Political correctness gone wrong

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I went out this afternoon taking photos of anything and everything as it was bright sunshine , and also , as I'm on the flight path in to Manchester Airport, I thought I'd get a couple of shots of the 12.30pm "Emirates A-380" in bound . Any way suffice to say it didn't arrive but I pressed on (As one does) picked SWMBO up in time to take her for a spot of lunch , after I returned her I pressed on with my search for that "Money Shot" you know , the one that'll net me a few hundred quid.!!

I ran out of time and had to go and get the kids from school, so I parked in their carpark and decided I wasn't going to leave 2 grands worth of gear in my motor and thought it safer to carry it into school with me (You can see what's coming can't you ??) I sat waiting for our Adam to appear at 3.00pm which he duly did , we then walked round to the Junior school to wait for Charlotte to come out at 3.15pm, whilst sat there a playmate of Adams came over and wanted to look through my camera , I did the right thing and asked the kids mother if it would be OK for me to show her, She responded in the positive, so I showed the kid how close it made things look and how I made it focus etc. As I'd expected the kid soon lost interest and wandered off leaving me to replace the lens cap and I carried on talking to their mother about photography.

About 10 minutes later the deputy headmistress came out telling me that she'd had a report that I was taking pictures of the kids !!!! YOU WHAT ???????

"If I was going to take surreptitious photos of the kids do you think I'd do it with a camera and lens that is 3 foot long with a ruddy great monopod attached, in front of 50 other parents waiting to collect their kids too, hardly clandestine is it ??"

She replied , "I suppose not , and I can see you've got your lens cap on too, so you're not likely to be taking anything untoward"

I showed a quick flip through the hundred odd shots (She didn't really want to see them but I insisted on proving my innocence !!) And she went on her merry way.

Now the point of what I'm writing is this :- Other parents in that playground saw me being spoken to about my camera and some of them will put two and two together and make five !!

And if I was bothering some other parent , why the hell couldn't they just come and speak to me direct if it caused them a problem !! Gut less that's why !! Nobody has the gumption to stand up for themselves these days , they'd much rather hide behind some body else and let them do their dirty work for them !! and then blame it all on political correctness !!

Here's one of the A-380 a few days ago in ruddy awful light (Believe it or not !!) Good old Photoshop Elements 8 !


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On school or private property the Headteacher can request you to stop taking photo's. On anywhere public you can tell em all to get stuffed, but you don't need me to tell you that !! How many parents do yo see with a camera phone or Point & Shoot camera at the school sports day or Xmas Nativity play etc ? MANY.

Yes, this is the work of the PC brigade yet again. In a lot of peoples eyes a man with a DSLR is a Peedo. I AM NOT FOR ONE MOMENT IMPLYING ANYTHING AGAINST YOU Beefy !!!! I know some people who have given up photography because of the grief they got, I was escorted out of Vic Center for daring to take pics.

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I was chucked out of the Jobcentre today because someone rung me on the mobile!

More to that story later.

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I don't have a cell phone and don't want one either.

Was years before I even had a telephone, would never have one when I lived in the UK for one reason, I was ALWAYS the last one to contact if they were short of a lecko at work. Everyone else had a telephone!

Even in Australia, I resisted, then I had a live in GF and she insisted we have a phone. Stupid women!! Now I can't do without a phone, BUT, I ain't having anything to do with cell phones!!!!!!!

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Yup , best invention in the world, the mobile phone , untill they ring !! Then it's always somebody wanting you to do something for them !!

Nobody ever rings you on your mobile just to say Hi !! (Unless you are Plantfit and it's the only number I have for you ..............LOL )

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The only trouble I have is its mostly used by SWMBO to ring for no particular reason, like yesterday in Job Centre!

However yesterday also I rang Den at last minute, and he jogged down to town where we met up for a very nice lunch.

I hope that in the near future I will receive phone calls on a specially purchased Dual Sim mobile phone, requesting consultation and advice.

To wit... WORK!

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Why not work for yourself Mick, you have the camera, computer etc, get yourself a copy of Photoshop CS5 and set up as a freelance photographer! Have you seen what they charge for wedding photos these days??? Fair enough, one needs a "helper" spare camera and a lot of hours go into a wedding.

Then there's family shoots, not everyone with a P&S camera can get good shots, so the Pro is called in for specials, then there's landscapes and buildings. List is endless for someone who knows his focal lengtn from his D of F.

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I went out this afternoon taking photos of anything and everything as it was bright sunshine , and also , as I'm on the flight path in to Manchester Airport, I thought I'd get a couple of shots of the 12.30pm "Emirates A-380" in bound . Any way suffice to say it didn't arrive but I pressed on (As one does) picked SWMBO up in time to take her for a spot of lunch , after I returned her I pressed on with my search for that "Money Shot" you know , the one that'll net me a few hundred quid.!!

I ran out of time and had to go and get the kids from school, so I parked in their carpark and decided I wasn't going to leave 2 grands worth of gear in my motor and thought it safer to carry it into school with me (You can see what's coming can't you ??) I sat waiting for our Adam to appear at 3.00pm which he duly did , we then walked round to the Junior school to wait for Charlotte to come out at 3.15pm, whilst sat there a playmate of Adams came over and wanted to look through my camera , I did the right thing and asked the kids mother if it would be OK for me to show her, She responded in the positive, so I showed the kid how close it made things look and how I made it focus etc. As I'd expected the kid soon lost interest and wandered off leaving me to replace the lens cap and I carried on talking to their mother about photography.

About 10 minutes later the deputy headmistress came out telling me that she'd had a report that I was taking pictures of the kids !!!! YOU WHAT ???????

"If I was going to take surreptitious photos of the kids do you think I'd do it with a camera and lens that is 3 foot long with a ruddy great monopod attached, in front of 50 other parents waiting to collect their kids too, hardly clandestine is it ??"

She replied , "I suppose not , and I can see you've got your lens cap on too, so you're not likely to be taking anything untoward"

I showed a quick flip through the hundred odd shots (She didn't really want to see them but I insisted on proving my innocence !!) And she went on her merry way.

Now the point of what I'm writing is this :- Other parents in that playground saw me being spoken to about my camera and some of them will put two and two together and make five !!

And if I was bothering some other parent , why the hell couldn't they just come and speak to me direct if it caused them a problem !! Gut less that's why !! Nobody has the gumption to stand up for themselves these days , they'd much rather hide behind some body else and let them do their dirty work for them !! and then blame it all on political correctness !!

Here's one of the A-380 a few days ago in ruddy awful light (Believe it or not !!) Good old Photoshop Elements 8 !


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Flaps are only at 10 or 15 degrees, they don't put the gear down until much later. Often not until they are on final approach.

They also use about 10 degrees of flaps when taking off!

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And there was me thinking the pilot was a divvy !!

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Do you remember a few years back when there was a claim that if you put the flaps on a 737 to a NEGATIVE position (apparently they could do it for maintenance reasons), the plane would gain speed? I know Boeing denied it and claimed it could result in loss of control, but never heard any more about it.

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