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Nottingham’s Bloggers

A little while ago I set out to find as many blogs about our city as I could. Some have been familiar to me over a long period of time and some unknown. Others have fallen into a little disuse but still serve as a useful resource about the area.

The following is a list of those sites. If they take your interest you can pop their titles into Google or alternatively you will find full linkage for them at the below:

Nottingham’s Bloggers

I’m not sure how the city of Nottingham compares creatively in the sphere of blog writing with other similar cities. I haven’t the time to scour contemporary towns and their respective blogs and observe how they stack up against the output from The Lace City. I have a hunch though that Nottingham is pretty well served by it’s blogging and writing talent generally.

The Tears of a Clown (my own site) is not necessarily a ‘Nottingham Blog’ by any means. I tend to just write about the subjects that interest or amuse me and the experiences I have. Nevertheless any visitor browsing through this site will come across plenty of Nottinghamshire content and I like to maintain the site’s partly local identity. In doing this I often browse around to see what my fellow Nottingham based bloggers are saying and am seldom disappointed in what I come across.

I initiated this blog site after formerly running my own regular website and posting articles on there. In June 2007 I attended a lecture at the Lowdham Book Festival given by Mike Atkinson. What I heard that day in a most entertaining and hugely informative talk by Mike, prompted me to initiate The Tears of a Clown. It’s only fitting then that I begin by linking to his own blog, troubled diva.

troubled diva

‘Without a doubt, drivel is Mike’s forte’

Don’t be fooled by the tag line, Mike Atkinson’s piece of the Web has pretty much all the things you might enjoy about a blog experience. Great content, quality writing, humour and information. Although going through a hiatus or two due to professional writing duties, it remains a vibrant and fun read, particularly if you enjoy reading about music. Features including the highlighting of other interesting articles from around the Net, Twitter and a well-populated comments section keep up the interest.

Nottingham Graffiti

‘News, views and musings from the great city’

I haven’t been reading Alan-a-dale’s blog for too long but what I see I like a lot. Lot’s of local content expressed in an individual and very readable and personable style.

Canuckistani in Limey Land

‘Fun, frivolity and assorted moaning about England’

Brookes, Alberta’s Rob Cutforth who bills himself as ‘A Canadian in New Basford’ is one of my favourite bloggers and whilst not hugely prolific his articles are always worth the wait. Rob no longer lives in Nottingham having moved to Manchester but posts excellent and hilarious items on the superb LeftLion website, and hard copy newspaper, here in Nottingham.

The Cat’s Whiskers

‘Proudly Supporting Ice Hockey In Nottingham’

This site is by a friend of mine and thus I’ve watched it rise from the former ashes of a former hard copy publication much beloved by Nottingham Panthers Ice Hockey club’s fanatics. In this way it’s a good example of the way that paper fanzines can transform to the Net with great success. Webmaster, Jono, has recently embarked on a useful service from Panthers home (and some road) games in which he texts live game updates to the front page of the blog site. If hockey is your bag – and it certainly is mine – take a visit. You won’t be disappointed.


‘Wry food & drink observations from a friendly food obsessed man: Nottingham based writer: PHIL LOWE.’

Informative and well written local reviews from Phil with the accent on food.

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Writer

‘Nicola Monaghan’s news, events and general thoughts about life and writing.’

I wish I had thought of that blog title..! The outstanding Nottingham writer’s contribution to blogging.

May Contain Notts


Sadly another blog that hasn’t been updated in a little while. Brush up yer Nottinghamese ‘ere mi duck!

Am tellin me mam

‘This blog contains the author’s own personal views and he will not take any responsibility for the misuse and/or misinterpretation of the material or any of the links provided here. this blog contains moaning, bitching, ranting,bullsh*t,swearing, is prone to minor perversity and huge prejudices. It is purely for informative and/or entertainment purposes. Lastly, the author has nothing to prove, and he reserves the right to be as pointless or as serious as he likes so there.’

There’s something nice and reassuring about Barnze’s postings on everyday life in Nottingham. I’d say that his journal is fairly adjacent to what people expect from a blog. Whatever you do, don’t mention cats though…!

Through the seasons before us…

‘Down through history, We will follow the Forest, On to Victory…’

Some good, meaty reading for all the online Reds fans. Any Notts blogs out there?

Nottingham Daily Photo

‘A photographic daily dose of my thoughts and what I see during the day around Nottingham, Beeston and sometimes further afield . The good, the bad and the amusing. Comments regarding the pictures are very, very welcome. You’ve looked at them, so why not say something about them! All my photographs are copyright, so please ask before poaching them and saying that they are yours.’

Take a look around the city of Nottingham with some lovely and intriguing shots of the old town.

Nottingham is Crap

Nottgirl’s intriguing title may attract some and it certainly always draws me back. I’ve observed some criticism of it’s pointing to the more negative side of Nottingham but personally feel it provides an unhealthy gathering of some of the less acceptable things about Nottingham. Unfortunately I find myself agreeing with some of the items in there all too much. It’s good to have balance and I feel that nottgirl’s site unashamedly does this.

Areet mi duck? Am I eck as like…

‘Nottingham journalist, post-40, negative equity, ‘er indoors, dead cat… time for nowt but graft.’

How could you fail with a title like that! Take a look inside…

Robin Hood Adventures

‘Robin Hood’s Adventures, Books, Films, Events and News’

Where would such a review be without the inclusion of a blog bout Robin Hood?

Views of Nottingham

As the title suggest another pictorial blog with some intriguing content. Not updated for some little time, it would be good to see some new content on this site.

Radnor’s Nottingham

‘A guide to things to do and see in Nottingham, with a sprinkling of historical fact and contemporary comment.’

An enjoyable site with lots of interest and some nice images. Very much to my taste.

