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Everything posted by carni

  1. Sadly as time goes on, we seem to now know of people in our areas or relations coming down with the virus. It was figures and graphs once, but now it is names we know. I'm sad to say that the family living in the adjoining side of our semi have fallen victim to the virus now. The eldest of three children was diagnosed on Sunday so the whole family are now isolating themselves. Apparently the school at Telford has children with the virus, so they think she caught it there???? Yesterday we took our Granddaughter to the Aston Uni, to bring all of her belongings back home,
  2. Bless you benj. Hope the nurses ease your agony. I'm having similar problems recently so I understand your suffering, even a bed sheet can cause pain. I wont ask what has to be done, just the thought is enough to make me run for the hills! Take care Miduck.
  3. My day started with a labour of love and two hours chained to the cooker, fulfilling my gorgeous Granddaughters request of 'Can we have some Scotch Eggs, please Nannar'. So by the time I had finished cooking two each for all my nearest and dearest, I made a total of 14 in all! Mmmm. Probably take as long again to put the kitchen back to normal. What the rest of the day holds, I have no idea. Probably, full of 'Spot the difference....Sudoku ....Crosswords....Arrowwords....Wordsearch.....Jigsaws.....Oh my goodness....You would think I would be in Mensa' ? NOT.
  4. Mary, If he treats all of his customers with such disrespect, he will one day get his comeuppance (I hope). It may come in a slow steady loss of customers, and he may not realise what is happening until it is too late. His own fault.
  5. Thankyou BK, I have just tried it and it makes it so much easier to see on full screen. It just keeps getting better.
  6. Brilliant. I have just found it. I didn't realise what the 'Play As' option was. My Heroes.
  7. BK, I haven't seen the option for changing the number of pieces. Can you tell me how to do it or how to find the instructions please. Will give it a try.
  8. Me too BK. I think it's a great site. I don't try to match the speeds, I just enjoy the jigsaws. I do them on and off all day. Hubbs reckons it keeps me out of mischief.
  9. carni


    Bump. Seeing as Bidmas/Bodmas has arisen, I remembered this old thread from around 2014. For the mathematicians on NS to re baffle me again.?
  10. Blimeh, BK, that's a bloomin' lot of cream cakes. I think I'd better stick to a jam donut today then! Not literally.
  11. Hubbs just said we have had our car for six years and we have done 94000 miles approx. Right then. A Mathematical question. If we have travelled 94000 miles, and each car ride is approximately 25miles long . How many cream cakes will we have consumed over the last six years. Answers on a Elephants foot please. PS we both had a cake each 25mile ride?
  12. Not us CT. We still go for our country lane car rides most days, in search of the 'Elusive Cream Bun!!!!
  13. Might have done benj, not sure about sharing a Parkie, they weren't very big , and usually by the time Sueb48, my sister and little me had puffed on it, there was not a lot left, except a ducked baby pink( As in Rimmel lipstick, ) red hot dog end!!!! Classy Gals.Ha
  14. Thankyou Jill for making my day. A little dose of laughter after a bit of a tense day. Hospital at 9.30 this morning for a procedure, and slept all afternoon. Until now. benj, 'I'de flick me ash in your corned beef any day'. Great lyrics Jill. You had us tittering in our Char Sui Pork and Noodles'.
  15. WW, we were in Weymouth in 2017, renting a cottage around 150yds from Hope Square. One evening we went out for dinner, but on reaching Hope Square the band were playing and the atmosphere was so happy we never got any further. They were brilliant. Dinner turned into Fish and Chips on the walk home two hours later.
  16. Hope your more comfy today DJ. Having a few beers can have a pain killing affect, so go for it. Anything that makes your pain bearable. A good few years ago, Chris hurt his back, whilst entertaining friends one 'Bonfire Night'. He was in agony on the floor, in those days the doctors came out, on a remark about alcohol being a pain relief, the doctor agreed, but said either whiskey or pain killers. Not Both. I'll let you guess which one he chose. Last week I made a phone appointment (FIrst time ever)with my new doctor about some results that I was waiting for. It felt
  17. I have one dinner knife left from my bottom drawer collection. I think I only have that one because it got mislaid in our house moving and didn't get used for years. The bedding and blankets got cut up for dusters years ago. The last remaining woollen blanket, wedding present from work mates at 'City Uniform on Woolpack Lane' got cut up when Duvets took over from the blankets and quilts. Crockery got broken over the years. So I cherish my one dinner knife and remember the hard wear shop on 'Main Rd, Gedling' where I used to call every week on payday to buy as much cutle
  18. Thankyou mi dears, I always thought we looked typical of the times. I think I had SueB48s coat on and Hubbs had his mates jacket on. Note the 10 Park Drives, my half pint of Cider and Chrisses Bitter on the table. Spoilt me rotten on that first date. Hate to spoil the compliments. I was really enjoying them, but most of me is partly plastic these days.
  19. Still experimenting, I love this photo, taken through our patio window and the wren was about 10ft from where I sat. Here Goes?
  20. Yes Bk. Our very first date. We had a classy night out in the Ship at Skeggy. lol. That photo was 56yrs ago............fings aint what they used to be!
  21. No idea what will come up when I submit post.?????? here goes. Two ode luvbods.
  22. I am trying (Very) BK/Margie. I still keep getting the adds. Can't work out how to avoid them, but will keep trying?
  23. Not daft BK. I need to know anawl?