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Everything posted by carni

  1. Love this advert, it always brings a smile when it's on. Much prefer the action man dollies to the Barbies anyway. My least favourite has to be without doubt, the 'Bog Off' adverts now with Pam St Clement. Previously with Jeff Brown.
  2. You have been there for us as well Lizzie. Made us very welcome. A good Nottm Gal, Miduck.x
  3. I went in the late 60s/early 70s when it was a place for people in desperate situations to stay. A refuge for some. It was a last resort place and we would leave with a very sad feeling. Thankfully the person we visited got assistance in getting a home. I haven't and never will forget the place, I visited a couple of times. The name at the time was Greet House or something similar. Once you have visited a place like that, it really makes you appreciate what you have, no matter how meagre, it is a home.
  4. We have been on the road most of the weekend and no chance to Falcon watch, so not quite sure when this first egg was laid. I just watched for a few moments this morning and Bingo, got the chance of a shot.
  5. Thanks catfan. Will bear that one in mind for next time we visit, which will be quite soon. It is so bitterly cold that we decided to pop across the road about 70yds to the chippy cafe called 'The Lion and Herring' instead of driving to a Restaurant. Much to cold to venture to far tonight. All nice and snug in our room now. Purr Purr.
  6. We have been visiting relations at Gt Yarmouth today and just parked up at our guest house on Trafalgar Road, just off the main drag. Very nice little Guest house and reasonable price. Free WIFI and parking pass, for outside the front door. comfortable quiet room and delicious 'Full English' all for £44 double room. Anyway, back to the weather. The wind is strong and gusty, as was the journey here today. It is bitterly cold and just a few minutes out in the wind and 'it's enough to freeze your frock off' mi mam would say! Definitely the coldest I have felt this winter, short bursts of
  7. Thank you Fly2. We will take your advice.
  8. It has been a busy few days and I haven't been my usual organised self (First fib of the day). Normally we would check the weather before making any long distance driving plans, but I dint do it this time!!! Just spotted CliffTons weather forecast warning post and realise we have made a big mistake. At 6.30am tomorrow, in W-ton we pick no1 son and partner up to take to Nottm for the night, they love our City and have planned to spend her birthday there, hoping for a day on Wollaton Park etc. They paid an extra £10 and for that they can get into their city centre hotel at 9am.
  9. The Bramley family that David speaks of lived on Phoenix estate. There was Susan, Jane and I think the sons name was Tony? There may have been another girl but it's many years ago so I could be wrong. I was in Janes class all through school until we left in 1963. That is possibly the last time I saw her.
  10. Just found your cards Chulla. Another of my favourites amongst them. Primroses. You have to be alert to spot them sometimes, as they grow so low to the ground. I recognise the colour of them now from quite a distance away, as I scour the hedges on our almost daily drives in the remote lanes around West Mids. The wild ones have a distinct creamy lemon colour as do the Cowslips. We some times only see odd ones and then in just a short distance down the lane there can be banks laden with them. They are all just beginning to show themselves around here. Thank you for the pics miduck.
  11. Don't tell anyone, but I am a bit of a bodger annawl. When I was a bit fitter than I am now, I used to come to Nottm, stay at Mams (after pop had gone to the Great Grey Goose in the sky) and do her decorating. Nice low ceilings not like our 9ft ones. Anyway, where the pipe went up through the ceiling there was a gaping space all the way around it sooooooo, to fill the gap I shoved a bit of screwed up newspaper in gently and stuck a park drive packet over the lot. After a few splodges of paint it looked very good. No one knew, but I often wonder what the people who bought the house at a later t
  12. Yes cliffTon Miduck I got it in the end. Sorry, I got confused. I know that little area quite well, I think I was having a senior blonde moment. I had a friend who lived in one of the houses on the left, just out of the photo, going down towards the cricket field, Burton Road and we played together often, called at her house many times, I just couldn't get my bearings. I got the bit about Shearing hill being below and behind the fence but for some reason I couldn't link the two pics. Anyway thanks for your patience and I'll shurrup naah.
