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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Daybrook house was only demolished a few years ago.For many years it was used for functions and weddings,I don't know who owned it in it's last years.It was not a very imposing building at the end...it looked more like a large white hotel.Although the name was well known in the area I don't recall ever knowing anyone who went to a 'do' there.It's now called Brookdale court...a small estate of modern houses.
  2. The name Ernehale first appeared in the days of the Angles around 600AD and later appeared in the Doomsday Book. In the Eagle pub in Arnold was a framed notice on the wall proudly showing the history of Arnold.It declared that the name Ernehale originally meant 'The place of the Eagles'...hence the name of the pub. Being a keen ornithologist I was never happy with this knowing that the area of Arnold would never have been the habitat for eagles.Some areas of Derbyshire possibly. The Golden and Sea eagles are cliff and mountain crag nesters,not in trees like eagles in some countries.Reading
  3. I think the Leen over the centuries has had it's course altered more times than any other river in the district.Can't imagine that it once ran along the base of castle Rock.
  4. Don't know Radcliffe myself...just repeating the talk I heard round the pubs and coffee bars at the time.It was much speculated about for a long time.
  5. Same as every year...with my dogs.No relatives in the UK now.Just another week to me.
  6. Nobody local called it the Fox and Grapes...it was always known as Pretty Windows because of the stained glass.The knife was found shortly afterwards on the Radcliffe By Pass.Shortly afterwards a caravan on a site in Radcliffe was burned out.There were rumours at the time that the local plod linked this to the murder.There was talk of the caravan being linked to a group of homosexuals which was a big no no in those days.The local gay community were very tight knit and further information was not forthcoming...the leads dried up. I heard in later years that a couple of detectives involved in t
  7. All these posts over a little brook...but in our modern world we tend to forget how very important water sources were.Turning a tap on has made us all take things for granted.That little brook a few miles long sustained a lot of industry in the 1800s.And in earlier years must have been very important to all the farms on it's route. I wonder in drought years how much all these small communities were affected by the lack of water...it must have been as disastrous as a failed crop of food. I remember reading when the Lords of Colwick diverted and dammed the Trent to power their mills, and all
  8. Farrands Mill and the Day Brook, Basford, Nottingham, c 1930s ? Site now occupied by Heathfield Estate, view is probably from where Valley Road is now. ?? More than likely a mill associated with the hosiery trade...there were dozens on the Leen before the coming of more modern engines. I can't understand that they state the view is probably from the Valley Road area.Heathfields Estate is on a hill and by nature the brook would be in the valley...I would have thought the facts would have been the reverse. Nice to see the brook was a decent sized stream and not the rubbis
  9. Looks good to me...the map even shows fir trees which appear in the picture near the house.This would put the Civil Defence 'town' smack in the middle of the house and lake area.Some of the original buildings might have been part of this.Although as a kid I just took it as being a load of ruined houses.There was certainly no water in the late fifties...just scrub.HM Civil Defence...Keep Out notices at the entrance on Ribblesdale Road....so of course we went in... :tongue: The picture of the kids I would put as roughly part way up where Ribblesdale Road is now, looking west...the land does ris
  10. It was a training site for Civil Defence...some cracking pear trees in there...HUGE juicy fruit...that they cut down when they built the new houses.
  11. Yep...never seen mine. Pixie....You have to appreciate on here ...most regular members died before you were born...they were all raised when Victoria was Queen....and still use shillings and feet and inches....
  12. Ashley...The entrance to the tunnel was demolished and sloped off and is now a pedestrian walkway from the park to B&Q car park.I was surprised in those days it wasn't blanked off,it was always full of rubbish and graffiti.I left the area before B&Q got the site...my workshop was at the bottom of a slope which has since been filled to make the car park level. The brook was culverted through the embankment and I take it the water pit the other side (north) was built to take any excess water.I guess the first section of Five Ways park adjoining Mansfield Road is also intended as an exce
  13. Mother used to buy it whenever she went in Burtons under the Council House.Didn't they stop making it because the process didn't meet modern standards with regard to the bacteria formed in the manufacture? Funny how our grandparents didn't all drop dead after eating it...
  14. Re Cliff Tons rail map...In 70/71 my workshop overlooked the Daybrook.There was a tunnel under the embankment where I've marked.It must have been intended for pedestrians and livestock...about twelve feet wide.Now filled and buried,if you drive round the back of B&Q there's quite a dip in the tarmac where it has settled over the top of it. With regard to the Daybrook..Early last century this pleasant looking mansion was on the site of the Five Ways pub, with a small lake in front fed by the brook.I forget who owned it,but I've got the info somewhere.
  15. In 1960 the upstairs had another name...weird place with fishermans nets hanging from the ceiling...49 coffee bar next door,later to become the Blade Club.
  16. What an absolute monstrosity...who the hell are these so called architects? And what's the matter with the planning morons?
  17. I noticed that...bit of a daft mistake.The Black Boy on Market Street was certainly trading in '74. I remember parking being strictly limited outside there,and the Grosvenor car park being blocked off immediately after the Birmingham pub bombings.It was a few weeks before security at the doors of Berni Inns (and other pubs) was relaxed.
  18. 'Sniff' indeed... But who needs a magnificent edifice like the Black Boy in the city center. When it could be replaced with the blessing of our wonderful councillors with 5000 tons of pretty grey concrete. Jesus wept!!
  19. That can't be Clifton!...Where's the litter?...And there's no steel shutters on the windows. And somebodies left a bike at the side of the road unattended....Can't be Clifton..
  20. I think you mean propositioned.. ...Anyway you can't blame those clippies on the Clifton route having another occupation while the bus was at the terminus.....they didn't earn a lot....
  21. Don't remember you on the swings on Cinderhill Park! Or tadpoling on Fowlers pond.
  22. I was thinking of Mick and Montmerency who were on Jigsaw...although I can't recall the programme now. I wouldn't have had Peter Glaze as a sweeper up.
  23. I never understood how Eamon Android got that job,he was totally unsuited.Gordon Brown is less wooden than him.He was a fine boxing commentator and fitted in well with 'What's my Line' and 'This is your life' but I thought he was totally miscast on a kids show. Lelie Crowther and Charlie Drake fitted in much better IMO.
  24. My brothers Lambretta was at the side of the road in that film...He saw it several times with different girlfriends just so he could say..."There's my scooter"...You'd swear blind he had a part in the film the way he went on about it...
  25. Just to be awkward...She doesn't singeth...he doth.And only when he's sateth on a brancheth... I think the female warbles.