Bulcote Cowbay Says

An interesting looking site from beyond Burton Joyce which appears to be in it’s infancy. Some writerly comment about local issues.


An intriguing site for sure – as is the anonymous webmaster. For the past while Questionmarc has painted Nottingham with some most acerbic and thought-provoking street art – some would say graffiti but not I. Questionmarc is reputed to be a female. I hope we never get to find out too much about her/him though and look forward to the next apparition appearing on a wall somewhere in Nottingham


‘Gossip, opinion and Westminster tales. The inside track on what your Notts MPs are up to…’

I’m personally not necessarily as political a person as I once was but here’s the lowdown on local politics written in an expert and easily digested style. It’s good to know that LOBBYDOG is watching…

Nottingham City Council LOLs

‘Want to know what your favourite local council (and some of its friends) gets up to? We trawl through all the boring minutes, press releases and Freedom of Information requests so you don’t have to.’

Another excellent, and slightly satirical ,service for those wishing to keep a close eye on what the local council are up to.

The Parish of Nottinghamshire

‘The home for all the latest stories gossip and news about the new administration at Nottinghamshire County Council.’

Another blog showing a keen interest on what happens in the hallowed halls.

‘One man’s epic quest to eat at every decent restaurant in the English City of Nottingham.’

This blog, with it’s many superb reviews, has sadly not been updated for some time but I include it for it’s useful past local content.

Nottingham Funny Normal Blog

‘Funny observations,videos, events, situations in Nottingham UK, USA and the world. Primarily centering on Nottingham. Because its a Nottingham Blog.’

Lucky Col

‘Dance as though nobody’s watching, love like it’s never going to hurt’

A new one on me and one that looks well worth further exploring

Beestonia’s Blog

Views from the People’s Republic of Beeston

Welcome to the Church of the Militant Elvis Party

Any blog with the words ‘Militant Elvis’ in the titles surely has to be worth a read.


‘Connecting Nottingham’s Creative Communities’

I just knew there had to be a blog site like this for Nottingham out there! A professionally produced and informative focus on the various faces of the creative sources and communities around the city. I’m going to enjoy delving further into this CreativeNottingham.

‘I’m a Minneapolitan in the Midlands of England. I like to make things with my hands: drawings, dresses, poems. Mostly I write about the theory and poems I’m making these days, but sometimes I still make objects, too, and write about them.‘

Eireann’s blog displays her great creativity in an elegantly written, photographed and presented style.


Just a few words on the above. I’ve tried to include every reasonably current Nottingham blog I know of in this review of local sites. I’ve probably however forgotten somebody out there! The intention here is to be as comprehensive as possible so if you don’t see your Nottingham blog here please drop by and let me know, I’ll be pleased to add it to this list.

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On my own site, The Tears of a Clown, there is a diagnostics page showing various statistics regarding how many visitors the site has had, how many items they looked at, where they came from and what they searched on to find the site etc.

This evening I logged on to the page to note that the site is showing a staggering (to me) figure of half a million views since it began in August, 2007.

I get lots of visits from my friends on Nottstalgia, amongst many other sources all over the world, so I'd just like to offer here a sincere 'thank you' to each and every one that has kindly taken the time to visit. It's nice to write and it's also nice to know that what you write gets read.

Many thanks, folks.

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Well done Stu. It is a great site that I visit often. Keep it up!

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Hi Stu, just read your blog about the Nottingham to Newark bike ride again, great reading, certainly spurs you on to get the bike out


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Stu, been having a root around your blog and pleased to find your piece on The Mighty Jim. It always seemed that the team with both him and joe Baker (zigger zagger) would be unbeatable, unfortunately not always the case in actuality, but the anticipation was intense! I did not know about his friendship with Sir Gary, and "shocked" to find out of Sir G's fondness for a tipple along with Jim. Just rang big bro to tell him and ruined his day! :biggrin:

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Thanks again, all.

Commo - pleased to hear you were an admirer of Slim Jim, what a wonderful talent he was, even if his gifts were wasted latterly. There's a great story about Jim and Sir Gary on this superb article I read recently:

Joe Baker was one of my all-time heroes - especially with me being Hibby. I wrote about him in the below, very fond memories:

Joe and Me

While we're talking about the greatest cricketer who ever lived I penned a piece about him too!

Sir Garry Sobers - Celebration of a Great

How lucky we were in those days to have such great sportsmen in Nottingham!

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I remember Sobers doing the six sixes - it was brilliant! Your article on him is spot on - he was a great player, and much admired. Although it is hard to see due to the old footage, his enigmatic grin after the last six sums it all up - the same feat today would probably be followed by some very "in your face" celebrations by player and fans alike - nowhere near as subtle and dignified as Sobers!


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Share your thoughts about Sir Garry Sobers, Eric, he was the most wonderful natural sportsman. Everything he did appeared effortless and elegant. I have never seen another cricketer to touch him. Having the good fortune to meet him many years ago I can vouch that he's an extremely nice man too.

The greatest - by far.

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A memory to share about zigger zagger. It was a mid week evening match, can't remember the opponents, whether it was League or a European game and can't remember the score, but I'll never forget the unbelievable goal he scored with a blistering overhead cycle kick. I'd never seen one scored like that before and it was like a lightning bolt into the Kop end goal!

We went down to the Navigation after the game and I reckon we must have won as the atmosphere was tremendous and everyone kept eulogising about that goal.

It was criminal the way that Matt Gillies broke up that team so soon aferwards.

Zigger Zagger, Zigger Zagger JOE BAKER!

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Barnze is a good old Nottingham lad.

He did go offline for a while and I was a little worried about him.

Hes back now.

He is a member here but got a bollocking from another site for posting on here?

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