  13. It threw me for a while as well. I remember as we drove to the top of Shearings Hill the cottage was more or less opposite on the bend. It is clearer on the photo of the modernised cottage. I guessed the old cottage picture must have been taken from a different angle. Is the modernised cottage picture taken looking down Shearings Hill and the Old cottage one taken looking the other way up past the old post office towards the Memorial Hall. Just a Thought.? Just take no notice of me????
  14. Thanks David. I have just looked through the info on the link you gave me and you have saved me, possibly hours of trying to find the connection. Widdowson and Comery certainly were popular names in the 1800s. From the looks of it, I probably pass a distant relative every few minutes walking around Carlton. lol.
  15. Hello David, I have been looking through my tree and tho I know the Widdowson connection is there somewhere I can't find it, but I will keep looking. I'm afraid my tree is very amateurish and not very organised. I too have found the birth of George A Holmes 1920, mother Widdowson but can't help with any more information. I will try to find the connection with my clan if possible. Sorry I'm not much help.
  16. That little cottage on the right was called Rose Cottage. I always said to my husband that if I got the chance to come back to Nottingham...that is the house I would want. It was so pretty in the summer when all the flowers were out..............Then they modernised it and burst my bubble.
  17. Yes benj, I bet the location of the river was not priority to you and your beloved. If it was as close to the river as that, I could be wrong about the George Hotel which I would say is about the distance of the Bell Inn and the Council House Lions. Nottm. Yards more than feet. Hey benj. Who cares when you are in love?
  18. I bet she loved that card Fly. The fact that you got her one would mean a lot to her.
  19. Benj, I'll make a guess that it was 17th century George Hotel that you stayed in, right on the main street a few yards from the bridge over the Severn. Saying that, there are more hotels dotted around that you don't notice so much. The George is now a Witherspoons, and we have eaten in there a few times. Always very busy and I would imagine today would be very difficult to get a table. I expect we will have to queue down the road for our fish and chips as well today. Umbrellas at the ready.
  20. If I have the correct information it appears there are more than 25000 types of known Orchids in the world, and more discovered each year. I know they are fascinating flowers and I once did a course on Sugar Craft choosing the Orchid as the flower I would model my creations on. I have to say I was very proud of my efforts as they turned out to be very realistic. Good enough to eat, Truly, as I would secretly eat the bits that dropped off, whilst modelling. That said. Though the Orchids are quite exotic to look at, the periwinkle is the flower that appeals to me the
  21. Took my lovely mam some flowers yesterday, I wish I could have given her a hug as well. Today, I will be spoilt rotten and I wont struggle one bit. I am being treated to a trip to Bewdley. A lovely historic town by the River Severn, where I will have fish, chips and mushy peas, outside by the river if the weather permits, if not, it will be in the car in a car park. A little walk around the streets and shops, from there we will pile back into the car and head up or down river (not sure which)? to Bridgnorth (another Historic Town) where we will partake in icecream from Knickerbock
  22. Happy Birthday Margie Have A Lovely Day.x
  23. When we first moved into this house in the 80s the bottom of the garden had gone to weed and entwined among the weeds was what I thought was a beautiful wild flower. Purple bell shaped with a yellow middle, rambling along in between anything it could attach to, anyway I was soon put right. Ooh you want to get rid of that weed, it's Deadly Nightshade, kill you that will, said anyone who saw it. I pulled it up, and every so many years it would appear again up the one corner. I persevered and eventually I won. It disappeared for good. Never gave it another thought until I saw the cigarette card,
  24. Department stores, almost void of assistants, the big search to find one for help. Only to find shop assistants who have no idea what stock they sell if it's not in their little area. Take you to where they think it could be, only to say when you have walked one end of the floor to the other, sorry, if we sold it, it would be here? We could have told them that, because we would look before we ask!
  25. Thank you AG, Enjoyable topic.