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Everything posted by carni

  1. Playing make believe your married to me. Come on girls....All together now.....Our eyes adore you...
  2. So pleased you enjoyed it. A one off I think. Part of the reason the photo is a bit fuzzy could probably be the double glazed glass, which hasn't been cleaned inside or outside since the beginning of December! Can't get the cleaners you know. PS Can't take the credit, the photographer was Chris.
  3. We don't have up to date mobiles to take instant photo's with, so you can imagine the chances of finding the camera, setting it up, getting as close as possible to the patio window and getting this little beauty was quite a feat, all in less than a minute. Then Jenny was gone. Leaving us thrilled like a pair of kids. Hope this works? Nearly right?
  4. In all the years of buying Jig Saws from Charity Shops, we have only ever had one with a missing piece...two actually. We usually pay up to £3.50, and if a piece is missing it goes straight in the bin when we have finished so no one else has the misfortune of buying it. At around £15 for a new 500 piece Gibson Jigsaw, we are happy to take the risk at the Charity shop. We have quite a pile now and always take a couple on holiday for when we feel like relaxing. I dare say they will end up being donated back one day.
  5. Last Friday we went for a walk around Bridgnorth and surprisingly the charity shops were open. Our main source of JigSaw suppliers. Chris found a good buy. A Gibson 500piece 'Christmas with Granddad 'theme. Just about my barrow. Looking forward to completing it. I couldn't get a good picture to post but anyone interested, it can be found on the internet. Cost us. £1.50. Well done Compo. It dunt tek you long Miduck.
  6. My resolution is to stop guessing the measure of custard powder. Every one is fed up with having to slice it !!!! I wont tell you the less trivial ones, because....................................I know I wont keep them.
  7. I've been a bottle blonde for most of my life, like Margie mostly home coloured. A few years ago I decided I couldn't be bothered anymore. The roots needed doing more often and I don''t like todays trend of dark roots showing, so now I have strange shade changing hair depending on the light, sometimes medium grey, light grey, blondish, but always have a dark clump on the top left side of my fringe. Very odd! The opposite of the 'Mallen Streak (Catherine Cookson'. The offspring of the naughty Mr Mallen always had a genetic white streak at the front of their hair.
  8. What a lovely video Col. Those people have filled my heart with joy.
  9. Mum used to make her Pea Soup with Pork Bones and as you say Nonna, it never turned out as good as hers. Mine is just a shadow of hers. The one good thing about mine is that it is nutritious, very flavoursome and low calorie. A crusty piece of bread if needed makes it quite filling.
  10. Hello NickB, Welcome to Nottstalgia. There are pupils on here who went to All Hallows Gedling, if that is the one you mean. I went there myself but afraid before the time you are interested in. I left in 1959. There will probably be someone along soon who might have some info for you. Good Luck Nick, it appears that you have questions being answered in two separate threads about All Hallows School. Whoops.
  11. A very basic but tasty soup that I make, starts out very similar to Margie and Nonnas soups. One chicken carcass, simmered for a couple of hours in water and Knorr Chicken stock cube. Remove all meat from the carcass and return to the liquid (discard carcass) Add grated swede, carrot and parsnip in equal amounts and few frozen peas. Salt/Pepper, Add more stock cube if needed. Simmer until all veg is soft. My husband hates it, he can't bear the smell even and wouldn't touch it, but it reminds me of my mommas 'Pea Soup' from my childhood so I love it. Als
  12. Sorry you have lost your much loved cat benj. Before I married our home was always full of kittens I adored them. Since I married we have loved and lost three dogs and each time it broke our hearts. I understand your heartache. So sorry for your sadness.
  13. Chanel No 5. Don't need it, but so glad he bought it!
  14. Nonna the food looks wonderful. I have never been anywhere that served food that looked quite like those dishes, it's a pleasure that has escaped me. I am very much a food lover but can't eat much in one go, so a feast made by Deborah would be heaven for me. As Lizzie says well done to your daughter and her team.
  15. No little children around us at Christmas anymore. When I think back and look at photo's of Christmas in our past, our today ones are so different. They used to be mad, noisy, chaotic days, starting at 7am ish until the singing stopped way after midnight only to do it all over again Boxing Day, with cooking sometimes for up to 25, when family came to stay from Nottm. I would be preparing for days, all to go haywire on the day. Chaotic Happiness for around three days. We have one Granddaughter just turned 18, so an adult herself. No chaotic days anymore. I do miss it and could get
  16. Jonab. Thankyou. The first thing I thought of this morning was that my word must be a foreign language? I went on to the Collins translation page, typed in English to French 'ME' and there it was 'Moi'. There we go LL, my spelling in the first instance was wrong. when I thought about it , it actually sounded French. Phew, that was one of those things that I wouldn't have rested until I worked it out. Thanks to Collins, and Jonab it didn't take too long. A bit of bad spelling from Moi? I think MWAH in crossword clues is the sound of an 'Air Kiss. I think I made up 'Mwar
  17. LL, I can't believe it, after all these years of using that word, I have no idea where it came from or if it really is a word . All our family use the expression Mwar often, meaning myself, always used in joke for example 'Are you talking to Mwar'? Could we have made it up? I never thought about it before, and I have just spent time trying to find it on the Internet. No luck? Strange, I would really like to know where it came from. I'm on a mission now, to try to find out where it came from. Ooh Eck as like Loppeh what ya started me on.
  18. Felice Navidad Beekay.x. Would send them to you but I imagine they are all in the Pub Rubbish bags now.
  19. Seven in our group for dinner at the Newbridge today, must say when it came to the crackers I don't think they are what they used to be. Or are they? The paper hats were so small that if they didn't split whilst attempting to put them on, they would just keep falling off our heads. All seven crackers just pulled apart with no bang! I ask you....crackers and no bang. What next and I never got the good end once. Humph! One bag of marbles, one luggage tag, one mini notebook, nail clippers, one black plastic moustache and two little fine plastic red fishes that when on the palm of your hand, ro
  20. Well I have had a very busy day, wrapping the last presents, making trifles, stuffings, pigs in blankets, preparing sprouts and potatoes for mashing. Sorting all my homemade pickles etc. You would think we were having Christmas dinner at home tomorrow, but no we are dining out, the food is all in preparation for my little band of hungry visitors on Boxing day. 52nd wedding anniversary annawl. I thought I would have an early night, feeling quite tired after my long day, but what am I doing instead of nodding off......playing on my laptop, silver serfin'. You know what,
  21. Sad to say that over recent weeks I have often thought that there has been a cruel intention to bring the site down. I can't think of any good reason for the bad attitude posts.
  22. When I first joined NS, I thought it was wonderful and for the most part , I still do. As you know I left Nottm at a young age so it didn't take long for me to run out of my knowledge of Nottm, hence the reason my contributions to memories of 'Old Nottm' soon ran out. The memories and places that have been given back to me by the people on NS are priceless. I can't name you all who helped me because the list is so long it would take up too much space. I have also seen a few people in this time who seem to only want to say hurtful things to other members,, not being brought up tha