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Everything posted by carni

  1. During our childhood in the 50s, the big house on the corner behind the road sign was just a ruin. We spent many days playing around in the garden and the remains of the house. It was a doll factory of some kind at one stage and remnants of broken dolls would be found scattered around. These days Health and Safety would have had the place made out of bounds, but not in those days, it kept us local children happy playing amongst the rubble.
  2. I can just make it out on the table. It sounds like a snip at £6.00. We have a couple of NS birthdays that I know too in April. Biggies as well. Me and my buddie SueB, but afraid Lincolnshire is to far to travel for a slice of cake. Even for me. Some lucky person will enjoy it I'm sure.
  3. PF, I love the craft fairs, I'm sure your neighbour had a good time. Very sociable events. I must say I found the second picture to be absolute torture, I couldn't tear my eyes away from that table. We are off down the road to a place called Bantock Park tomorrow morning, Vintage and Antique fair, also a very interesting tea room. I hope their table resembles the one in your pictures. I may have to tarry a while if it does. Hope your neighbour treated himself to something tasty for tea.Yum Yum.
  4. Makes you wonder if it has been nicked for using in robberies etc? Or wouldn't that be possible?
  5. Hiya Margie, This is a subject that can be quite controversial so to be honest I don't get into discussions about it if avoidable. I will say that we follow the Canal code every minute we are out cycling. Sometimes you have to assess the situation and do the safest and politest option. Sad to say in an ideal world, we could all work together. BUT. that will never happen. I have posted this link before, but it gives the Towpath code on the 'Share the space' section.and this is how we ride among pedestrians. ,
  6. As you were singing this song. Come on Margie, the NS choir. I'll leave the next line to you two. Good the start the day with a laugh. Well would you believe it, finally got round to getting the cycles out so i thought I would check the weather for the next few days here in Wolvo. Rain, Rain Rain and more Rain! Ha ha. Oh well, We can always have a sing a long instead.
  7. Because we are getting slightly unsteady and falling off our cycles happens more often than we would like, we don;t cycle much through the winter months. The tow paths can become rather treacherous for the not so youngies like us. The last two days we have finally ventured out on our trusty steeds, not too far though. One of our rides takes in part country side, built up area and mostly Staffs and Worc tow paths. Around nine miles done slowly as to enjoy the experience. The Narrow Boat season has begun, so interesting to watch and wave as they go by, and also the tow pa
  8. My last job in Nottingham was at City Uniform on Woolpack Lane. There were three of us tucked up the corner (No, we hadn't been naughty, it's just the way the room was set out) We worked on what was described as 'The special machines'. Bar tack, Button, Button hole, Felling and Overlocker, and a Lockstitch thrown in as well. Injury from the Lock stitch was bad enough, but was the least of our worries. If you had a mishap with any of those other machines, the machine would jam, with the finger attatched and a lot of damage and pain would follow. It could be a long and painful job releasing the
  9. 'I'd be just the same, if I loved again. I should still fall in love with you'. Haha, You got me there benj. I couldn't place the lyrics, so I cheated and Googled it.
  10. Ahah benj, You made me titter again. Love your description. Ever the gentleman.
  11. Welcome back to the fold Gem. Was so pleased to see your post.x
  12. Where were you when we needed you LL. We had to make do? We couldn't wait any longer.
  13. Just managed to get my first picture for a few days. You can clearly see three eggs. Wonder if there will be a fourth?
  14. That's good Margie. The NS choir always needs new voices. What did you say benj. No bum diddy bums. That's not on!
  15. Had my letter last week, so at 9am on the 5th (Thursday), I am at New Cross for the heart monitor to be fitted. No problem, I have had the Holter heart monitor so many times over the last few years, It doesn't bother me. The problem being that, having Paroxysmal Flutter, you can guarantee that it behaves itself while the monitor is attached and then sparks off again when it is removed. Only for three days and not seven as expected. Oh Doctor I'm in trouble. Well.................................Come on benj.
  16. Thank you AG. I wish we could be there, It is a very interesting topic and I particularly am interested seeing as Gedling is my most favourite of churches. I would enjoy reading anything that can be posted on the subject. Just reread your earlier post and would be interested to see what the talk turns up.
  17. It's been a while since my last lot, but hopefully you will be in luck Shirley. I just can grow your own yeast as well. there are plenty of instructions on the internet. I have never tried it though.
  18. Shirley, If you go into any large Supermarket and ask, you will probably be given some for free. I know it seems hard to believe, but it is true. I haven't had any for a couple of years, but I got mine free from Morrisons/ Asda. Google the query if you are unsure. Worth looking into to see if they still do it.Good Luck. My sister still gets hers free from Asda.
  19. Absolutely love the Ketty Lester version of 'Love Letters'. When I hear it, I always imagine myself and my friends walking down Trent Lane towards Snienton on our way home from the 'Pleasure Park' after a day talent spotting aged around 14yrs. Love my Nottingham life memories.
  20. Here you are Mary. They come to visit me every day. You have to creep up very quietly, if they spot you....they disappear into the undergrowth.
  21. the miracle spoken about on the Link in my previous post seems to have happened I am pleased to say. At approximately 7.30am this morning I decided to take a look at the Perigrine situation. At that moment the bird stood up and I got a shot of egg no2. I don't know when it was laid, but the bird appeared confused and lethargic. Saying that. So did I after laying my babies as well.
  22. For everyone who follows the Falcons each year, here is some important information. Mrs P has a serious problem and has not been able to lay anymore eggs following the one and only egg laid on the 19th March. Here is the link to the Falcon site on Facebook. I suggest you read what has been said. ntu falcon cam
  23. BUMP Whilst looking for Nottm events over the Easter weekend for my son who enjoyed his stay in Nottm so much last week that they want to visit again over the holiday. I came across this Evening Post article from 1974, ( no idea how) it is a discussion with the public on their opinions about changes to the square. Hope we haven't seen it before. Just scroll down to the video.
  24. We are so sorry to read this news Katyjay. Both Chris and I thought a lot of Chulla, as I am sure, so many other Nottstalgians felt the same.. He bought a lot of enjoyment into our lives, with his humour, poetry and knowledge on many things. It has been a pleasure to have met him and Linda. Our condolences to Linda and Barbara, and yourself Katyjay.
  25. Haha, not sure about that one PhilK. The amount of interesting info we have turned up on my tree certainly gives some twists and turns. All I can say is if you do manage to start delving, do it with an open mind. Good luck with your tree.