, who walked into our garden off the street as a little chick.  We found out which smallholding he had come from, but they said we could keep him.  We hoped the chick was female so we might get an egg or two in due course.  We were wrong!   My mum, who lived with us at the time, had a little Yorkie so we had to make a little chicken house and run for the chick.  Every time the dog went into the garden he was VERY interested in the chick!  BUT little chicks grow into big cockerels so we soon were able to let him have the run of the garden and the Yorkie was now terrified to venture out alone for a wee as the cockerel would rush towards him.  I remember the dog peeping round the back door before trying to sneak out quietly.... Eventually, we had to take him back to the smallholding where he'd been born as he crowed very loudly early in the mornings, scratched the flowerbeds, scattering all the plants everywhere and was much too aggressive with the Yorkie.  They did keep him for a long time as my mum used to visit him and take scraps round.

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Thought I'd drop in another picture or two of the boys.


Bailey likes Mrs. Loppy's recliner near the organ.  His sleeping positions keep us smiling.




Jake is a little more adventurous and prefers the back of the couch.  If she catches him he's gonna gerrit.  I'm a bit more laid back and just take his picture,




Meanwhile Bailey tries to be a bit more modest.




Oh well we love 'em anyway.  I'm not taking on any more though. :rolleyes:

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We get frontline here too, but, like Jill, I only use it if there is any evidence of the little blighters.  I don't like the thought of something going through their skin and into the bloodstream.  We do not know how it might feel to them either.  It is a troubling situation.  Also one wonders how it might effect us.  We stroke their coats, they lay on our furniture.  Scary thought.  I have tried to seek out natural products like Tea tree oil, but I'm not sure how efective it is.  We have a big Flea  / Tick problem here especially in the spring.  I have picked up Ticks out in the yard.  They are very sneaky at getting on to you and can carry Lime disease etc.. Yuck!  Any ideas you may have would be welcome here.

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Frontline is effective against ticks, Loppy. Poor Bruno had one embedded in his head when he first arrived. Soon got rid of that! They can also be detached by dropping a little meths from a dropper, directly onto them, taking care to avoid the pet's coat. It swiftly persuades them to let go!

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